Others - Klaroro-Abyss of the Soul [Demo v0.5] [Ccryu]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is alright, but the risk isn't worth the reward. I don't understand why the player must defeat every single boss to unlock gallery. Why not just let them see the gallery of the boss's they've already defeated? Also there needs to be more i-frames after sex scenes. When I spam left and right on the arrow keys, sometimes the game is still processing inputs when it throws you back in the fight and the character stupidly walks into the boss and takes damage.

    I also wish boss attacks could be interrupted. Sometimes I fill the hypnosis stun meter but since the boss is in the middle of a scripted attack, I have to keep dodging even though I should be able to beat them.

    Other than that, probably the best challenge a porn game could ever give me.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very smooth and feels good to play! The bosses are well designed, but the player himself lacks mechanics to make the game more interesting. Rolling is way too overpowered, and you'll have to rely on it for 90% of the game.

    Not somebody with a lot of experience in platformer gameplay, but I found the bosses to be rather easy to beat. I didn't lose against any bosses except for the Kraken.

    Art style and animation are high quality and very sexy, but certain scenes may, uh, turn you off.

    A few issues I ran into:
    The Kraken fight gets laggy at times, namely the high-intensity moments. It literally slow the entire game down.
    Being unable to replay the tutorial (without starting a new save) and change key options. Had to press the entire keyboard to figure out the healing key which I forgot about, turns out it was the ctrl key, lol.

    P.s.: Here's a tech: jump immediately after shooting the projectile to send out a second projectile. It's risky though, because you won't be able to roll midair. Kraken best girl.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    First release demo, great gameplay, super satisfying, I just hope that the bosses each have a few levels to reach with some story in the full release. It's great to see an action porn game where you aren't being raped every 20 seconds too.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best adult games I've ever played. I think current boss battles are fun, the art is incredible, mechanics of the game are simple and well explained on tutorial and replaying the game is also fun in my opinion.

    Things I'd like to see for next updates would be certainly :
    1. More bosses ;)
    2. Level up/progression system (increasing damage output for both player and bosses aswell as health points for both)
    3. Since sex scenes occur during battles, would be cool if they had some kind of Lovense integration.
    4. Easter eggs maybe?
    I think those extra improvements would make the make even more enjoyable than it already is.

    Amazing game so far. Keep it up
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very great game

    Even with small amount of content, the game is fun and also great cg.

    The gameplay is good, not too easy nor too hard. Difficulty is in a level that everyone can beat after understanding the mechanic with some retries.

    Animations are great, very smooth movement.

    The game's still in the demo so there're no story in the game yet(or I didn't spot any story).

    Worth playing and very fappable (y)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Fantastic gameplay. Controls are tight and responsive, none of that floaty stuff. The pixel art is cute. The story is somewhat nonexistent, I mean it's just: hay you got isekaied and your phone can hypno the monstergirls, go fuck em:ROFLMAO:)
    But to the actual game, it's a short boss rush with you showing the boss whose the "bOss" really is :sneaky:
    As of Demo v0.5 there are 6 bosses to fight with different mechanics. Most are reaction based so if you have trigger fingers or have played enough soulsborne games then you'll be fine. While playing I never felt that the game cheated me or that there was no way to avoid damage, heck I even replayed to do a "no hit" run.

    TLDR Review
    Game mechanics 10/10
    Art 9.5/10
    Story 5/10
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great animations and mechanics! Just needs a proper story and dialogue to make the characters more lively. Overall a 8/10! There's a lot of potential for it, I just hope the development steers in the right direction! We dont often get these platformer 8 bit styles with a male protag so im looking forward to this one!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    As of Demo v0.3 the game consists of i ndividual boss fights result in individual boss lewds that you unlock.
    It's a game play first kind of experience, this boss fights only genre is well known by now, this time as a 2D side scroller with pixel art.
    There's a lot of potential here and some room for improvement, mainly with ux in terms of controls.
    All in all very entertaining and promising.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    for an h-game, I like the gameplay a lot, it reminds of games like cuphead or megaman which is great in my opinion (just read the rules but does mentioning non-h mainstream games break the cross promotion rule?)

    my problems which others have already pointed out is the spam Z key after you knock them down, which while sometimes it's okay to put something like that for interactivity reasons this is an h-game, people are going to wank to this and if I have to spam a button while tickling my willy, it's going to cause problems not only that but only spamming one button feels a little bad, would be better if you click two buttons instead so your fingers doesn't hurt doing it

    otherwise the art is phenomenal, the controls feels responsive, the gameplay is great and the premise is great where you have defeat them to get h-scenes instead of getting defeated

    overall pretty solid demo , looking forward to seeing more
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The cut scenes phenomenal, only complaint is that you have to mash a key after you stun the boss and get a limited time to look at the beautiful artwork. However, it should be taken into consideration that because this is a demo we can hope for a hall of memories where we can look at this art with no time limit. The art is really really good. I can't wait to see more from this game!!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an outstanding proof of concept !
    I can't wait to see more !
    Good luck on the future of this project
    I hope it gets the traction the dev needs for this to fruitfully grow into what the dev wants :)
    For now everything is solid, with some dialogue / story added, some levels, more monsters / animations, it will imho be a remembered game ;)
    Peace !
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Basically, what the other two reviews have said, I agree with.

    Gameplay, 4/5: Simple, Very Basic, but Shows Promise
    Already, perhaps because of bugs, but there's a sort of strat with jumping and shooting where you shoot faster if you shoot before landing, shoot while landing, and shoot while jumping all in a fast sequence (just spam jump and shoot like it's megaman).
    Aside from dumb, basic strats, it's simple but is very responsive. I could see an expansion of skills or power ups for a more rouge-like system, or simple stat system for more dark-souls like. It has a solid foundation, where the dodge feels good, movement is good, but needs more depth, but will come in time. Even as is, if they add only a few more enemies, this barebones combat system would suffice. Maybe for a two hour game?
    However, some basic things that are missing is an options menu in the main menu, or even in the pause menu, so you have to edit volume settings from the game maker options or from your PC's sound settings.

    Basically, there's no problems other than it's super duper simple. Everything works well. Jumping is good (maybe could be a tad higher), rolling is responsive, moving and shooting is good.

    Visuals, 5/5: Perhaps, a Bit Too Good...
    The art is actually really nice. The environments, though the solid ground is a bit basic, is still very nice. The menu, though lacking an options menu from in-game, is still nice. Pop-ups, animations, etc. I just hope they can keep this quality with everything else, and with any future expansions.

    Audio, 5/5: Custom Music (I believe)
    It's all still a bit simple, but the sound effects like jumping, shooting, the enemy attacks, etc. are all good. I think the menu has unique music that I've never heard, and again, while simple, is very nice.

    Story, N/A.

    Basically... This is a very nice demo. Maybe a little bit too much effort and polish for what is the demo, but the very basic gameplay, the audio and art are all very nice. If this level of quality can be maintained throughout maybe 2 hours or so, an easy 5 star. Of course, there needs to be some basic quality of life things such as option menu in the main menu, control rebinding, etc.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a phenominal demo and prrof of concept. This game has great art good sound design and fun combat. enough that i'll enjoy it but not so much that'll i'll quit before getting to the good bits. Don't forget to add a gallery mode. Good lluck dev. i'll be watching
    Likes: Ccryu
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Really high quality game. Decent combat (though overly simply), fantastic visuals. Its a demo, so its obviously really lacking right now, but it has a lot of potential. I'll be following it with baited breathe.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Nice art, decent animation. But for what little is there, its nothing much. You play like some small guy, your attack animation is missing. Its just a square that flares up in your hand.
    Apparently you hypnotize the girls so you can fuck them. 2 Boss battles a fairy with one animation and a cow girl with two. Now art and animations are fine. But as a game its fairly lackluster. You finish this "demo" in under 5-10 minutes. The Bosses are very easy to learn and have very simple movements. Not much else to say for this "game" really.