For those using DAZ Studio 4.10...


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
... have you had any issues opening the program at all??

After a while to seeing the update, I decided to give it a chance and went ahead. Used DIM (and later the standalone installer) and when I open DAZ it crashes on loading, with and error about Access Violation in NTDLL.DLL in the System32 folder (Sadly I didn't take a screenshot of the error when it happened). I have Nvidia drivers uptated. I looked for the file error and Daz, and I couldn't find any replies with the 2 linked. I'm running Windows 7 64Bits.

Some say that the NTDLL error can happen with other programs, and it could be corrupted. But i don't trust any site that has the dll for download, and Microsoft doesnt have anything related.

Right now, I'm back to 4.9.4 that runs well. if no solution is out there, I'll try 4.10 when another update is out.