Others - Frankie's Funclub [v0.1] [LOVEBITES]

  1. 4.00 star(s)



    Currently I'd call it a very basic thief simulator/"horror" game, with you looting and "breaking and entering" from thief simulator while using a PDA with the battery mechanic from FNAF. While being a prototype and some mechanics not being fully explained, they're simple enough that you can easily grasp the concepts in maybe a few minutes: Avoid Frenni and the cameras that turn on after a few minutes and escape with as much loot as you can find.

    For a prototype, the base gameplay, controls, and graphics shows promise for an interesting game. That said, there are some annoyances such as not being able to drop items from your inventory, so if you pick too much you'll be either be slogging your way or be forced to sprint in bursts.

    There's currently 5 H-scenes, and while I think the animations are okay, unlocking them is unfortunately not straightforward. 2 require picking up items that randomly spawn then being caught (or in my case, never spawning an being forced to use a full save). The other 3 require buying their respective items on the computer, then being caught. I think this system is meant to reward those playing the game, but some direction would be preferred.

    Right now its an alright 20 minutes experience on what may be a promising game.