RPGM - Completed - MECHANICA: A Ballad of the Rabbit and Mercury [Final] [Loser/s]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Was very suprised how good the game was. The writing, story and atmosphere of the game really stand out and make it worth playing. The amount of lewd stuff is pretty large too. Overall one of the best ero RPGMaker games.
    Likes: mc247
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually skim the dialogues when playing h-games, but for this one i genuinely enjoyed the story. Not saying this is the best story, but something about the game makes you want to learn more about the plot. Very enjoyable, would've love scenes for characters with avatars tho.
    Likes: mc247
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I have never played an 18+ game that had moved me and made me feel emotions like this did. This might honestly be one of the best games I have ever played I can't recommend this enough. 10/10 I loved it.
    Likes: M.Ed
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Probably the first time writing a review on a game like this.

    It's a game that is heavily influenced by plot. The premise is nothing revolutionary. The thing that makes this game good plot-wise is that it makes good use of the characters and their backstories to influence the outcome.

    Gameplay-wise, it gets a little bit boring at some points especially if you're only in it for the sex. The gameplay is enhanced by the game's plot and is very well executed.

    Honestly, the sex CGs are a little bit all over the place. It's like different artists made the art. Not a lot of consistency on this side which kinds of make the game overall fall off despite the good plot points.

    The other CGs where they showcase the world building aspect are really nice. They really nailed the cyberpunk feel in some of the backgrounds.

    Barely understandable. There are times when it all just fell apart.

    I would've rated this game 5/5 if the translation was a little bit better and if the CG were consistent. Those are the only takeaways from this game. I would recommend this game to the people who got jaded from all the other tags and for the people who love to see vanilla.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A little late for the party but who cares anyways
    -I came for the art style but got sucked in by the amazing story and the musics,it's already perfect,the game changed my whole taste for H-games
    +Complicated,emotional and well-made story
    +Sweet love,daily life?IM ALL IN
    +Well-chosen musics that fit the scenes and the emotions
    +The side-characters's event CGs and the background of Mercury are AMAZING!
    +And a sweet surprise at the end of the credit
    +I don't have anything to talk about the game anymore since other people have already stated it out.
    Good work Loser/s and all the artists,illustrators that took part in making the game,you guys totally got us with it.
    Worth saving in my computer and visited once in a while to enjoy that feeling again ^^

    Edit: decided to try it again after 2 years with the translation, the translation might not be perfect but the story still slaps nonetheless consider how good it is for H-games standard.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok. So I really want to like this game, but, as is, I abandoned it 1/2 to 2/3 of the way in.

    Extremely polished and beautiful game
    Excellent and plentiful lore, and a system to get you to actually read it (vs skip over)
    Fun and pretty mechanics with song composition
    Cool time loop setup

    The game gets boring. It is more about checking off a bunch of Clue-like boxes than any specific gameplay. It isn't putting 2 and 2 together either. You just randomly keep talking to people at different time periods and eventually move forward.
    Uncanny valley of the sex scenes being between corruption and love-based romance.

    I want to elaborate a bit on the last point. The primary girl is being set up in a way where she doesn't want to have sex with you, but somehow you keep nagging her into doing it. It doesn't feel like corruption. It doesn't feel like love. It just feels like you are nagging your way into sex. I really struggled with enjoying that one.

    I really wanted to like the game, as it felt super well done, but, I just found myself in effect bored.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Mechanica is a point and click adventure game involving android bunny maids, a cyberpunk cityscape and the end of the world. If that hasn't got your attention, I'm not sure what more you're looking for.

    I've enjoyed it a lot. The girls are cute, the scenes are pretty wholesome overall, and the protagonist feels relatable. I absolutely would have given it five stars if only the translation didn't approach MTL levels of bad. It's understandable... barely.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Was not expecting to enjoy it so much. When I saw the "music notes" aspect, I assumed it was going to be another rhythm game, and I was entirely wrong. Without spoiling any features, I have to say it had a stellar soundtrack and a unique use of RPG maker. Fully recommend.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A legitimately fantastic hidden gem. The H-Scenes are honestly minor in regards to how great the story weaved itself together. Although there are relatively few maps, each character is crafted with love and effort and the music is well chosen and appropriate for each situation. My only problem at the moment is the company that translated it did not do it very well. But it's understandable enough to enjoy the story and the characters.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    the music is good there a fair number of H-scenes and the story is enjoyable, The skits after every day are quite charming. The only bad thing i could find is sometimes you forget why are you solving people issues until you find something that leads to the villain, which renewed my interest playing.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The wings of heaven are descending,
    The touch of her naked skin's amending.
    The skies will collide only for a little while,
    And it will take us through the night.

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    The game with story like no other! Been a while since I've played a game, the world and characters of which is built with that much care and effort. Let's look into it closer!

    • Main character
    Music to my eyes and other characers' ears (literally). Since forever a protagonist which felt like a normal person with his flaws and traits. It is so hard to execute a main character to not be a boring robot, and the writer managed to do so. Mad props!

    • Supporting characters
    Each of them has their own story, their own motive and feelings. You don't get to explore as many places: the story takes place in like, 8 maps only? So there's not a lot of characters but ALL of them really looked like they have been worked on, and this is exactly what makes this game the best among others! Everyone has a problem or something they care for, and seeing this diversity of human characters for once feels nothing but fulfilling. They add up so much to the worldbuilding its unbelievable!

    • The story
    It's real epic. It sets up a very steep tempo and keeps you tense for a good while but slows down to the end. It's nothing bad because it all makes sense in a grand scheme of the plot! ALL makes sense! Finally, if creators wanted to execute well on something, they really did so! I cannot really find any aspect of the story that I didn't like for a good reason.

    • Gameplay
    It's pretty much non-existent, the game is more of an interactive visual novel than anything else. What's in there gets a bit reperitive after a while but not nearly enough to drive you off from enjoying the story. Also, they probably went a bit too hard on amount of interaction with MECA-NICA and if you don't like them, just skip them like I did. Intricacies of her and MC's love story do not really add as much to the main story so that didn't really interfere with my enjoyment of literally anything else in the world.

    So, play the game, support the devs if you can afford it, and hopefully we'll see one more piece of art from them!

    PS Also, I need to mention that there's a bit of typos and sillies in the translation. Bear with it, for how eyesore they are, the game is still well deservedly rated at five stars. Translation does not have anything to do with contents of the game itself so it's only fair, I believe.

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  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Its everything i can want from a h game. Lets start with
    1. Music, the get fooled by the amazing and fantastic selection of musics in the game most of them are royalty free musics that any rpgmaker game can slap on and sell with. The key difference though is that this game put effort in choosing them. You can download a few popular rpgmaker h games and they will most likely have same music tracks,but it'll be hard to find one that has the same music track as this game. 5/5 in music apartment fits game and has effort put into it unlike other h games. 2. CAST oh boy do i like them the cast is create and unique especially the girls they have a actual personality and aren't there just for sex, you'll find atleast one character you like in the game, while you won't talk to them much but from what you get it tells you alot about them unlike other h games where all side cast are generic and forgettable. 3. STORY holy shit it has a story and actual story, it can work on its own even if you remove all porn from the game which you cannot say for 99% of other h games aside from vn. Not gonna say much so i dont spoil it your in for a treat if you don't play h games to fap only. 4. STYLE,UNIQUENESS,INNOVATIVE holy shit this game has no right to be this stylish and unique but it is. Its an rpgmaker but look at it, custom animation characters using unique backgrounds where you can move around in you'll have to see it yourself to see how good this game is compared to any other h game. aside from visual novels i'll say this is best h game so far its purpose is not only as a fap material.

  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Save the world, with the power of MUSIC! MECHANICA is a mystery-solving RPG with cute art, nice humor, and overall a really cool aesthetic. Among the myriad HRPGs out in the wild, this game really does stand out as something special.

    The world is ending in 3 days, and until you can figure out why, you'll be stuck in a time loop. Think Majora's Mask, but with more emphasis on helping out the world's inhabitants. There are many troubled inhabitants in the cyberpunk city of Guillotine, and to resolve their issues you need to pick up clues from other NPCs. Each set of NPCs will only appear based on the mood you set for the city at the start of each day, so you'll need to go through many iterations in order to follow each NPC's storyline to its conclusion. Despite the dire circumstances, you're encouraged to relax and take your time to solve everything, so don't worry about min-maxing your time!

    Whether you're helping the NPCs throughout town or performing at the bar, you'll be asked to play a song according to their needs. Using hints from the dialogue and the moods shown in the songs (and don't forget to look at the lyrics, too!), you need to figure out which song will match what the NPC is looking for. Sometimes there are multiple right answers, so you don't have to be precise with your music choice. After all, to tie in with some of the game's musical theme you're meant to express yourself as best you can in a bit of roleplaying.

    This game is a bit light on H content, and what H content is there is pretty good but nothing mind-blowing. Regardless, the character art is very charming and the H content was clearly not the main focus here. In spite of the amount of H content available, this game is absolutely worth your time for the fresh aesthetics and satisfying narrative.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The MC lived at Guillotine City, part of Japanese claimed territory on planet Mercury, city bustling with neon light, drunkard, choked with gas pollution, putrid smell of trash and gutter, no sunlight shine through and most people miserable. The year is 5029 AD, year of space exploration where people have the power to terraform inhabitable planet and live on them. It make sense since most of Earth landmass has been flooded by climate change, with select few still own land and other submerged. To counter this they build ocean dome under the sea, make do with what they have. For the most part, human thrives but conflict still arise from difference in political and religious ideology. Back to Guillotine City, residents expressed themselves in unique "Avatar", a technology that change their appearance in real world by bending the light around them. All in all the setting is rich in story building that is truely unique for a H-game. This is backed by strong cast of character, either main or side character.
    There is array of unique characters like a perverted goat but your best bro, a girl who love to joke and tease you but caring, a genetically modified girl to be like a succubus, a childhood friend who is quick witted, a mysterious detective girl who carry you through story, and of course the sweet rabbit maid who hold you dear. Not to mention the unique side character, a Cthulhu, a Ladybug, a vomiting worm, a mechanical cat, and even characters from past game. They have their own story that dive in tragedy, guilt, regret yet can end with fun and new resolve at the end of their character arc. All connected to detective like gameplay culminating till the end of the game, as their story develop both MC and Meca-nica character.And the story is about investigating the culprit, the why and how they done it; about universe ending event as you trapped in 3 days timeloop.

    As for music, it is just superb. With around 149 royalty free music and only 1 composed song, but all of them are amazing at their own right. Music play big role in the game, as MC is a musician.... a magic musician at that. He play music to ease people worry, to swim in nostalgia, to rock and have fun, to grief, and to release frustration and anger. His magic music can directly effect people feeling, or more like connect MC feeling and the audience. This tie in gameplay form as you need to choose correct music to pass through character event, solving their problem. It is rare a song to be so catchy that it linger in my mind... but yet it does. That speak volume of how good the musics are.

    Granted I can't go through without mentioning the flaw... Otaku Plan is known to be mediocre to "just okay" job in translation and this is no different. Some words are DIRECT translation without nuance, broken grammar, typo and sentences that doesn't make sense pervaded the game. But it should be enough to get you understand the story because much better than broken MTL. Not fault of original author. As for the H content, the art is very beautiful. Made mostly by 9kv_lan that show talent in drawing erotic art. The H content are 27 base HCG, with changes depending on your affection level, including handjob, fellatio, footjob, pet play, breastfuck, hypnosis, exhibition and tons more. 30 sexual harassment scenes as well, with cut-ins including crotch-showing, receiving verbal abuse, head patting, finger licking, ass-touching, and more. The harassments scene tie to gameplay as it is needed to restore POWER, a consumable point to use magic music or it is game over if below zero. However you can only harass as far as Loyalty point allow you, which can be restored by certain events and Meca Nica interaction. The Loyalty is capped as high as Affinity, a value that is also increased through events. This all is further restricted by 5 time point per day, which consumed after events. In 3 days loop that is 15 total but don't worry the events will have popup before activation that tell you its reward so you can plan what event to activate. There is also no limitation on how much you can timeloop and you can skip event after timeloop with cost of 1 time point and 2 POWER.

    Regarding the graphic... it is just detailed, beautiful and capture the cyberpunk setting well. Kuroki responsible for most background art, Mutabi Arasaka drew breathtaking concept art, Yoshiko Yoshioka do amazing event CG. All directed by Zenzunagi who do mostly background art and 8bit pixel map. Most character idle are animated. They all manage to bring life to world of Mechanica with how limited RPG Maker is. Overall the game is incredible to play through just for the story, even if you dislike it as H-game. Recommended to play this game. I guess my only gripe is its translation need to be fixed so player has better understanding of the quirky character and endearing story. Even then the game is amazing by its own.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow... Just, how do I even begin?

    I don't even feel like I'm halfway through the story, yet I'm already engrossed in the plot.

    The game is very similar to another game I've played called "Ouroborous" by Sierra Lee. If you've played that game, then you'll have a pretty good idea of what this game is.

    Firstly, the music. In a word, "Superb". All of the music here are ones I've heard in other RPGM games, and they really do bring back nostalgia and feels. You'll know what I mean once the game begins.

    Secondly, the H. Well to be completely honest, I feel like it falls a little bit flat in comparison to some other games, but that's more because it's focused around the plot. The girls are definitely cute, and they all have their own quirks and personalities which you do start to find out later on.

    Thirdly, the gameplay. This game has absolutely no fighting whatsoever, no grinding, none of that usual RPGM stuff (in fact, the game barely even feels like an RPGM game with how it's designed). It's more of a "detective" style game where you walk around interacting with the NPCs, finding information to progress with other NPCs. Essentially, it's more of a "puzzle" type game.

    This is one of those games where you came for the cute girls, but end up staying for the plot. I, for one, absolutely love it, and I'm sure you will too.

    P.S: "NG+" (if it can even be called that), without going into too many spoilers, is something you MUST do in order to progress with the main story. It's completely 100% impossible to complete in a single "NG", but you carry over EVERYTHING each time.