Unity - Loop Queen-Escape Dungeon 3 [v1.19] [Hide Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The defeat scenes are pretty good, animated and voiced, would've preferred grabs and battle-fuck though as dying in a roguelike to see scenes is pretty brutal. In other sex games you can just reload your save or restart the level, here it sends you back to the beginning with a few upgrades.
    The progressive clothes damage on both the portrait and the 3d model is also well-made both girls are cute.
    Gameplay-wise it's well-made if repetitive. Playing on easy was too easy and boring, you probably want to play on hard (this way you might actually get some scenes without dying on purpose).
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is actually pretty good conclusion for these series of games (Escape Dungeon).

    Note: While the game may look that you only "unlock" scenes upon defeat, that is not the only way to get H scenes. For one you are rewarded for "winning the game". By beating the Bullshit Final Boss you unlock the whole gallery. By killing a certain number of enemies you can unlock CG pertaining to that enemy. So the reviewer who said that CG can only be unlocked upon defeat is blatantly wrong.

    Game is a fun roguelite. Allied AI is a bit braindead so positioning may be a bit wonky and you need to micromanage a lot specially in hard mode and at later Loops (more characters = more difficult stages at late game). I manage to clear the game at Hard mode no cheats, but I kind of cheesed the final boss fight since that shit is so bullshit if you had bad RNG, bad stage layout, bad enemy spawns, thus flushing your run in that moment. I had to reset 3-5 times (go to main menu) to get a favorable final boss stage.

    The story does not take itself seriously, not good nor bad. It's fine for a H game. Like the literal plot is about a queen who can reverse time by orgasming. Whose husband died due to "mysterious illness" (implied to be due to excessive sex with the queen to reset the timeloop). The story ties/finishes itself with this game and it is a happy ending all around.

    In total: I usually go 1-2 lost loops before winning that loop timeline. Only the queens upgrade gets through per timeline/loop. So focus on upgrading queen and use the spare resources on your favorite/strongest units.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A nice rogue-like to waste some time, gameplay is enjoyable (although nothing groundbreaking) for lovers of the genre, and CG quality is overall quite high. If you don't enjoy rogue-likes grabbing a completed save is worth it, otherwise the CG-unlocking grind is more than bearable

    Going into a little more detail:
    - Story is simplistic, serves the gameplay well for what's needed.
    - CGs are mostly of the defeat-rape genre, but it is to Be Praised that killing enough enemies of the same kind allows to unlock Defeat CGs of the related enemy: this allows for good players to equally enjoy all CGs without having to sit idle and look at the heroines get beat around just to crank one out. Not something that is seen often and that deserves to be highlighted
    - CGs are enjoyable , art is high quality, animation is nothing studio-worthy but is still great.
    - Mechanics are easy to understand after about a single loop
    - Characters present armor stripping related to damage for those who enjoy
    - Music is nothing riveting nor jarring, simply forgettable

    Overall 3.5-4/5, could be higher with more skill trees. more enemies and maybe one more character, nice for rogue-likers and great for meat-crankers
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Played previous games and tbh... first time it was a lot better and not because of graphics or music because from all Escape Dungeons this one is having the best graphics and UI is simply insane beauty...

    But it's gameplay...
    First version of the game I played for ~10/12 hours because it was something kinda new to me... this game... ehh just repeating same game as before again...

    All You need to do is to simply snowball Queen DMG, beated second boss after 2 fails and then I had simply too much DMG and almost everything were dying from single shot... same strategy worked in previous games...

    And the biggest issue of this game is that there is only ONE TINY loop...

    Once You defeat second boss You get like "new game+" and new girl - mage...
    I reached "new game+" after like 30/40 minutes of gameplay and well... not interested in repeating such simple loop again and again...

    Nothing really change...
    Instead of fighting one boss You may fight two bosses, new race appears and u just get another girl... but loop is still same...

    But well... Graphics are really nice but there is some bugs in animations.

    +1 Star for good graphics
    +1 Star for nice Interface ( i really love simple and yet beauty style they have )
    +1 Star because why not xD

    if You didn't played previous Escape Dungeon... try it...
    Probably You gonna play for around 10 hours...

    if You played previous games...
    You gonna get bored after ~1 hour...
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a pretty cool rogue like game. They definitely improved a lot over they first two games.
    Animations are decent and voiced, art is of high quality.
    The game might not be for everyone duo to its rogue like nature. Another downside that you have to lose to unlock new scenes with different enemies.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Full game review.

    H-scenes - amazing, fully 2D animated, with lots of jiggle physics, and voiced , with eng subtitles.
    gameplay - meh
    music - it's ok I guess
    Do yourself a favour - grab the save, drop it and enjoy.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    [Demo] Escape dungeon is the third chapter of the saga, the gimmick this time are two girls in one dungeon, an Elf Princess and a rogue bunny escaping from the devil king army. The demo only feature the combat and the only sex scene is a joke scene.
    As Gameplay it play like the two before. The elf can shoot from distance and the bunnygirl can only hit melee but most of her ability can make her move. They gain experience, acquiring new ability and any level monster will become more stronger until the princess run out of HP.
    For now is a good experience, i'll wait this june to the final release.