Comics - Pinup - Female Dominion [Episode 1-4] [Female Dominion Comics]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Like another review said, this isn't usually what I read, but I really enjoyed it. It had its funny parts, and I love the mystery. I'm looking forward to seeing what sneaky things the girls are up to because I get the feeling that not all the characters are what they seem. Especially the ones who are obviously keeping secrets.
    The relationships between the characters are really nice. You can tell they have a history, even with characters who you only see once. The subplots that opened up also have me really curious and excited about side characters and the Female Dominion world in future episodes.
    Is episode 2 ready yet? :ROFLMAO:
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I rate by each experience as I encounter it, not based on what's missing or what may or may not be corrected or added or subtracted or I hope or expect to come. Solely the experience experienced if that makes any sense.

    So, anyway, I really, really, REALLY enjoyed this. The dialogue itself is clear, concise and punchy. I love the Batman-esque (I hope that's taken as a compliment and not a cliché) typeface used. Very effective and really adds to, and where appropriate accentuates, the action. Narratively, it all flows beautifully too and the characterisation is not only credible, but smooth, natural and, above all, NOT in the slightest bit cheesy!!! Doubleplusgood!!!

    No bad language (well I guess Eona did call Famke a fat bitch right at the end, but I think we can let that one go) not that I have any problem whatsoever with its inclusion though I always prefer it to be contextually fitting. However, it wasn't here and so I was ultra impressed not to see it.

    The artistry is 5 star, solid gold, 24 carat, top drawer excellent! Everything's presented, not only superbly, but I personally found the style very, very pleasing to my eye. The backgrounds are suitably somewhat subdued and atmospherically lit, nowhere unnaturally so, and it really helped focus on the scene itself and whatever was transpiring.

    The heroine (perhaps one of two?), EONA, is fantastic. I loved her. I loved her curves, I loved all of the ladies' curves, especially DESMA!! As she's Eona's bestie I am really looking forward to seeing more (no I won't say it) of her later. The CAPTAIN too is drop-dead gorgeous I'd love to see more of her too.

    All are full figured, three of the four are red lipstick-ed (yum..goddesses!)...all classy looking babes, yet without the slightest compromise in terms of their front-up, businesslike (cop businesslike, that is) demeanour and credibility.

    Eona has a really well balanced personality. Tough, authoritative, yet not overbearing and not in any sense masculine. I really liked that despite her initially extreme reluctance to take RILEY for a trial she settled in to the partnership without lasting rancour or bias further ado. Professional which is exactly what the lady is. Her whole presence fits the persona being portrayed totally credibly and, in the context of the storyline, engrossingly.

    No sex yet (being a guy I can't help assuming there will be) which again I respect. I do realize from the tags that these ladies are lesbians, but regardless I do love all non male-gay sex, especially looking at these gorgeously rendered babes.

    All girl doesn't matter to me in the slightest (and why should it?). As long as they all enjoy each other, I say who gives a ***. So regarding the sex everything has its place and the more in its place it is the more natural and enjoyable and the richer the story is for it. It can wait...but, if at all possible, not for too long, please hehe ;)

    Oh, how possibly gauche of me...I never thought...I just assumed there will be some sex...I apologize if I'm wrong and have let myself down here..).

    Anyway, moving on...facially the characters are a little bit samey, but as I said I love the design and style of their lovely and evenly featured, so it's all just (juicy) peachy with me.

    Riley is great too. It was great how one started off, from the way Eona was acting up about her, expecting her to be a liability, but that was very quickly quashed by the lady herself. Straight away I really liked Riley's attitude and I got a nice warm fuzzy feeling (no not down there) to discover and see in action how nerdy-smart and well clued up she was, especially with regard to the visor. I thought it was very clever too to use this to open Eona's eyes to her own lack of knowledge of the visor's features which, had she known what Riley was quickly able to enlighten her about, would have given her added advantages in terms of both potential safety and also the performance of her own duties.

    I really liked that this, together with her superbly assertive 'take that you bitch' retort to the snotty corpo exec FAMKE, really evened up Eona's attitude and perception of Riley. Again it was a really smooth, professional transition in characterization which was not only a pleasure to watch, but also emphasised additional traits in both Eona and Riley, being Eona's increasingly impressive leadership qualities and Riley's intuitively intelligent sensitivity to her place and her skilful awareness of how she could most effectively blend in and contribute to the possible new team).

    To my mind, there's a really strong working and increasingly personal bond growing between these two already and its great to see how they both already approach things as more of, if not yet entirely, a shoulder-to-shoulder pairing ,rather than merely a token Riley tagalong as was originally anticipated.

    I could go on, but I won't. Looking forward to the next chapter and in the meanwhile giving my piggy bank a good shake to see what might be available to help support this creator via her Patreon presence.

    Thanks a bunch for the pleasure and for such a lovely surprise. This is not usually my "thing" and I had therefore no great urge to look into this at all, but hell if I'm not really glad that I gave this the respect and the chance that it deserves...