[R> Other] [R>Artist 3D] Share Unpaid Looking for 3D Artists and AI Writer who want to start a project


New Member
Apr 28, 2019
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for people interested in starting a project together. I've been experimenting with local AI models lately, mainly for roleplaying purposes, and I had an idea for a Ren'Py game where the player can input their own text, and the AI responds to it. The challenge is maintaining coherence, as AI-generated images often lack consistency. To address this, I'm looking for a 3D artist to create visuals, with the AI focusing on the text-based roleplaying elements. I have a small script that tests the technical functionality; the AI is integrated into the Ren'Py game, allowing for text-based interactions. Additionally, I've added image recognition, so the AI can respond based on the image's context and scenery. Although the project is in its early stages, I'd love to work with someone who has a lot of great ideas for the project.

Project: No name yet; still in the early development stage.

Developer: Currently just me.

Looking for: 3D artist, AI prompt writer, and character card writer.

Employment Type: This is currently an unpaid project. If the project reaches a stage where it's ready for release, we can consider funding options like Patreon.

Work Commitment: This is a long-term project, and the commitment depends on each person's available free time.

Preferred Method of Contact: Discord: dieguteseeledeshauses

Job Description: I'm seeking a 3D artist, preferably in Daz3D, though other platforms are also welcome. I'm also looking for a AI prompt writer and a character card writer to help create and refine character backstories and prompts.

Additional Comments: I speak both German and English.
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