VN - Others - Completed - Magic Slavery [Kexboy]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Basing this on my own playthrough of this of version 0.4.0.

    The art isn't bad, and the story is conceptually great, but there the good things end. The story reads as a bulletpoint concept without any actual work done to flesh it out. The sex scenes are gone before you even realized they started. There's just no effort put into making use of the art as a backdrop to painting a story, into pulling the player into the world.

    This is only a visual novel in the same sense that my old rusty pedal-propelled vehicle is a motorcycle. It's got two wheels but it's missing all the important parts.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible game. Short sex scenes. if you ever press Esc button, your done. start from the beginning. No save option. Stupid puzzle like game-play. click here click there, find this find that. Damn, writing 200 word review is kinda hard