VN Looking for 2D Artist for adult parody game


New Member
Mar 23, 2018

Im a young programmer from Czech Republic. Since I´ve discovered adult Visual Novels based on popular franchasies from our childhoods I´ve wanted to create one. And as I have just made my own VN engine, I decided to finally give it a try!
Unfortunately, I can barely draw a straight line, let alone a sexy looking humanoid. So I figured out, where would be the best place to find someone able to draw and willing to work on an adult game? Well, website based around the premise of uploading, sharing and making adult games seemed like a good start.

About the game:
Engine: My own (Imagine something like Ren´Py, but easier to work with with greater possibility of expansion into other genres than just VN)
Target platform: PC (With Android port possible, but I´d rather focus on making nice playable PC version first)
Genre: Visual Novel with minigames and advanced dating system
Theme: Up for debate, I have drafts for several popular franchises. (NO MLP!!!)
Update schedule: New version every 4-6 weeks (Depends on how fast you can draw, my engine makes programming a breeze)
Monetization: Patreon

And finally, money. As a studen´t, I can´t afford to pay you (Duh, else I wouldn´t make this thread), but any revenue made through Patreon will be split 50/50.
I´d like to note that before you commit on this project, I will send you a tech demo as a proof that I can make good VN game.

If you´re still interested, message me on my mail ( ) or add me on Skype (kocour4545) and we can discuss thing further.


New Member
Mar 23, 2018
I think that my art style of choice would be simple 2d flat shaded graphics, something like you see on Rick&Morty, Gravity Falls, etc. Or in 18+ videogames in Witch Hunter by Somka108.
However, if anyone has different style then please, show me. Im not really looking ONLY for what is described above, at this point I just want to release a game already! :(
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Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
I think that my art style of choice would be simple 2d flat shaded graphics, something like you see on Rick&Morty, Gravity Falls, etc. Or in 18+ videogames in Witch Hunter by Somka108.
However, if anyone has different style then please, show me. Im not really looking ONLY for what is described above, at this point I just want to release a game already! :(
My advice to you here is you should add some images/screenshots of the sort of art you want, most artists are very visual and will be more likely to get interested.

Also consider trying to look for an artist on other platforms - there do not seem to be many 2d artists here in the f95 programming forum. Try the official renpy forum, deviant art, maybe ulmf.
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New Member
Mar 23, 2018
My advice to you here is you should add some images/screenshots of the sort of art you want, most artists are very visual and will be more likely to get interested.

Also consider trying to look for an artist on other platforms - there do not seem to be many 2d artists here in the f95 programming forum. Try the official renpy forum, deviant art, maybe ulmf.
Im not sure I can use the renpy forum since I am not using renpy to make my games, but I´ll take a look.
Already made a post on ULMF, never heard about it, so thx for showing me.
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Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
Im not sure I can use the renpy forum since I am not using renpy to make my games, but I´ll take a look.
Already made a post on ULMF, never heard about it, so thx for showing me.
Lemmasoft (renpy forum) is super loose about stuff like that (although they have pretty good janitors so very little trash or spam). Often see artists both looking for programmers and programmers looking for artists. Lots of very skilled artists often advertise there, and generally good low prices.
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Oct 24, 2020
My advice to you here is you should add some images/screenshots of the sort of art you want, most artists are very visual and will be more likely to get interested.

Also consider trying to look for an artist on other platforms - there do not seem to be many 2d artists here in the f95 programming forum. Try the official renpy forum, deviant art, maybe ulmf.
Sorry I disagree with that. We have at least 5 or 6 artists who are free and ready to work on ur projects anytime. (I'm one of them, and I only take 3 days per request, because I'm lazy or have difficult clients to please). And we don't like to answer topics because it pushes our own Post down further and we need it on top. If there is 40 devs posting for artists everyday and only 6 artists offering their services to everyone its clear as day who should be approaching who... if you need us, come to us, that's why we make effort to at least bump our own posts every day in a bunch of different places when we should be using that time to draw... we can't keep track on hundreds of forums let alone 40 new questions asking for artists popping out every day in each different forum we know off. We have drawings to produce and social media to feed everyday(or at least every 3days) You know what is like having to post your drawings 6x a day in 6 different places every day, remember all logins, tagging every drawing individually, PR each person who talk to us and make sure ur drawing complies with each website you are uploading(and hope u dont have to creat 3 or 4 different versions of the drawing with censured parts, etc.... Just to make clear we had more artists in the past, but they have quit... andI'm going to explain to you why below, while answering 4kocour4

As an artist I will tell you why no artist(or almost none) will answer you. This might sound a bit "harsh" but on behalf of most us, which I'm sure we (artists) share the exact same opinion... this is the issue:

First point, we are all adults in this forum(I hope).

2nd: You!
Is not that you made a mistake or we don't trust you or anything of sorts. You seem quite believable don't get me wrong. And Honestly I do feel tempted to come to you and offer my self as I read your post headline, but the main issue is always the same over here, many artists don't wanna "work for free until you get paid or pick up steam on Patreon". Because, we put in to many hours drawing our stuff, and when we draw something we can't work on personal projects or other clients who have money on hand to have us starting their requests. But our problem is not only money, actually money is the least important aspect to all this! I know this sounds coocky, but keep reading...

2nd: Artists vs Devs
Unlike devs who can sit down and focus on their project and do it in their free time with no rush, we artists need to produce results every few days to keep afloat in the market and look "hireable".Not saying Dev's work is easy, I know it isn't, but the rate at which u need to "produce results" is not the same as we artists have to. For a Dev working 3years in a project in silence isn't really an issue. All you really have to do is make sure your program/game is fully functional and its a hit at some point after release. Also if you fuck up, u can always patch it latter.
But an artist can't stay away from the public eye for more than 3days... if you don't produce ppl forget you, and some even lose interest in you and unfollow you... and you lose visibility and potential reach to clients. Also if our works sucks we can't waste time fix it, cause if we spend time fixing old drawings that everyone alredy saw and as an impression(which can be good or bad) its a pure waste of time, we need to move on so we can improve and show ppl we are improving and are worth their money... Now imagine we will be working in the dark for 3 years, just for you. Without being able to show our drawings to anyone, not be able to put it on their portfolio, because it will ruin/giveaway ur "future game"... I know you don't mean to do this to us but... did you know that not updating our portfolio, its a Death Sentence to our careers!?

Think it like this, who would you rather work with:

Someone who has the cash and know wht he/she wants? (And you get to show everyone wht you just did)
Working with someone, spending countless hours discussing and start drawing and not know when or if you will ever pay us for the time commitment? (Not to mention we run the risk of the project never conclude or not being able to show anything we did for years until the project its finished)

OF COURSE, There are ppl who can do this, but those ppl who are willing to accept ur offer, are ppl who need to build a "portfolio" by using your game assets to be able to show their experience as a freelance themselves at video game companies. And not all artists want to be "game artists exclusively", many also want to be just "illustrators", "comic creators" or actually work in "animation", etc. this for us is just a extra sidekick revenue we do to keep our main dreams afloat. Ever wonder why artists charge fees for works they are not allowed to publish in public? Yeah exactly, we might be losing way more than we would if we just work for free and added that drawing for free to the public eye and garner attention from future employers.

Friend advice, pocket in some money, you better make sure you can hire an artist to draw for u. Rather than try to hire someone who when you can't even pay enough money to be worthy the risk/time investment in a long term project. If you think you can pay us, here is the reason why you can't... I, an average artist, will require at least 1600€ 1000€ monthly to be able to work for you without having to worry about all the issues above I just mentioned(And I will still be worried... but at least I would get some stability that's something we artists do not have and will never have.)
And if u see an artist that fits the bill and charges small, do it. There is a high chance that artist will get better and increase his skill and rise his prices very soon. Also, by having hired that artist once, he will remember you and give you special treatment ALWAYS, forever... cause you "trusted us" and you have no idea how much we appreciate you for that initial push as our confidence shatters very easily everyday we open the social media and get bombarded with PRO artists drawings we admire. There is not a single day we don't think about quitting...

My self as an example: I used to charge 5€ last year for my lowest job, currently my lowest now is 30€ and so that you know, I'm still undercharging, but mainly I'm afraid you will not approach me for future deals so I'm willing to work for you for only 3€an hour and ceasse all my current activities and plans immidietly. Meanwhile you could join my and pay me 1.80€ a month and I would be "working" at least 40 hours just to thank you for that 1.80€ ...

here is a small example of something i did last year, and something I did this year:

KaguyaXChika - 2020 X 2021.png
Its not a good drawing,I know, but its one of the few ones I ever "re-drawn", cause Like I said, we artists can't waste time. And redrawing something we already did once is pointless 90% of the time. As it only serves to measure our Ego and improvement. Cause unlike codding, drawings don't give us feedback or bugs if they are wrong...

Moral of the story, you expect me to write this comment in every 40Dev posts that pops up every day in every forum... requesting an artist?

PS:Dang, forgot to check the dates, but well this is a good perspective for you guys to read about us artists.
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