Unreal Engine - Completed - Garrison One-man Army [Final] [DDE]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    [ Final ]
    One big "Meh".

    -Story, Originality
    You need to defend the beach!
    For 35 waves.
    Literaly 2 sentances of plot.

    Well the models are okay.
    Though centaurs are very small (ponytaurs lol).

    Stock music and common h-sounds.

    Finished it in 30-40 minutes, died 2 times (1 - lack of weapons, 2 - got ganged at 35th wave).

    Very monotonous gameplay and boring h-scenes.

    I don't want to play it again...

    Works fine.

    Got stuck in invisible walls couple of times.

    Stock enemy animations and basic h-scenes.

    -Voice Acting
    No voices, only h-sounds.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    Barely any content.
    H-scenes are boring and there is on;y 5-6 of them.
    Gameplay is also made me want to sleep.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Do not bother downloading this... creation, it's not worth it. Below, I will write in a few lines why exactly:

    Optimization: I wouldn't be surprised if hundreds of thousands of polygons were stuffed here just because someone was too lazy to optimize models. Yes, I play on my wooden 960GTX, but sorry, it's not next-gen graphics either.

    Sound: I don't know, my habit of playing such games without sound since childhood has carried over into adulthood, but in this particular case, it's more good than bad.

    Story: It doesn't exist. That's it. Not a single line, not even a couple of introduction words. NOTHING.

    Gameplay: One map, a couple of strange creatures, a couple of guns. My grandmother would have animated these creatures better, by the way. There's no weapon animation at all. And even though most of the gameplay description boiled down to animations, I told you everything about the gameplay.

    Sex scenes: Earn currency, buy sex scenes with it. There are about 4 scenes in the game with a basic looped animation, somewhere in 1.5-2 seconds.

    As they say, you can't speak ill of the dead. And this game was born dead right away.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Wave survival shooter with about 6 animated scenes.
    You basically unlock scenes by completing more waves.
    It's pretty boring long grind.
    I give it 3 stars, because the animations are okey, girl's model is hot and if you have nothing better to do, you might find it somehow entertaining .