Filtering out tags


Jan 17, 2020
I hope this is the right place to post this.
Is there a way to filter out tags? Like instead of adding a tag to see every game with that tags, instead blocking a tag so you see everything that doesn't have the tag.

Papa Ernie

Dec 4, 2016
Sort of.

You can exclude tags from a search with the 'Search forums' page. Use the 'Without tags' field.

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Oct 5, 2019
I agree, but I think it would be amazing if the without tags feature is added here, since I often browse stuffs from here instead of searching the forum View attachment 1009679
i have the same problem. as much as i like just clicking in lastest updates and see what's new, i prefer to search for what i've miss. getting rid of gay, ntr, female protagonist will make thinks easier for me personally. adding a button on tags that let u remove a search tag will be handy even if it still counts for the 5 max. like, assuming im not the only one cus im not. there is no other way. literally imposible to scroll the search bar and seen an interesting game and suddenly BOOM! ntr in the description. it has happen to me more than twice killing my mood almost completely. hope the f95 team respond why isn't an option for it, or just no one has complain about it until now.

PS: love the search system but the lack of an excluding type for everything but tags feals imcomplete. (i was thinking about a hole of fame window, but i guess searching by rating or likes do the trick. which is unfortunely user valued and not like a f95zone award or something, imaging voting for visual novel of the year... DAMN!)
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New Member
Oct 5, 2019
That would be the single change I would make to the site. I had to spend a long time sifting through threads using the search function when really the latest updates page is so much easier. But no way of knowing if it has ntr or other major turnoffs unless it's listed near the top. Glad it's there for people who like those tags, but nothing for people who don't. To me it's almost more important for a game not to have something than it is to have something else.