VN - Others - Completed - Everyone’s After Her [Final] [ORCSOFT]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Saying that I played this game would be a real stretch. Firstly because there isn't all that much to play, and secondly because I skipped from the beginning to the end.

    I would not have been this hard on the game if said that it was a kinetic novel, and not really a game. It does not, so I rate as a game.

    I skipped through the entire game because I find kinetic novels to be an incredibly boring experience. What I want in games is a neat story, some character progression/development, hot scenes, interactable mechanics and most of all meaningful choices. I would like to be the one making said choices. Otherwise, this is simply a book with the added layer of having to click to get the next line.

    This game fall through on most of those accounts - admitted I just skipped, so I can't say anything about the story or character development. From my speed run I gathered that it probably was some fairly ordinary blackmail and some corruption involved.

    Do this game have choices? Yes. It has 1 one, which is if you want to pull away from a blowjob or just blow harder. Literally the only choice in the entire game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is great. It hits the right NTR clichés while also providing new interesting twists to the story.

    It is not a 5/5 for a couple of reasons. First, the game has an enforced playing order - that means you don't choose your route, you play through the game and it'll give you the first one. Then you can play again, and it'll give you the second. Play it again, it'll give you the third. After the third, you unlock two side character small routes and an extra route for a different perspective of what happened in the first route. After completing all of these, you unlock the final route.

    This, in my opinion, is a bad decision - not because I don't like this type of thing, but because for it to work, all your routes need to be equally strong. They are not. The first route is by far the strongest and it is great. The route changes tones a bit towards the latter half to show the real personalities and thoughts of the small villain and also to tease the real mastermind behind it all, and the heroine is stupid as is usual in NTR games but within the realm of tolerable (blackmail yadda yadda). It's a great route with slow corruption and the 2nd relationship slowly growing.

    The second route has a noticeable decrease in quality. Again, it teases towards the real mastermind, but the guy stealing this time is a lot more "generic ntr villain". The third route is similar, but with a dash of hypnosis which I particularly hate, and the quality decreases further. The side routes are essentially nonsensical, too short, and entirely too fucking stupid and disconnected from what the other routes have built up.

    The high point is the uncovering of the real mastermind, which I personally only understood at the end of the 2nd route and got my confirmation upon the conclusion of the 3rd when the extra was revealed. It also uncovers some hidden happenings of the first route in the extra and it contextualizes a lot of the game into a new point of view and it was a twist I genuinely wasn't expecting, which is rare in these types of games. If this was played into better in the last route, this would've probably been 5/5, but the enforced playing order where the game gets progressively dumber and dumber made this VN a complete hassle to read through after 1/3rd of the way, and I felt like skipping everything - including HCGs - for the last 1/3 entirely. The last route tries to employ a minor time loop mechanic to imply that no matter what you do, the protagonist is doomed to fail and be a wimp across all spacetime, which was a very stupid waste of a perfectly good plot twist.

    TL;DR - First route is great, you should play at least the main three to get a very good plot twist, everything else is pretty bad.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    princess bride

    If you're into NTR, this game is all you would want. OrcSoft has some of the best art out there, great voice acting and great amount of hours.

    Is it too cliche? Yes.But it does not detain you from enjoying for what it is. Everyone's After Her is a great NTR VN with your cliches here and there, to top it all with some amazing art.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Alright well some a-hole rated this game 1* so now I'll have to throw my hat into the ring.

    If you're into NTR, this game is good eating. OrcSoft regularly delivers quality art, quality voice acting and good value for your time, and all of this is still the case here in Everyone's After Her. If you want other examples of good OrcSoft fare, Womanizing Private Tutor's Cuckoldry Report and Kagachi-sama are two of my favorite (disclaimer: both are netorase).

    Is this game cliche? Sure. Find me eroge that isn't cliche and I'll show you a developer that's in the wrong business. Everyone's After Her is your somewhat-standard blackmail NTR affair with a slight twist, nothing you haven't seen before. What the NTR enjoyers are here for, however, is the descent, the corruption of the feminine love interest, and OrcSoft delivers that corruption in lovely, exquisite detail with full VA.

    If you're looking for a purely male perspective I don't think this game will deliver that. The game flips between the perspectives whenever it'd be hottest, essentially.

    5* fuck the haters
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best VN NTR ever made, it is very old released in 2015. Have played this before with textractor, but its not the same as a standard english translation.
    The art is extremely good, and there is a few different routes to unlock. The story is very standard, your standard blackmail stuff and she gets corrupted after a while, but it being an old game kinda justifies why the story is so generic.
    One thing about this game though... what the fuck are those teeth...
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This one is a very bad game even for japanese standards. Before I left it the story was so predictable it got boring and I skipped the whole text and I still could follow it because I knew what was going to happen. There is only one choice early in the beginning and I found none after that for a long while even when she's already fully corrupt, not sure if there is any other but that is poor gameplay in any way. If you're going for a kinetic novel at least do so.

    Art is mediocre, nothing special in any way, and the game has no animations. Voices are decent but music is pretty annoying. At least I found no bugs, since not having a wide resolution is a "feature" not a bug, but it certainly is a strong point against it that there is no better resolution to play it on.

    So, all in all, a very bad game and a hard skip is my recommendation.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Hot. Pacing is good and more branches open up every replay. Translation is fan-made and a bit stiff at times but it does not detract from the otherwise excellent VN. Also, an actually completed game for once.