Unity Completed FURRY HITLER 2 [Final] [Furry Tails]

Apr 28, 2022
I really REALLY cannot comprehend furries. I cant comprehend that fetish at all. Is it a beastiality thing? An anime thing? Why cartoon versions of creatures that would be completely disgusting to fuck in real life? How do you aquire this fetish? Do you wake up one day and purchase a blue fox outfit to dry hump other furries in ? Its mostly a gay thing? Is that why i cant understand it?

And now we have hitler sex games, and i cant understand those either - combine hitler/furry (he doesnt even look like hitler! Wheres his moustache!) anyway, combining both is double confusing.

Ive tried asking furries about their fetish, but they get so damn defensive and catty - never willing to expound on it at all.

The guys who have the giant woman fetish were completely willing to share their reasons for why they like what they like.

NTR lovers will be happy to explain why they like their fetish. Why do the furries never explain, i just really want to understand, thats all. Im not trying to piss anyone off, i just need to understand.


Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
I really REALLY cannot comprehend furries. I cant comprehend that fetish at all. Is it a beastiality thing? An anime thing? Why cartoon versions of creatures that would be completely disgusting to fuck in real life? How do you aquire this fetish? Do you wake up one day and purchase a blue fox outfit to dry hump other furries in ? Its mostly a gay thing? Is that why i cant understand it?

And now we have hitler sex games, and i cant understand those either - combine hitler/furry (he doesnt even look like hitler! Wheres his moustache!) anyway, combining both is double confusing.

Ive tried asking furries about their fetish, but they get so damn defensive and catty - never willing to expound on it at all.

The guys who have the giant woman fetish were completely willing to share their reasons for why they like what they like.

NTR lovers will be happy to explain why they like their fetish. Why do the furries never explain, i just really want to understand, thats all. Im not trying to piss anyone off, i just need to understand.
How do you explain a fetish like that? Either the characters look hot to you or they don't. There's no great psychological reasoning behind it, at least not any that's pedestrian enough for a smut forum. It's like a BBW fetish, either you get it or you don't and there's no great reasoning around why. Not everything can be, or should be easily explained.


Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
I disagree, everything in the universe can and should be explained, even weird fetishes. Understanding what makes people tick is important.
To what end? What's the clinical value of this information? Finding out why some people are attracted to furries, large set people or blondes isn't going to improve healthcare, technology, the environment or anything else. Hell it won't even improve therapy outcomes. Somethings just are and they don't need a reason. Looking for answers where they aren't needed likely speaks to either a poor coping mechanism to irrational information or in this context an adherence to antiquated models of psychology. There's a reason that good psychologists have moved on from Freudian dream interpretation, because it wasn't providing any value to patients much like this line of exploration. That diverts effort away from actual productive or enjoyable endeavors.

Even ignoring that, this forum isn't an appropriate venue to explore the deep psychological intricacies of personalized sexual arousal. There's no control, it's too specific of a sample and the motivations you're looking for are largely too obscure to meaningfully communicate. What one person says might be the opposite of what another feels.
You mentioned looking at NTR fans. There's plenty of easily explainable attractions to NTR. It could be an arousal from the debasement and corruption of the heroine, it could be arousal from the cheating, it could be arousal from the feelings of loss, it could be a feeling of power by closely identifying with the villain, it could be cuckold angst from identifying with the victim. All real and existing reasons to like NTR but if all you hear from on this forum is from people who get off on the power from identifying with the villain then you're going to get the wrong idea of why NTR arouses people. That problem is going to be many times magnified when exploring arousal to something that's so much more obscure as a furry fetish. Even if a few people were able to explain it you wouldn't be able to make any reasonable inferences to the general population who can't explain it.
Apr 28, 2022
To what end? What's the clinical value of this information? Finding out why some people are attracted to furries, large set people or blondes isn't going to improve healthcare, technology, the environment or anything else. Hell it won't even improve therapy outcomes. Somethings just are and they don't need a reason. Looking for answers where they aren't needed likely speaks to either a poor coping mechanism to irrational information or in this context an adherence to antiquated models of psychology. There's a reason that good psychologists have moved on from Freudian dream interpretation, because it wasn't providing any value to patients much like this line of exploration. That diverts effort away from actual productive or enjoyable endeavors.

Even ignoring that, this forum isn't an appropriate venue to explore the deep psychological intricacies of personalized sexual arousal. There's no control, it's too specific of a sample and the motivations you're looking for are largely too obscure to meaningfully communicate. What one person says might be the opposite of what another feels.
You mentioned looking at NTR fans. There's plenty of easily explainable attractions to NTR. It could be an arousal from the debasement and corruption of the heroine, it could be arousal from the cheating, it could be arousal from the feelings of loss, it could be a feeling of power by closely identifying with the villain, it could be cuckold angst from identifying with the victim. All real and existing reasons to like NTR but if all you hear from on this forum is from people who get off on the power from identifying with the villain then you're going to get the wrong idea of why NTR arouses people. That problem is going to be many times magnified when exploring arousal to something that's so much more obscure as a furry fetish. Even if a few people were able to explain it you wouldn't be able to make any reasonable inferences to the general population who can't explain it.
Its not up to you to decide what information is valuable. ' I ' think its valuable, and the people who have this fetish may find it valuable to understand themselves. And Why isnt this forum a good place to discuss peoples fetish? I think its the perfect place to discuss it. I'd rather do it here, where people are real rather than reddit. By the way I was fully aware of all those reasons for the NTR fetish you didnt need to go out of your way to explain it although it was nice to see someone who fully understands the fetish from multiple angles.

I want real responses from Furries, so if youre not a furry or willing to explain youre fetish to me please dont respond anymore. Im not trying to start a flame war and piss off the mods.


Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2021
I want real responses from Furries, so if youre not a furry or willing to explain youre fetish to me please dont respond anymore. Im not trying to start a flame war and piss off the mods.
Not sure what else you expect to happen here but me answering your question doesn't make this discussion any less off topic. If you really wanted to get insight into it then you shouldn't be highjacking game threads, you should be posting about it in general discussion or off topic, still not going to get meaningful data from here though.
Either way there is a spider girl on my signature and all I can tell you is monster girls, anthropomorphs, furries and heck even ponies are hot. There's really nothing any more deep to it than that. Can't speak for real life furry fetishists, which if you wanted to learn about then you'd be much better off looking for interviews with them which I do know are on the web, but that's my take on cartoon furries.

Bernd L

Oct 14, 2017
Most accurate depiction of history out there. This game is really something everyone should play to get a deeper understanding of history. Masterpiece :sneaky:
Nov 17, 2023
I feel like furry fetish is just a big community joke where people keep trying to be the most weird possible.
You can't possibly tell me someone out there said "You know what would be hot? Hitler but furry, yeah!"
Aren't some furries nazis tho? It wouldn't be a surprise if the creator of this game supports natsoc.