Seeking Looking for games focused on Corruption on Work (Management?)


May 5, 2024
I recently played Corruption Town and really liked it, from the comments of that thread I saw a game called Ane Kasegi mentioned and gave it a try and liked it as well.

Basically these two games are pretty similar in gameplay even if they look so different from each other graphics-wise, both have some kind of work routine element, which is to have slight changes in the work environment as you progress in the game. I also tried The Office Wife, which is kind of a similar concept but I didn't like it much.

I am looking for similar games to the first two titles I mentioned, female protagonist is preferred but if the game focused on a male protagonist corrupting a specific female character, that is welcomed as well. The specific thing I am looking for is the main concept of the game being work routine(ish) game cycles and corruption/sexual harassment of a female.

I am specifically NOT looking for brothels, harem, breeding and hypno stuff.

If you have any suggestions please feel free to give 'em to me, thanks in advance.
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May 5, 2024
Damn, that was a long list but I did check them all out. I've played some of those and some of them simply doesn't excite me. Here are the ones I'll probably try soon;

News Desk - Looks a bit old but promising. Will try.

Karryn's Prison - I actually saw this game before multiple times but never felt the urge to play it. It just looked like a prison fetish themed mid game for me. I'll definitely give this one a try.

Succum Brewery - Definitely will try.

High Pressure - Will try.

Raven's Quest - Might give a try.

Alansya Chronicles: Fleeting Iris - I feel like I played something like this but not sure. Will give it a try.

Barkeeper - Looks like an hour of quirky fun, might try.

Thanks for your suggestions.


May 5, 2024
Maybe you would enjoy You're playing as the main male MC but you do have some control over the four girls.

Tip: give the girls the (lewd pin? I forget it's actual name) if you want them to do lewd things with the customers, which imo is half of the game.
Thanks for the suggestion. As I mentioned I am not looking for brothel or harem games. Your suggestion seems like a maid cafe turning into something like a brothel(?). Having 4 girl workers there heavily implies a harem to me.

That being said the images of the game does look interesting. If I run out of games, I might give it a try, thanks again.