Others RPGM None Losing Kingdom Male Knights 1 & 2


May 2, 2018
I looked into this topic a little because Heelfall was a fun time, and apparently SRPG studio games can be a bit of a pain to manually translate. Currently looking into the possibility of using MTool, which can apparently insert human translations into SRPG games by runtime injection in return for one having to then always open the game via MTool? Not sure, haven't tried it yet, but apparently that's one of the only ways to touch stuff bound up in the .srpg project files unless you are given access to them by the game's creator, which in this case seems unlikely?

For example, afaik the only reason the English succubus senki translation happened was because the translator had permission from the game developer, but if I find anything I'll post about it.

Edit: Got the game text of the first one out of the game and into a json file, so... this might actually work assuming I don't immediately start breaking stuff.
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May 2, 2018
So idk if anyone's even looking at this thread anymore, but as a quick update, I've got the first game translated up to the third mission, the one with the bridge, and two and a half H-scenes (though how H these are is somewhat debatable). The UI is done, the game is playable, I'm just working my way through the combat taunts, loss scenes, notes between missions and overall story events. About halfway so far, I think, looking at the line count? It's a pretty short game like that.

It's really not your usual fare for a porn game so far though. Like, it's been very coy about openly sexual stuff, and uses a lot of euphemisms for orgasms, implies rather than shows sensual things happening, etc. Much more about power exchange and having double meanings of 'come' (as in, 'come at me' sounds a lot like 'go ahead and cum' when spoken in Japanese, and that's kinda the point here I think).

Compared to that, the second one seems much more like you'd expect from games like Succubus Senki, etc, in that enemies now have openly sexual attacks, dicks are shown, etc. They'll still knee you in the groin, and you'll still come from it, but there's less... obfuscation about what's happening there lol
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May 2, 2018
Okay, here's my translation of Knights of the Losing Kingdom 1.

How to use it:
What you'll need to do is download MTool, the RPGM/SRPG/Wolf/Etc cheat engine, and install it on your game file by opening MTool and then dropping the Losing Kindom .exe onto the marked area. Then click 'Install and go'. This will produce a small batch file called 'StartWithTool.bat' inside the game folder which will load up the Tool along with the game. This is specific to the file path for where you've put your game copy, so you'll have to do this yourself, sorry.

Then you'll want to launch the game using the batch file, navigate to the 'translate' tab on MTool, and click 'Load translation file'. Then you feed it this Json and it should insert translations while you play. Sadly, as this is done by runtime injection, you'll need to load the translation file every time you want to play.

If anyone knows how to change the default font, or get the MTool translation key to include a few single character entries it missed when ripping the game text (Notably 'Strength', 'Skill' and 'Luck' stats, and certain terrains like 森 for forests) that would be excellent, as afaik they're the only things I wasn't able to get this to work for.

Also, if anyone knows how to permanently apply SRPG translations without the dev giving you access to the project files, again, please speak up.
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