Unity - Completed - I Am Not a Leader [v1.60] [Kegani Laboratory]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It got better ver.1.60 is what it should have been at launch. Hopefully they expand it till at least ver.2.10 for bonus content and more dialogue in between moving from battles and resting at the tent. The grind is on par with timeloop after the updates. It would be cool to see if there's more they can add to heroine armor and clothing, stuff like enemy acid resistance and enemy elemental attacks so you can make tactical choices on what to wear instead of these panties have higher flat damage resistance ill always wear them for the rest of the run it would add spice for those who try don't get cucked route.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I tried, i really tried to enjoy this, the only thing it does better than the previous games is the MTL being slightly better (still really bad) even cheating the game is pure grind, very few scenes and only a few are good
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I was playing this with Drchainchair's mod and I liked it. I haven't played without the mod.

    People say it's grindy, but the slow degredation of whatsherface's character is surely what makes the game interesting? I also like the dungeon bits, and trying, and failing, to protect her chastity

    I stopped playing because I just couldn't get into the main character's mindset. He seems quite happy to have his love interest stolen away, so there was no motivation to keep playing. He wouldn't lose anything to have her stolen, so why would he try to keep her being moral?
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    love this developer

    love ntr

    love the animations

    I really liked the time loop game, and I really liked this game as well

    its that kind of game which makes me sit and play this kind of games

    Please don't stop making games, I need your games :D

    Really cool game for the ones who like ntr and don't like to get all the animations in an easy way
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Not so bad, was hoping there'll be much more animation than just frozen standing image. Need some guide to understand in what part that are needed and/or understanding the game itself. It's could get you moving but don't get your hope up too much.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Kegani Lab started getting things right with Sexy Bar, where you would have to grind to keep the bad guys away, but you could still do it. And if you wanted to just corrupt the girls, you would slowly find them in sex acts with the bad guys, getting teased with their silhouettes and moans over a curtain.

    Then they made Time Loop, which was so much better, because now, not only you could raise your favorarity with the girl, you could "Cycle" the bad guys so none would get too far with your girl. And if you wanted to see your girl getting corrupted, you would literally get jump scared by an animation with sound of her kissing or sucking someone's dick in the halls. If any guy got far enough with her, you would find them fucking in their room, the pool or the toilet. Heck, if you were really trying to get cucked, she would fuck a guy in your bedroom, all of which would have animations and sound.

    Then came Village and Barbarians, which you would be able to keep the two girls safe, and progress the story. If you were trying to corrupt them, you could just let the village be taken by the barbarians, and you would have the entire village being fucked, with re-used animations, but animations still. Then there were the bad guys, who would harrass the girls in public and escalate it to fucking them in public.

    Up until this point, they had peaked with Time Loop, but still put enough things in the next game. First they put the peeking mechanic in TL, but the circle would be in a fixed spot and you would always see something; in the VB they make it smaller until mastered, but still fixed so you would always see something.

    But in this game, WOW!
    First there's the dungeons, which is how you get money, it's straight up boring. You have to choose between three options, because the two bottoms one are downright useless, and you can't even make it an idle, where it will either follow the bad guys instructions or just press one of the options everytime. The rewards? Little to no gold, and items are rare, and most of the time bad armor.

    What about the corruption? The corruption only happens in the dungeon, meaning that you can train a stat to max before going to the dungeon, and all that your girl will do is watch the bad guy fucking one of his girls. And if you want to corrupt the girl, you go into the dungeon and just keep the fight going until the last action from the enemy. While in the other games you would have the surprise of getting jumpscared by the bad guy suddenly harrasing your girl, in the game the bad guy is always there harassing your girl, there's no surprise or unexpeted event. You can let them go a separate way than your's, but these most static CGs, with some few peek scenes, where the hole is 1/4 of the screen MAX, and you can miss the action. You can peek the bathouse after the day to see what's happening, but there's no moaning unless it's your girl, in a couple specific animations.

    There's the brothel, which for your girl are static CGs. There are windows where you can see some silhouettes, none of which are your girl, all of these are re-used from the previous games, and believe it or not, there are more animations in the brothel windows, than there are of your girl. Your girl can get a tattoo or high cuckold to fuck random guys, which are shown on the map, far away, with re-used animations and NO MOANS.

    This game is a massive downgrade, and there's basically nothing interesting. No meaningful surprise events, barely no animations and even fewer with sound effects, terrible grind and miserable rewards.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of grind but still good.

    I like kegani laboratory alot. The moral corruption is also a factor for the same reasons all taboo kinks are, but here there's a rare sense of tragedy (even tho NTR characters never act like real people). Imo the cheating aspect is interchangeable with any immoral act, and in fact can be isolating as someone who isn't particularly attached to monogamy.
  8. 1.00 star(s)

    Comrade BLin

    Nothing improve. Even a downgrade compare to his previous works. The arts, the plot, the visual, everything.
    Only a few H-scenes.
    The only thing that make this game time consuming is the grind for them scrolls and gold to improve pathetic stats which barely change anything.
    Such a waste of time for so little content, a result of a low effort dev want some quick cash.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I think Kegani Labs is one of the best NTR game devs out there, so I am a bit biased towards them, just fyi.

    There are some good things and bad things about this game, first the good, then the bad, then the worst.

    Art: 4 Stars, the art of the games to me is great, girl is hot, outfits are hot, scenes are hot.

    Game: 4 Stars. I can see from this game and a Village targeter by Barbarians that Kegani is experimenting with their engine and trying to create a more active gameplay loop. I applaud this, the game is vary barebones, feels like a late 2000s flash game, but I see that devs are trying to make their games better.

    Premise: 3 stars, theres a debt that must be paid. Pretty cliche for NTR, though the "mark of succubi" is a real letdown for me. Any situation that forces FMC to be or do something not in her nature falls flat and takes all the corruption away from the story.

    Content: 2 stars, theres barely any, compared to their best games (Time Loop and Welcome to the Sexy Bar) it may have about 1/3 or 1/4 of scenes + animations, even though they reused their animations for some background scenes, which is wierd to me, not using more to give the game more content. Even if they are reused, they are hot.

    Gameplay Loop: 0 Stars, the worst thing of the game. The game is fairly short, theres about 8 "different" levels (all the same only the enemies and rewards change) and 5 level difficulties (you dont have to play every level at every difficulty, in fact, you can just play the first level over and over again and win that way). Even with how short the game is, its made so you have to grind for at the very least 100+ days. I played in the hardest difficulty and took about 200 to unlock some skills to max (like magic eyes which is a cool mechanic but it sucks the way it is in the game, even at 999 you can still miss whats going on), and after all that time I hadnt really seen many hot scenes or scenarios, thought kegani labs games are always a slow burn and rely on some sort of rng + skill checks to see certain things, in this game it feels like almost nothing happens at all, despite having everything at 999.

    The game deserves no more than 2 stars, the idea is good, the direction they are going is good, but the game is bad. They should have kept this one in the oven far longer to add more content and justify the amount of grind needed.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Wish I could give half stars, because this is a 3.5 for me.

    I love the creator, I think his work is fun to play with some great variety of scenes. Unfortunately I think this game is lacking a variety of scenes compared to others.

    The concept is interesting and the gameplay is fun, with scenes during the combat now, which are actually of a good quality.

    The lack of variety kills some of the replay for me, but I understand it is still being updated, or possibly being updated? So this could get better over time.

    Looking forward to their next projects though, this one was enjoyable for me.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I've played grind fest RPGM's that were less grindy then this. Where's the micro transactions? Spend over 100 days just trying to get stats to be anywhere worth using. And of course you have to grind out almost every single G damn dungeon.

    Good concept, but why did they have to do NTR Village V2?
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v1.00
    This is a Kegani game through and through. A interesting idea, mired by poor graphics, gameplay, grind and file compression. But, the ntr experience is still here, and you can find something to enjoy.

    As for playing the game, I would not advise you try a "pure" run on your first attempt. Too much grind, too many roadblocks, too much save scumming needed, too many traps to fall into. Go into this expecting to see ntr and degeneracy, and the game will flow much smoother.

    Also, here are some hints I wish I knew before starting the game:
    - You can spend all your free time in town early on with no penalties. This includes grinding contribution, favour, and skill points.
    - Unlocking higher tier dungeons is vital to getting money. You don't need to be able to beat the final dungeon of the tier to succeed in early dungeons of the higher tier. Dungeon bosses also strongly differ in what they do, so skipping some and farming others is preferable.
    - Unlocking harem girls give high boosts to your rewards, attack power, and loot drops, get them asap.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok, I've been observing Kegani Lab for some time and I was kind of hyped for this game, as they tended to have some unique concepts and the dev kept getting better. It's a shame the game is worse then the previous title: "A Village targeted by Barbarians", but I don't think it's the worst out of their catalogue, I'd give it 3,5 stars if I could.

    Grind - it's as horrible as everybody pointed out. Personally I see the intention behind it: I think the design was supposed to be similar to Time-Loop NTR, where you're supposed to grind the stats, loose your first game and then go the the second one. The level cap on ero training for heroine seems to confirm it for me, as when she gains enough development she can't gain any more. The problem is that the structure behind time-loop really facilitated and communicated that idea, over here it's muddled and I don't think there's enough substance behind the ero scenes to justify it.
    I managed to skip the grind using the cheat engine and I suggest you'd do the same when playing this game.
    ARTSTYLE - kegani lab tends to make really ugly games, with character arts seemingly traced and with cheap-looking 3D assets. There's no escaping this one, check out the art to their other games - you'll get a similar quality.

    I honestly enjoyed my time with it. I love the idea of forming an adventurer party and seeing your gf being toyed with when you're fighting. Later on there are additional mechanics like splitting up, where the gf and ugly bastard go different way to the MC and you get the possibility of seeing the glimpses of ntr. There's also a Lewd Seal mechanic that makes the gf want to ntr the protagonist and the ugly bastard, some enemies give this seal with their attacks and it slowly accumulates.
    The wardrobe mechanic is really cool, and made me want to grind a bit, even if it was pain in the ass to get the good drops. Also you can go the beach with the gf and she gains a tan - a really underappreciated fetish, I wish more scenes would incorporate the tan though.

    Overall I jack up the rating a bit but I think the game is simply better then Village girl NTR and NTR house, which infuriated me beyond reason. It's a shame it's worse then previous two games that kept being better and building on eachother but I'll definitely check out the next game from the studio.

    I recommend checking it out if you, like me, are fascinated by the games from this studio, but definitely grab cheat engine before that.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Took 2 whole nights to early morning sessions to "beat" a play-through. I'm not entirely sure its possible to get a good ending on the 1st run since there seems to be perma-progression needed for NG+ like armor and skill carryover.

    I like:
    -The art​
    -The BS/fragile premise on why infidelity is "okay" in the story. It's comical.​

    I don't like:
    -how freaking looong that grind was (I stopped being legit 2nd session).​
    -You can get locked out of endings bc of arbitrary thresholds and 0 training points left. These thresholds are high and cap is 999.​
    -Cap being 999 makes you feel the +1-3 to exposure a fight.​
    2 Stars and take my advice, play the beginning to get a grasp of what K.Labs was going for then just look up the CGs. Maybe even speed clear a whore run to get the Gallery unlock from Harem mode.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I never thought that KeganiLab could get even worse than Barbarian NTR, but here I am, completely and utterly proven wrong.
    I'll make this terse and succinct.
    Extreme grinding, you get 50 gold per level 1 dungeon clear. It becomes 300 at level 5. Worst case of grinding from them yet.
    Lack of animations, previous games had plenty of animations to look forward to. Not this one. There's something like 10 animations overall, most of the content is CGs.
    Horrid gameplay, Sexy Bar had the most engaging aspect of management, while Village Girl NTR and NTR House had Slay the Spire type gameplay. This is just pick an action and stick to it. 20 times per dungeon run. And battles are just attack or defend and nothing else. Defending against Bruno does nothing.
    And that's within the dungeon, outside the dungeon, you have to manage the girl's lust and increase your stats. Don't have enough scrolls? To bad, get cucked. Unless that's what you're after. The scrolls AKA 'contribution' are essentially your show of fealty to the guildmaster trying to cuck you. He'll allow you to take the girl so long if you swear to be his little fuckboy.
    Then there's the supposed harem aspect in the bath.
    Nope. No fucking content. Not even a CG with them. May as well not fucking exist.
    KeganiLab's trademark glitchiness. Not to mention massive file size for the lack of content.

    This is just... what the fuck man. Things are supposed to get better after they get worse. What is this fucking game? What is Kegani doing?
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    grind-fest with minimal payout.
    somehow less content and lazier than previous games.
    avoid this. play the others.

    the vanilla run will take even longer btw.

    try village targetted by barbarians or time loop ntr.
    same dev.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Probably the best gameplay loop Kegani has ever had in one of their games, ruined by it being the worst grindfest Kegani has ever had in one of their games. "Making the choice between getting the combat done faster so the waifu gets harassed less and doing to commands the guild leader gives you for guild reputation" is genuinely compelling, and then the grind drives you to engage with that system as little as possible.

    Should've just tied progression to number of dungeons completed.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    As a big Kegani lab fan, this was a huge disappointment. The core concept is cool and having the heroine NTR be an actual part of combat was a nice idea, but the implementation is absolutely horrendous.

    This is one of the grindiest games I have ever played. There are about a million different stats to grind, and the heroine even has a limit to how much you can grind her stats, so you have to pick few to focus on, because you can't get them all :).

    Honestly, there's no point in reviewing any other aspect of the game because it's such a waste of time. There's even a "quick battle" settings in option, but it's still so bloody slow.

    The only reason I'm giving two stars is that for once the translation is actually kind of understandable and the core idea was good.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    It's that time of year again as another KeganiLab game has been released and I am going to use my "Sage Time" for another lengthy review (over 2500 words). The basic story is that you work for the guild and you owe a debt of 10000 gold, you are already in a relationship with Mel, the heroine but have not progressed beyond kissing. The Succubi are causing trouble and making everyone in the town horny (More Succubi NTR BS, Yay!) and you need to defeat them in the dungeon (looks like it's not fulfilled, even more Terrible game flashbacks, Yay! See my other reviews for context). The numbers at the top of your screen (from the left) are as follows: current day, current Gold, Mel favorability, current Contribution, Lust level and Lewd mark level. Bruno is the guild master and is the guy trying to steal Mel from you. This game is really bad, read on to find out why. In this review I will talk about the major parts of the game: Gameplay, NTR Dungeon, H-Scenes, Endings, Sex training and the games' World.

    I am going to start with the H-scenes:
    The typical DLSite NTR game where 90% of the game is just the NTR with everything else thrown to the wayside. Prostitution (read the bugs and special notes section) is the secondary focus, apart from that Bruno has nearly all of the H-scenes in the game. The players' H-Scenes are accessible after buying the Spend time with heroine option from Bruno (see gameplay section). The player only has 2 total a non creampie and creampie sex (both just variants and with short repeat version of the same CG), an alternate (with short version) if you don't take Mel's Virginity (seems to be the main determiner of the ending). The player cannot have anal sex or have a blowjob with Mel (not shown in the CGs anyway). The only other one is a Brest forplay training (one base CG with 3 variants), a footjob scene which requires you engage in NTR to unlock and a bath scene (trains Vagina stat, raises favorability with Mel). The exhibitionism play leads to sex with random people, not the Player. The Player has no animations at all, and the entire system has been scaled down to a point where it's basically pointless. They are only used around the town or during peeping. They come in 2 forms; The first is fully coloured and the second is just a dark silhouette. There is around 10 total animations. The biggest issue with the peeping, is that you cannot tell where you need to click. This could be resolved by allowing you to the see pink pop up text but (like everything else), requires way too much grind to be see anything useful. The player overall has less H content, than the last games (I have played from Villager NTR ADV onwards).

    The pregnancy system here is worse than the last game, the only time you see Mel pregnant is in the harem bath (Player) and during the "birthing" which is just a single CG and fade to black (with 3 dialog variants for the Player, Bruno and Others). I'm guessing that due to the multi outfit system, KeganiLab just choose not make pregnancy character pose art, due to the fact the the dev likes to force these things out every year, even at the cost of little details like this being half done (or even less than that). Does nothing apart from contribute to the H-stats, has no effect on gameplay. The pregnancy is repeatable (no pregnancy H-scene is in this game at all) but its's a complete failure. This system is still worse than a modded illusion (and other) games (Koikatsu, AI-Girl).

    Town Map:
    The interaction with the town is mostly limited to the icons in the the top left of your screen and with Mel on the map or Bruno's Bath and Room. The town background is pretty enough. Some of the plants, bushes and a washing line are animated, so there's that. There is no town related backstory or lore present here.

    Mel's Menu:
    Mel's menu gives you the following options: Talk (only when you reach the required favorability value). Kiss: increases your favorability and trains the Mouth stat. Touch her Brests: Trains the Brest stat. Exposure: Trains the Exposure stat. Help Mel: Trains a skill and gives you a small amount of contribution. Treat the lewd crest: reduces the lewd crest value. Add a lewd crest: increases the lewd crest value. All the options (except kiss and add/treat lewd crest) require setup.

    Speaking of the seven icons, this is a good moment to talk about the first part of the gameplay, the system menus. The first icon is for the NTR Dungeon (see section below). Skills are second. The Sill list: Special Attack, Special eyes, Herbology, Peeping, Lockpick, Trap evasion. All skills require Gold to upgrade up to a max value of 999. Third icon is to advance time. Forth is the H-stats, these are only fully visible after you train the Players' Special Eye skill (see sexual training section). Fifth: Deals with Bruno. The full list consists of these options: Spend night with Mel (see H-Scenes section). Buy contribution points: exchange Gold for contribution. Standard, Brests and Anal prostitution options: Starts a prostitution event at night. Unlock Dungeon: Access the next map level, Unlock harem: adds more girls to the players' harem bath. Lastly: Repay Debt: pay 10000 to complete the game and get an ending (see ending section). Sixth system icon is Mel's clothing (read outfit section below). The seventh icon is the Player's Harem Bath: main role of this is to raise the Cheating stat of Mel.

    Sexual training and H-stats:
    The best way of describing the sexual training (and the whole game really) is welcome to Stat Grind City. Page one of the H-stats screen shows the stats you can train. These are (Mouth, Brests, Butt, Vagina, Exposure, Cuckold, Cheating) and these stats have an overall max limit of 2800 (except cheating). These stats can be increased by following ways (by Bruno in the NTR Dungeon, prostitution and town events and from the Player via interaction with Mel, read Mel's Menu above.). The growth limit seems completely pointless, since all the limit will do is lock you out of certain content on your current run. In another game this may force you into multiple playthroughs, here once you pay the debt, the entire gallery can be unlocked anyway. The next two pages of the H-stats show bar graphs of these stats: Kisses, Felatio, Pregnancy, Sex, Creampies and Anal. Stats are tracked for the Player, Bruno and Others. The last page gives you Lewd mark details. The main positive with the new system is that Bruno does not have any relationship points with Mel, your not on a clock here. This system is an interesting design, however it feels a bit rushed, not intuitive and overall poorly executed and I wish that you could lock the stats so you can have more control (especially cheating and cuckold stats).

    NTR Dungeon and Combat:
    The NTR Dungeon as I am going to name it and that should probably be this games actual title, and sums up the only real purpose the Dungeon has (I will talk about the combat in it's own section below). The NTR Dungeon has 10 total maps each going up to 5 levels. You have to pay contribution to unlock the higher levels, which is absurd, it should be automatic after completion of each level of all the maps. As a bonus it also makes it easier for Bruno to NTR you and you have pay more contribution in the NTR Dungeon to help avoid it. To access them you have to complete the level of the maps before moving on to the next level one. The map exploration consists of 20 floors, on the maps you fight enemies, gather lust reducing potions and can unlock chests, you have shops where you can buy clothing or sell extras for money if you have any. Finally you have the rest tent, that acts as one part of the NTR in the NTR Dungeon, you can reduce Mel's lust level by letting Bruno have his way with her, the content of this changes based on the current lust level. As for the Player, you cannot do anything yourself here. Overall The NTR Dungeon does not give you enough money and contribution to be worthwhile, if you are going to engage in low level NTR, you are better doing it via something you have more control over.

    Combat System:
    The turn based RPG combat system by itself (without the NTR BS) is actually pretty good, the fact you can upgrade your skills via the harem bath, is very a interesting concept. This system is not used properly and is too good for this game. Not good enough to make this game worth playing by itself though. We might see this combat system in a better future game (not placing my bets on either of those things happening). You have 5 options in combat: attack, defend, special attack, stop Bruno H (only on that turn most of the time) and Stop the enemy and deals damage. The player has no HP and if you take to long to win the enemy flees (even bosses). If you follow Bruno's orders you gain a few contribution points, if don't you loose a few. My advice here is to just spam attacks and follow Bruno's orders when they are his order. You gain just +2 favor with Mel when you win a battle. The in-battle NTR: Mel will be sexually harassed in battle by Bruno and he will remove her clothing in order to expose her genitals, Mel's clothing can be ripped by enemy attacks. Mel has climax gauge when filled adds 1 climax to the climax count. Bruno has a bonus gauge that makes it easier for him to make Mel climax and increase her overall lust level. If the lust level hits 999 in battle Bruno will have sex with her right there, and/or he will have sex with her once you get back to town. (What was KeganiLab even thinking when designing this dungeon and combat system? If only the Player could just kick Bruno out of the party...)

    Equipable outfit system:
    You acquire the outfits via the NTR Dungeon, some you have to buy with gold, others are random drops. The higher level areas of the NTR Dungeon give you the upgraded versions of each clothing item. Panties are rare drops and the the legwear are items you find chests. Your choices of outfits are reflected in combat and character pose art only. There are 8 unique outfits used in scenes (Prostitution, Brest train, expose train, bunny girl, beach bikini, Succubi clothes, and the 2 shown on the latter pages of the H-stats). These are not equipable in the main game, sadly. For me they should be obtainable. Clothing are the only items you keep from the NTR Dungeon. Overall I would say this system works pretty well.

    Pay your debt (10000 Gold) There are 3 endings to this game: Ending 1: the Player Marries Mel, compared to the last game this is a proper wedding ceremony with a CG, and has significantly more dialog than the last game, feels like a proper ending. Ending 2: Bruno marries Mel (NTR end). The third ending is called a bad end, but really is just a generic end that allows you to new game +, regardless of your current game state. Clearing the game also allows you to open the full gallery, both these options are accessed from the players harem bath.

    Possible bugs and special notes:
    I do not know if this a bug, but once you just to apply the lust crest enough to be able to start prostitution, and train the brests and anus enough then you can earn unlimited money since you just click the buttons without limit. The fact you can do this saves this game from being completely unplayable trash, pray to the Succubi that this does not get patched or rebalanced (see the edit section below). Bruno's birthing scene would not trigger for me and even after the marriage partner on the H-stats screen changed to Bruno I still got the good end, from my perspective these bugs? Are a positive. I would recommend staying with version 1.00 (and asking for a new download link if you need it). While I was writing this review, a 1.10 patch has been released. At least the Player does not have an unrealistically tiny dick in this game. The player does get 6 little talk and beach date scenes, but ultimately it's just not enough. The bottom line here is that the Player needs significantly more content (both H and non H).

    Edit (13/4/2024): As of version 1.20 (and above) the unlimited prostitution button press has been patched. Making this game unplayable without save file editing or cheating. The only other thing is that from the players' harem bath, you can now break the limit. Just like everything else in this game, this requires an insane amount of grinding. Since you have to spend Mel's favorability to do it. The only positive this has is that it could help you if you got locked out of being able to have creampie sex with Mel (only if you took Mel's virginity first). As per usual, the updates have done nothing to improve the game at all.

    Final Overview:
    I had low expectations when I started playing this, but this game is worse than I thought it would be, the dev removed gameplay mechanics that I really liked in the last 2 games. This game is just poorly designed and given what KaganiLab has drawn inspiration from for this, no surprise there. Apart from the NTR everything else in this game is half baked at best. The overall grind in this game is horrific. Unless you save file edit, unlike the last games, there will be some NTR, in the form of sexual harassment (or more) in the NTR Dungeon, or via prostitution to get money in the town. The NTR Dungeon really doesn't offer you anything positive. As long as you take Mel's virginity nothing else really matters too much. In reality, the NTR has to be fully avoidable and there is no reason for it not to be. As long as KeganiLab is making money (the announced DL Site price for this game is around $20), these half baked games are keep on coming (and so will my reviews). At the of the day this game is seriously terrible and I would not recommend it.

    Review Score: 0.1/10
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Could only stomach to play the game up to dungeon level 3/5 before I ditched it and that was on the easiest difficulty. While there are some interesting aspects that the dev tried to go for (dress up), its overshadowed by how extremely grindy the game portion is. Honestly disappointed and I think this may very well be one of their worst releases yet.