Identify Massage parlour to brothel(ish) game identification


Dec 23, 2017
Sup guys?

I remember coming across a Renpy game (I'm like 90% sure about that) made using DAZ and whose name I can't remember for the life of me.

The summary plot went something like this:

Girls works/runs a message parlour/spa but hard times hit and she's forced to consider "upgrading" the services provided to a more lewd variant. At first the other colleagues/employees don't take it so well but eventually give in, where it is heavily implied that the place will slowly be turned into a brothel.
From the preview pics, I also remember a scene where the female security guard blows off some steam in the surveilance room.

And that's pretty much the extent of all the information I can remember. What I do know is that the game I'm looking for is NOT Harmony Girls nor Brothel Megacorporation.

Could anyone help a brother out?

Thanks in advance!