Ren'Py - Goddesses' Whim [v0.3.6 Patreon] [Ncrow]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Step Brother, I'm Stuck

    - Adult Isekai story you can read in mangas
    - Acceptable story
    - Good MC
    - Acceptable gameplay
    - Nice animations
    - Most of females treats you like a Rockstar celebrity.
    - Starting females look too simple

    The main problem is that most of the girls acting very defenseless around MC. They treat him like step brother and try to seduce him with each opportunity they got. I think it lowers the whole value of the girls. With that being sad, there are no other real problems with the game.

    Good game worth trying.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I think the game is pretty neat and i like the characters quote a lot and would struggle to pick a favourite, the animations are also very good and i look forward to seeing the story progress. The gameplay is also fairly simple but not in a bad way, It's a refreshing change to be able to just talk to people and do a couple of minigames without having to worry about a thousand different resources etc.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Black Metal

    This is a great game that deserves more recognition.
    The story is overall fun and wholesome, with meaningful moments and drama sprinkled in between.
    The LIs are all good looking and lovable and have distinct personalities, making this one of the few games where I really like almost all of them. The scenes and animations are also very well done.
    Not to mention that the updates are frequent and regular, with a good amount of new content each time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game, with fantastic character personalities, character models, H-scenes, pacing, and overall writing. With a plethora of content already in the game, this is a fantastic one to play through.

    I absolutely hate when a character is given a bunch of power at the start of the story and runs everything on easy mode. So, basically 99.8% of all Isekais. This exact thing happens here, however, like a teenager suddenly being handed an assault rifle, the MC has issues wielding his new strength and creates much more dramatic and interesting moments. This fact alone is more than enough for my to forgive anything for using my most hated trope.

    The only real issue I have with it is that the game forces you to max out character relationships with everyone to move on with the story. On top of making the game feel needlessly grindy, this can cause issues with less interesting or even some grating characters like the mega tsuntsun Akane. It was tedious, but with the power of ctrl skip, it wasn't too much of a problem.

    Great game. Great content. Pretty much the gold standard for Ren'py games as far as I'm concerned.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Girls are cute and animation is really good although I would like a little bit more but stuff. Also for something that's on 3.5v it has a lot of content, although the map fast travel could use some more locations! Keep up the good work!
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Dark XG

    I will be honest this game I fall in love. It has everything and the comedy Isekai's style kills me from laughter I have not been able And interesting stories became my second favorite game I have to play more to know what will happen. I hope a lot about this game and with how little I have played I can tell you that it is incredible how beautiful the new world is your characters are very interesting each one has their own way of being is from that world where you want to be and know more and know more and know more and know more and know more and know more and know more and know more and know more and know more and know more and know more and know more and know more and know more and more and see what happens in its history and it is like starting an anime and wanting to see how far their characters will come that will become words to describe this game just an incredible.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    It seems like a good game. But I catch myself thinking "why is it so boring most of the time?". Sad stories and drama ruin my mood to fap, while mindless repeating of same dialogs to rise affection is wasting my time.

    + Sex scenes are hot. Great animations, nice models, good variety of girls and places for sex.
    + its a sandbox, you can repeat sex scenes through gameplay, not just gallery.
    + hint system works great. Mission objectives are easy to understand and every girl has her own progress page with hints, if you want to focus on her.

    - MC is passive. Almost every sex scene is initiated by girls.
    - MC it too shy, its really annoying. "Oh no, I have to hide my erection", "Oh no I looked at her boobs" etc. He acts like a virgin even after having sex with half of the village.
    - Sad stories with buildup but no releaf. It ruins the mood to fap, when I have to read someone's sad backstory. And there is no relief afterwards, because I cannot kill evil mercenaries for what they have done. And I have a feeling that MC will not kill them either because he is a pacifist.
    - Affection grind system is a waste of my time. Repeat same dialog 5 times to get something new. Its dumb and should be avoided in game design.
    - Black screen transitions. MC talks to someone and every few sentences you get black screen fade in for no reason. Thankfully I turned them off in options.
    - Fights start unexpectedly. I'm reading a dialog and then BAM! I have 2 seconds to react and click on a tiny icon somewhere on the screen. Every fight scene I had to roll back because I was not ready for this quick time event.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Written by an uber sage weaboo and it shows. The game has it's good parts (THE PORN) but the cliche story, characters and dialogue are so unbelievably cringe it makes them hard to reach.

    This is the type of stuff going on with a girl he's known for ~3 days:
    "Without being able to utter a single word, I try to explain to her that everything will be alright." "Ryoko, letting out a sob, just clung to my hand."

    Talk about dramatic. Second hand embarassment is through the roof in this.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The good:
    -Well designed characters with unique personalities, anyone can be your personal favorite.
    -"Simple" story that is well narrated at a great pace.
    -Scenes and emotions are according to the situation, not your typical ahegao face.
    -Not extremely grindy, and the grind is well rewarded.
    -Interface is intuitive and easy to follow.
    -The music fits really well into the world.
    -LOTS of mainstream anime references (loved the titan one).

    The bad (?):
    -Is not finished yet.

    GW takes everything of the genre and takes it to the next level, you can clearly see the passion and love in the making of the world and each character, even the support ones... started the game with my pants down and "finished" it with a tear falling down my cheek, definetly looking foward the next updates.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The visuals and animation are very well done, not a lot of animators put as much attention to detail to entire body movement and angles. This is especially nice during H-scenes were you can see the characters' pussies pussies spread out and in during the animation. Only detail I'd like is if there were scenes of the characters cumming instead of a still image at the end but it isn't a huge gripe.

    Story-wise there isn't anything super interesting that sets it apart from other isekai/game mechanic story but it is still pretty early on considering only a fraction of what I assume will be a big map is accessible so far. The characters are cute and each have pretty distinct personalities from one another discounting the unnamed NPCs who are all just horny for the MC. (But being an H game, why not?)

    Overall I am looking forward to following to seeing how it goes from here story-wise and hoping for continued consistent updates.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm not very far into the story yet, but I'll update as I go. So far I've unlocked like 8 girls, and have spent most of the time going for their events instead of zooming through the main quest.

    Story goes you're a regular guy who's crazy good at kendo and get isekai'd by goddesses, since they find you interesting. From there, you're pretty much going with the on-rails isekai tropes of being unexpectedly strong and everyone is down bad for you. The story tries to like, make you interested in like multiple flashback sequences to his SUPPOSEDLY dead mom. But if you've ever read any manga or watched any anime ever, you'll probably see the twist from a mile away. The game is better when it's just being a slice of life rom-com, and it succeeds at that for the most part. You should NOT go into this expecting a serious or deep story. That's clearly not what they're going for.

    The MC is just alright. Some people think he's cringe, some people think he's silly, some people think he's chill. I think he's a an alright balance of the three. The setting is less isekai and more like MC got transported to some rural japanese village imo, everything from the music to the scenery so far seems to reinforce the fact at least. So imo, it makes sense he's a little cringe.

    The girls are pretty distinct from one another. You got typical town knight, milf doctor and her clumsy assistant, slave who loves you, and etc. They all have really nice designs and their personalities overlap sometimes, but for the most part - everyone is pretty unique in their own way. My favorites so far are Hana, Ryoko, and Charlotte, all characters that feel a little more deeply involved with the MC. Mayu is the super hyper and silly blacksmith - I thought she was really cute for a side character, since she plays on the more comedic aspect of the game.

    H-scenes are pretty hot and the models are really detailed for KK game. On par with other HQ works using them. I think the grind associated is pretty meh. Like, there have been worse grinds - people act like there isn't a big skip button and will complain, but it's really not that bad. And the amount of pretty unique content so far, considering I haven't even touched the main quest that much is pretty amazing, since lots of Devs will take almost half a year to consistently pump out scenes. Just a tad disappointed there's not really any sound effects/voices during them, but if you play alot of renpy games, that's not a huge surprise anyways and you're mostly there for eyecandy.

    I do think my main gripe with the game is the dialogue. You don't need to be an english major to understand that the translation is pretty mid. It's very stilted at times and doesn't flow naturally from sentence to sentence. What I've chosen to do, to alleviate this clunkiness, is make it my head-canon that since the MC is in some kind of rural Japan setting, everyone speaks in a weird way, resulting in the weird dialogue. But really, it's not too bad - you can understand what the characters are saying. Most of the time I take out the somewhat garbled mess on screen and reword it in my head so that it flows better anyways with these sorts of games.

    Solid 3.5/5 so far, if the quality of more LIs' and their scenes keep up as I go on, it'd be like a 4/5 for me, once it hit the current update. If you're going into games like these, it's better to keep expectations somewhat low and just enjoy the lax ride. Surprisingly, it's better than most renpy-KK games on the site, with more polish put into it.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Dont get why this has such a high rateing maybe i just dont get it...some reviews talk about alot of bad stuff and still rate it 4 or 5 stars? some only talk about animations and sure they are nice but a review should be about everything....

    Story was quite boring, dialogs are cringy and just meh, its all so kinetic hidden behind a pointless sandbox since your forced to follow a set questline where you have absolutly no choices so its also a mindless fuckfest game where every LI is forced on you, quests are idiotic and boring where you just repeat the same shit over and over untill you have enough points with a LI to get a little progress.

    MC is cringy and brainless and dosent dare to do fuck all on hes own, but girls just trows them selfs on MC for no apprent reason, but i guess if they dident he would always be a virgin....its just boring like most of the game...

    Girls look ok but not a fan of watching MC fuck those i hate or just dont like since it just becomes a turn-off.

    Animations are good and proberly the best part of the game but that alone cant hold up a game.
    Music is pretty decent and suits the scenes.

    It really is mostly a 1 star game but ill add one for animations and music.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    If the only thing you want is stunning visuals and steamy scenes, play this game.
    Personally, the story did not capture my attention, and the dialogue was below average. There was an excessive amount of exposition, which was tedious, and characters frequently delivered monologues in a manner that was annoying and cringy.
    The game heavily relied on clichés to provide the player with a sense of comfort and perfection, so I got bored and annoyed very quickly.

    5 stars for visuals, 0 stars for typical harem with no depth, 0 stars for typical boring MC, 0 stars for minigames that served no purpose, 0 stars for 0 player agency, 0 stars for plot.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fantastic! It exudes a cozy atmosphere throughout, and each moment brings me closer to the love interests. There's a distinctive quality to each character that sparks my curiosity and leaves me wanting to learn more about them. The action scenes are also exceptionally well-executed, making this Visual Novel truly impressive. Overall, the game is absolutely outstanding.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is surprisingly well done - characters aren't flat, scenes look good. I just can't stand the writing. Not only is it just so incredibly cliche, it's riddled with translation errors between the author's original language and English (I can only assume). I didn't really get too far into it because I was so bored, but the assets looked good enough to at least give it average.

    If you can stand sub-par writing and story for above average models, then you'll probably like this.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Favorite KK game on the site hands down. the animations are so well done, you can really tell the dev puts a lot of effort into the details.

    Story isn't bad and it seems to be getting better as updates continue. Highly recommend.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not really good reviewer, so let's make it simple :

    Character : 4/5 (very expressive, especially the main girls)
    Story : 3.5/5 (it's good and has nice comedy in it)
    Scene : 5/5 (no comment. Just play it and you would like it)
    Overall : 4.5/5 (this is one of the best koikatsu based game you probably ever play.. imo, it's golden experience)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great game! It has comfy feelings all around and it's full of moments where it feels like I become closer to the love interests. There's also somehow something unique in every love interests, makes me want to know more about them. The actions scenes as well, they are too awesome and looks really good for a Visual Novel! The game is fucking amazing overall.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    game has likelable characters, fantastically animated custom h-scenes, is regularly updated (usually once a month), and great visuals. it is quite hard to find a fault in it. I would recommend it to pretty much everybody. the dev knows what they are doing and i look forward to seeing more updates / what they go into next
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    no one in particular

    Amazing so far, haven't even finished it yet, absolutely blown away by how much content is there, the animations are great, the character are diverse and look pretty good, cute + funny + "plot" + plot = perfect, looking forward to see how the story develops and more "plot" for sure, the music is also pretty good.