Game Development and Limited Time


Apr 20, 2023
hi everyone. i'm going to ask you a question that you'll probably think is stupid. i'm wondering how long it takes to develop a game. i know there are a million factors to answer this question. let me make it a little easier for you.

i'm going to use hs2. let's assume i have my characters, maps and script ready. all i have to do is create the scenes using hs2, then turn it into a game using ren'py. even then there are a lot of factors. like the quality of the game and the amount of content. let's say an average quality and amount of content.

how long do you think it would take to release an episode that would satisfy people? the reason I ask this question is: my work time is 12 hours a day including traveling. when you add sleep and other basic needs, there is not much left. do you think a game can be made with an average of 2 hours a day? or is this just a dream?


Mar 6, 2021
It's possible, of course. You made the hardest part, which is the script. Making renders in StdNv2 is not that hard and Ren'Py isn't either. But it depends on the level of effort you wanna put in your renders and game mechanics.

If you already know how to use all the tools, it will flow like the wind. If not, it will take you significantly longer to create.

You should consider a partner if you think you can't make it alone.


Mayor of Sutton
Game Developer
Oct 7, 2021
If you're willing to do it, you will do it. It's as simple as that.

I can't give a tangible answer on how long a game will take to develop. The only thing I can say for certain is that it'll take longer than you think. I thought I'd be well and truly done with Stuck in Sutton by now, but I've still got 3 updates left to do (which is about 4.5 months worth of work, not accounting for breaks).

What's satisfactory is also incredibly subjective. Some people won't even give my game a second look just because it's text-based, whereas others will drop 5-star reviews and say it's one of the best things they've played in a long time. Just know you're gonna take criticism no matter what you do with your game.
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