VN Hello there! (General Kenobi)


Jul 3, 2017
Hi everyone. I'm fairly new to the dark side of games and I love it (minus the waiting for updates).

Anyway played my fair share to the point that I decided to put my hand in the mix, so I'm using this intro as just that and to ask you opinion on the VN I'm working on.
I have been writing stuff for years now but never was satisfied until I see my characters brought to life until I tried my hand on daz3d and renpy and rpgmv.
So I'll put the link down below and I would like your feedback on every aspect of the game.

plz, do keep in mind that this is my first time in pretty much everything in the game including the type of writing.
and as a side note, the music, as well as two pictures, are not mine, it would help to know how free we are to use certain assets for non-commercial games.