Unity - Completed - Lust Is Stranger [v1.0] [The Architect]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    First i really loved the previous game goons raid her. It was awesome but this one not so much. Game is really slow compared to previous game. To see a full sex scene you need to play A LOT. What i loved about Goons Raid Her was you can reach to sex scene anytime you want. I mean if you are horny you just make mistakes on purpose and bum you got what you want and if you are not horny you will just continue the play the game. Another thing was full sex scene with Victoria felt disappointing. Problem is there are too many characters and i failed to make emotional contact with Victoria to care about her. I thought rather than playing this for hours just reading a manga will make the same effect and after that i understand there was as a issue with buildup. What i trying to say is in the goons raid her you play as the same character all the time and it builds up you make connection with the character.
    My recommendations;
    Full sex scenes earlier than the victoria scene.
    Connection issue with characters must be solved. Solutions to this are reducing the number of characters, reducing time spent in things that does not contribute to story.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played all of his previous games and game after game you can see how much he's learning and getting better.
    I also like the new stories he is picking. Lara croft and now this masterpiece!
    Good Quality
    Ok Writing
    Very good gameplay.
    Now the cons in my opinion.
    The wiggling of some scenes is just to much. Some booty wiggling is ok but sometimes its tooo much for me. Also the main char seems boring but im also not sure how to make them interesting and not wasting to much time on them cause the updates already take very long with not so much content.

    Overall i cant wait too see more. Good job to the architect.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The original build of this game surprised me by being a POV game with big areas with detail, but now it is a lazy side scroller with no life anymore. The only reason I gave it two stars was because of it being Life is Strange which there are very few parody games.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is game what i call amazing you know when i playing orginal game i was like not that impressed but this is makes this game 10 times better like adding just mysterious character to helps max and others becoming this good i have no idea can be this good.

    Yeah there not that many sexual content here but story is good and graphics good too and yes author makes 3d to 2d so this means we need wait like 5 6 months to catch original content but still i like it.

    Author not lazy i know this just looking remake author improves game with scenes and chaning game to better way i really like it sure we dont know how game gonna you know like when you fix thing not always means things gonna be better so we need wait to see.

    Other than that really just download and play if you wanna ask me this game worth to support ? play ? give moeney ? hell yeah %100 worth it.

    Let me give you adivice here never ever believe 1 or 2 star reviews in any game on this site and if that reviewer says something like oh other game better thans this dont believe that i seen reviews like this lot here unless everybody giving 1 or 2 star dont believe it otherwise you gonna miss good games here.

    5 star for this game ? just ? if you ask me i can say that this game goes beetwen of 4 to 5 but still i give 5 star for:

    -Characters(i know they not original but still author make them better than originals).
    Update time(1 to 2 months mainly 40 day or less unless something happens).
    -Freedom(you can be asshole or kind person if you want).
    -Most importanly really normal and cool mc(not something like every other game mc with full jacked body with dumb hair cut and everybody start sucking instant calling him handsome etc believe thats cringe).

    İf you have time try it believe me you gonna not regret it i know for now contents is small but if author dont rush it and dont give up on this game this gonna be really good game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Once again, this is proof of adult games not needed to be "porn" to be fun. Legit forgot I was playing an adult game because I had a blast talking to the character and just reading the dialogues.

    And now, I need to type 200 letters to be able to send this review.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Story: The game seems to be a sort-of soft AU version of the original game's verse where the MC's appearance alters the timeline a bit, so
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    Jerfferson gives you a task to capture the youthful ladies in all of their glory!

    Originality: We've all seen parody games before, but I think the art style certainly stands out as soft alterations of the source's style.

    Renders: Rather than use straight 3D models, it uses a sort of "paper doll based off of 3D models" style. It's certainly unique. I can see this being both a positive and negative, but I liked it.

    Sound: Music that apes the source material without actually using it.

    Playability: It had a lot more actual gameplay than I was expecting. It's not just a "click to go" VN style. There are actual puzzles to solve, even if they are simple.

    All around very good and the lewd content that is there at the moment is great! I would actually pay for a finished product.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    tf hapened to the game it look like garebage really the side scroll its not a good idea the first person make the game more envolving now it just look really bad :( I was really enjoying the game until now.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    First i though like this game gonna be like other tall handsome strong mc with really big D but then i played it 10 minute later i just say wow this is amazing.

    I am not gonna lie some things still feel lacking but other than that this is %100 worth to play game and you should play it support it.

    Characters goods graphics good too if oyu are fan of this series then even better ero scenes really well made i am not gonna spoil so you need find for yourself but i am gonna say one simple thing just play and see it even this game not that long and now gonna be 2D-3D style for a reasons and i can say that reasons makes sense making open world game with low budget really hard.

    Yeah this is not even done with big budget patreon i am not joking there lot of games with 20 30k money but this one even low budget feels like real and you can feel quality.

    For last thing i can say i love Max this game makes me love Max even more first time you met with Max amazing and well done i wanna thanks to creator making game like this if you wanna try it or support it dont listen others play it for yourself.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Had the potential to be the best game from this dev and one of the best adult games ever made. I'm kinda sad this is being remade, I really liked pretty much everything about it. Easily 5 stars for me.

    And to the user bellow me speaking about the small size for the content, that's called good coding.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    As of
    I usually don't start out with the graphics in a review, but the game has a great art style and it works even on bad laptops like mine that are 6-7 years old and have an integrated graphics card.

    The gameplay, characters, quests..etc. are all perfect and you have some choices in this game that matter a lot more than just the regular conversation/stat choices, although we will have to wait for a new update for the big choice quest.

    I recommend buying the Treasure Detector, the 4$ you spend on it might seem like a lot early on, but you will make it back and it will ease your suffering when you're looking for hidden items. Also have 1 lockpick on deck, although you will need to buy 2 in the start, however that is right next to the guy that sells lockpicks so that's no problem.

    If you don't do something on a given day, don't worry, the quests aren't timed.

    EDIT : I dropped my rating from 5 to 3 stars because going 2d lost a huge part of the game's charm to me.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Lust is Stranger is a fun parody of the first Life is Strange game. The school and other areas included are perfectly recreated in a first person view and a lot of familiar characters appear.
    The Architect knows the game very well and it shows in how the various interactions with the characters seems fitting.

    It's very much a game in progress but it already has some nice molesting and oral sex scenes. There is a morality system but right now there isn't much to it yet.

    If you ever wanted to have fun with Max, Kate, and the other girls -- don't skip this game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Had fun playing this early version of the game - it looks good - the controls are good - the whole atmosphere is really immersive and fun to fool around at.
    The game mechanics and minigames are challenging at some points and it gave me the feeling of actually earning a deserved reward after beating them (which i prefer).

    As as said it's still a early version but i get the feeling this will turn out great!
    I'm pretty sure this game will be another worthy succesor regarding the previous really entertaining and actual fun to play games by the same developer.

    Can't wait for further releases !

    So just try it out for yourself pretty sure you will like it
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Too much tease. Weird Choices. Mini Games are fucking random & retarded making everything frustrating. Not enough appeal to offset stuff which is mentionend. Only way to get better stats is to know beforehand the right answer. So to play the game you need to already know every plot point. Too much effort for just same fake titties and a lot of pretentiousness. Wasted potential.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    He deserves every money he gets. One of the games I am always very happy about when there is a new update. Your games are very extraordinary and awesome dude! Please leep going! I hope you will be successfull!
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deoxyribonucleic Acid

    One of the most competently made games I've seen on this site, great controls, dialogue and a faithful parody of the source material. It just needs some more content, which I'm sure will arrive in time. Fantastic project.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good parody on Life is Strange. Nice attention to details and plenty of memes. I would like to see more background music, slower minigames, and maybe an official guide. Always wanted a date with Kate and this game granted my wish.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    haven't play any great game like this for a long while!!!!
    don't even bother to ask or read any reviews!!!!
    just download it and play it!!!!
    you are going to love it!!!
    play it!!!!!!!
    u can jump in this game, omfg awesome!!!
    I never leave any review to other games cuz it all these just so ordinary, but this is fun and worth your time!!!!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game must be seriously well optimized. I cant believe that its only 161mb. Full animations, detailed areas, and true to the original game. Also good job on the writing, the characters actually feel like themselves. Seriously looking forward more content!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect game(y), not boring 'male protag', good dialogs, small file size, atmosphere also very nice just like you playing orig game lol!
    Not gonna lie, I thought it was going to be another crappy game, BUT :love:..... I really liked it , good job very very good job!
    Girls are really tiny, hope to see kind of belly-bulge here:p.
    Minuses: 1st - i have only two hands :D (about keyboard),
    2nd - This is Life is Strange parody, not on TombRider (some shit really hard),
    3rd - because of the quests, a long period of time is created between scenes, it needs to be shortened a little.
    The review is over, now i want to check their patreon :cool:.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Happy Potter

    Not gonna lie, I did not expect this game to be this good given the small file size. I guess as the saying goes, don't judge a book by it's cover. It's very well made, you can tell they've put in a lot of effort, and it's very well optimized even for low end devices. I enjoy the ability to interact with things even when it's not necessary for progression, it's immersive. I love the humour as well. The mini games are extremely fun, and the fact that your choices can have different impacts on people and the outcomes can be different is very good as well. Very excited for future updates, but It's definitely worth playing in it's current state as well.