2.50 star(s) 2 Votes


Sep 25, 2017
i'd suggest adding a brightness setting in the future, its so hard to see what im doing i just level skipped the platforming stuff, the scenes are awesome though
there is brightness setting in option
but it still damn to dark for me even with full brightness

Red fenix

Jan 22, 2023
View attachment 2939801

You play as Kiera Chase, a young researcher for the Atrahasis Institute. Kiera follows her missing mother's research into a world beneath Earth's surface. Lost in a mysterious cave in Tibet, she stumbles upon a hidden village, a refuge from the evil monster who roams the cave. But to stay, she must live with a villager and contribute. Trapped by an ancient, silent god, she faces his challenge: escape and risk her life or stay too long and be cursed forever.
Will she break free or embrace her new role, sealing her fate?
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Thread Updated: 2023-09-20
Release Date: 2023-09-20
Developer: Belial Husk - -
Censored: No
Version: Demo
OS: Windows
Language: English
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good game but the troblem is that spacebar plus shift doesn't make me jump more and


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2019
Добавлю - ведь важнейшая часть любой игры (Это правильная работа со светом и тенью!) Что обычно счас часто забывают или вообще не знакомы с этой частью в разработке игр?
Всем нужно делать ошибки, чтобы учиться в долгосрочной перспективе. Разработчик заметят одинаковые посты от людей и исправят их.

Everyone needs to make mistakes to learn in long run. Dev will notice same posts from people and will correct it


May 23, 2017
Fair question, as a fan of that content myself I always wonder the same in videogames(I've been blue balled so many times :BootyTime:) So I'm not going to bullshit you.

- In the Demo is a bad end (It's in the preview thumbnail)

- If she get knocked up by the villagers... well that would stop her from escaping. And some of them will try to do just that:Kappa:. Which is a bad end (If you get me talking, I would say that I'd like to add a small after-ending episodes with her life as pregnant but that would mean the game is [completed])

- I've planned a quest with Boto the Doctor. He needs a "worm monster" for his medicines. She can get pregnant by that slug-like monster. Keep it or sell it to Boto the Doctor. If she keeps it... well, things might escalate. Many times.

- The second level of the game will involve a frog monster that has little eggs petrified by the cave(Lore moment) she can decides to revive them by unconventional means. But giving life implies taking responsibility during her adventures(she can go back to visit him)... well, things might escalate.

- I'm open to suggestion of course! I can change the type of monster or creature of course.
Game looks like it is going in the right direction for what most people want to see. Some suggestions:

1) Different outfits /more revealing as she becomes more corrupted

2) I love the idea of branching paths and "post" ending scenes

3) Perversion statistics ... the more she is fucked by a certain type of enemy , the more fantasies she has from that enemy where she looks forward to "losing"


New Member
Oct 11, 2017
It's a very interesting demo. In terms of lewd scenes it's top notch (aside from writing, but that's my preference cause I love it when narrator describes actions that are happening in scenes in detail, but with CGs doing a lot of heavy lifting, don't think it's too necessary to change that approach). Can't wait to see more of it developed. But I could also give a couple of suggestions for future scenes that might be implemented:

1) A farm could be fun. Quite obvious what would happen in here, from milking to breeding to brainwashing with losing the ability to speak.
2) Mayoress branching path where MC could try to take her power and in the process become the new Mayoress(amazonian transformation, that kinda thing)
3) Could take a note from one of Night of Revenge gameover scenes where Aradia loses to a certain enemy and becomes a part of the enemy ecosystem(kinda like fleshwall end but less... Wally, I guess.)
4) With the setting being a game, perhaps MC could stumble upon the casino type establishment where she could gamble her freedom away for benefits, with the more her going into debt, the more she becomes a part of the establishment. Maybe can even have her become a game in the casino as a bad end where the patrons gamble to see who can impregnate her first.
5) A slave auction kinda thing where MC can try to protest the concept of slavery and be enslaved herself or just sell herself into slavery for profit, which in turn can lead to other possible bad ends related to already established characters in game (Mayress's pet/etc) or perhaps lead to new ones. Maybe can even make side mission levels with MC working for the slave auction, platforming through levels trying to capture escaped slaves.
6) With golems already existing in the game, perhaps a more mechanical approach to lewdness could be welcome, with MC being turned into an automaton against her will (either a sexbot kinda thing or a defense system automaton that captures survivors and brings them for processing)
7) Next idea could clash very much with the setting of the game, but perhaps oriental style prostitution path could be quite enjoyable with MC becoming a geisha type courtesan instead of the standard bimbo whore, though the latter approach can also be done quite well with bad end easily imaginable.
8) Cursed artifacts are always lovely to see in corruption/transformation kinds of games. Perhaps a mask that once worn grants some great abilities but becomes harder and harder to take off as it brainwashes the wearer before becoming wearer's new true face and taking control over them completely.
9) Perhaps MC could find a book filled with Eldritch knowledge, open it and start being brainwashed into becoming the priestess of an elder god and starting her own cult by using her body as a reward for good service for the members? Or something along those lines.

Those are just ideas for a possible scenes. Also please... controls are way too poor for platforming... (Tho for the first attempt it's quite impressive) Oh and another issue I noticed is that I kept on forgetting the buttons needed for certain interactions (like slide, dash, interact with something...). Perhaps little images on the screen with button keys that show the image of what can be done from basic actions could be nice to see, as in, G to slide with the keyboard key button for the slide key always visible on the screen with a lil image showing the action. If go in that direction, could also mess around with images on screen during lewd events where the possible actions are replaced with lewd prompts like obey, serve, etc. Could be fun to see that kinda thing in the Mayoress path where MC tries to escape from the mansion but even her controls are working against her and being rewritten due to hypnosis.


Active Member
May 3, 2018
Not sure what's the issue with the brightness. All i can say is that I didn't had any problems finishing this demo. Also, there is still the option to reduce the darkness in settings, or your monitors are not that good (or at least the settings).

Noble 6

Mar 17, 2018
I disagree on the "Ask for ideas" part. I've seen so many games keep trying to add and add before the game is even finished, that they never get done.
Before asking for new things to add, plan out and finish the game's core scenes and content. Then take some extra time to add more chunks here and there.

The scenes that I saw were nice, Kiera's model is good. And I'm a sucker for "adult woman feels mostly in control, but slowly resigns more and more to someone slightly malicious." Each place also having its own specific fetish is neat, too.
But clicking through the scenes feels really "sticky." Sometimes it takes multiple clicks to progress, and I can't tell if it's the game lagging or if it's intentional. *Oh, and after doing the Mayoress's scene and fully leaving the castle, trying to go back in would instantly kick me out as if I was clicking to leave.

As for the platformer gameplay, I couldn't see much of anything, even with the brightness turned up. Couldn't tell what were "petrified tentacles" and what were thorns that caused instant-death.
Sidescrolling to get from scene to scene is alright, it reminds me of some indie downloadable games you'd find for $10. But it doesn't quite feel like the platformer gameplay with instant-deaths is meant to exist in the same game as the walkaround visual novel with moral corruption.

tldr; keep doing what's there, but don't try to overextend when the old stuff isn't done yet.
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New Member
Jun 27, 2017
Hi, I played it and have some feedback if you like.
These are notes I took as I played and tried to figure it out. My thinking is that it may be useful to you to know where I did something dumb, or got stuck, because that may help you know where the game could communicate itself more clearly.
  • Love the main menu. UI looks and feels great, love the pink highlighting, love the UI SFX.
  • The art style is great, love the mood with the ambient noise.
  • The protagonist looks good, I think, but they're very small on the screen and I can't get a good look at them (later it zooms in when you reach the village, but it would still be nice to see them clearly at the very start).
  • When the controls are given all at once, I began testing one and missed the rest.
  • "Stronger Jump" sounds like being able to jump higher. I would instead use "long jump" or "running jump".
  • The line "Tentacles, why did it have to be tentacles" kept repeating as I tried to get out of the first pit (later I found that all dialogue triggered by the environment repeats if you move to the same spot again).
  • I spent a bit of time trying to jump out of the first pit before I realised that I could crawl to the right.
  • The protagonist looks great when she crawls, I thought it was a bit of a shame that she was obscured by foreground objects when crawling after the first pit.
  • "Stairs" Is kind of confusing when referring to a ladder. The ladder just looked like a wall so It took me a while to find it.
  • Same for the climbable wall. I often fell into the spikes because I found it difficult to tell which part of the wall is climbable and which part makes you fall.
  • I also got stuck on the invisible wall after the rolling boulder. It seems to happen if the player dies to the boulder and resets before making it past.
  • After the second torch, I couldn't see the far platform I was trying to jump to after the falling platform.
  • In the part after the 2nd torch with the falling platforms, I kept hitting my head on the ceiling of the 2nd rock pillar and falling. This happened a lot because I kept dying in the next area.
  • The way the camera snaps to a new position after grabbing a swinging tentacle is disorienting
  • I died so many times between the 2nd and third torch. Timing jumps and judging height/distance was very difficult.
  • During the cutscenes, I found it more comfortable to click through dialogue. But some times, it could only be advanced using space bar (particularly when the screen faded to black).
  • The footstep sounds around Boto's hut are very loud.
  • Most transitions out of the sides of the level happen just by moving, but in some places, like Kur's Dwelling, I had to press spacebar. At first I thought I was trapped in the room.
  • When I tried to enter the cave of the first trial, I encountered another invisible wall and couldn't figure out how to get around it.
  • When I tried to talk to NPCs again to continue their stories, it just repeated the same dialogue scenes as before.
  • Whenever I tried to re-enter the mayoress' castle, it immediately exited again
  • After talking to each NPC, I couldn't find how to progress further.

Overall impressions: I love the concept, the look, the fetishes. I'm looking forward to further updates.


Aug 11, 2017
Jesus ,how to ruin a porn game,add shitty platforming and constant death traps,what horrid gameplay.
The premise is cool and all,but holy ,this made me rage-quit more than horny.
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Nov 9, 2017
Well, I rarely tell devs about negative/harsh feedback, but I have to tell... I doubt if it was a good decision dev make this game as a platformer/belt-scrolling action game.


Someone has to tell me a really good reason to play this 'platformer' part of the game cuz right now I absolutely see zero reason to play. Is it particularly fun and nicely polished? no. Is there any porn content made as a platformer part playthrough? no.

So if the dev planning to create the porn content in the current method, I would suggest EITHER discarding the plan of making this game a platformer action game OR doing a proper job on the platformer part and focusing on adding porn content on the platformer part(WHICH IS DEVASTATINGLY HARD TO CREATE). Why create a platformer action game that is unnecessarily hard to make when you can simply create a point-and-click method?

Overall, I felt that creating a platformer action game is beyond the dev's ability, unfortunately. I would strongly advise the dev that he should reconsider the entire blueprint of the game from scratch.
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Nov 9, 2017
If my post right above seems too harsh and unnecessary... anyone plz, go find any action platformer porn game that has zero porn content on platformer mechanics.


Apr 29, 2018
What's good?:
+Female protagonist
+Scene with tentacles and golem
+Dark atmosphere

What's missing:
-No remembering quests after leaving the location
-Decisions don't change the character's behavior in further actions, e.g. in dialogues, scenes.
-Inventory and outfit changes
-Weapons and mobs

In my opinion, an RPG would be better than an platformer.
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Belial Husk

Currently working on Kiera Chase.
Game Developer
Sep 17, 2023

Hi folks, CEO of BadFuckingGames here!

It has been a few days. I want to thank you for taking the time to reply. Even the harsh criticism was very helpful.
I am satisfied that many people liked the ambience, auto run level, scenes, music and the main character.

This is my first time in everything, game, music, art etc.

That is why I decided to share the demo/draft at its early stage. Because, believe it or not, I would have never solved the brightness and wasted a lot of time on the platformer gameplay.
And for reasons I won't go into, for the concept I have about the story, I needed ideas about how the village works and what is expected of Kiera. And I thank you again on that.

With that said, I can now focus on building the first stable version of the game.
Regarding the content, it will rework what happens in the demo, plus the second level/challenge of the cave. The village will be reorganized according to some amazing suggestions I read.

I'm no clairvoyant, so I don't know when it will come out between depressing work and various crap. I'll do what I can.
Sometimes I will read the thread, but it doesn't seem fair to waste your time by answering with promises and stuff like that. These are things we can do when I release the stable version.

Thanks again and see you next update!
Belial Husk

Noble 6

Mar 17, 2018
Because, believe it or not, I would have never solved the brightness and wasted a lot of time on the platformer gameplay.
I think the sidescroller town stuff is fine, but yes the platformer parts felt very jank, and I don't know how prevalent they'd be after reaching the town.
Walking around town is cute. It reminded me specifically of a game called Vambrace: Cold Soul, which was half walkaround VN and half Darkest Dungeon clone, and I honestly felt that the latter part was the weaker half of the game.
I would lean more into spending time working on the scenes and writing, than trying to make platforming work.
The brightness wouldn't even be an issue much anymore, if people weren't being demanded to do platforming with it.
2.50 star(s) 2 Votes