Others - Completed - LAB2-UndeR GrounD [v1.08] [Neko no Meme]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    -The art style in the game looks about ok (6/10)

    - The weapons found in game do considerable and fair amount of damage to enemies

    - The enemies in game have scenes with sfx

    -The "struggle mode" by pressing the c-key is a different approach to the most commonly used "arrow-key struggles"

    -outfits are given to you for specific areas to set the mood

    - the standing picture changes as health decreases

    - There is no opening or prologue to the game (it assumes you know what happened up til now and what is your main goal for this title)

    -The texts for items and dialogue with npcs are not translated

    - some enemies do not have proper death animations (may be going a bit far)

    - settings not integrated into the game ui

    - leveling up and allocating attack skill points does not affect the damage a lot. Only equipping better weapons than the previous will prove to be a difference

    Final Rating:
    I give this game a 3.6 out of 5 stars.
    You can play the game even without knowing the plot and what the characters are saying.
    Honestly, Play this game if you are really BORED