Elder Scrolls Online


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
Destiny was a pve shooter with optional pvp and alot of grinding. Warframe is a pve shooter with optional pvp and alot of grinding. It's money hungry cause of forma, the weapon and warframe slots, the wait time to build weapons and then the grind to gather resources if you don't want to buy it using regular cash. It's not bad for a f2p model and overall it is better than Destiny but Destiny's resource collection was really simple. Except, in Destiny, you had to wait each week for a chance at the resource you wanted cause fuck you and everything you stand for


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
Yeah I can see the wait time and such being a problem but then again it is patience you need, even if you had a much lower wait time you would still have to grind for the resources and the creds, then if you want to pimp out your weapon you will still need the right mods for the right builds, It is a very grindy game. But they don't charge you for expensions or DLC's they release a new frame or primed version you grind for the parts and get em for free, it is time consuming sure but the model is better then any other I have seen here it is either you spend something to rush everything or you play the game and get everything eventually. And again you can earn the plat through trading to buy forma or weapon slots or frame slots and what not without having given out actual money. If I were to compare this game to for example Mechwarrior Online ( always been a fan of the series and love it to death ) this is actual money hungry.Or even worse APB Reload (fuck gamerfirst for being greedy cunts).


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
Almost everything has an alternative way to obtain it through real $. That's what i mean when I say money hungry. It's like you can earn Chroma or by him using platinum. So yeah, I bought Chroma.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
fair enough.. but chroma ? really ? he is pretty easy to get should have gone for titania instead or ivara those are a pain to get.


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
eh. I'm still MR 6 and I prefer tanky characters. So far I like Rhino and Frost. I have Valkyr as well but not a huge fan of how she works. weapons I use are Tonkor (have adhesive mod), Paris Prime (farmed), and Tigris as primaries, Twin Grakatas and Lex Prime as secondary, Galatine and Redeemer as melee. I have 2-3 spare Warframe slots, 3-4 weapon slots that are open atm. I need Saryn Prime Chasis for Saryn Prime, MR13 and the blueprint for Galantine Prime.
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Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
MR13 for what if I may ask ? if you like tanky frames Nekros and Nezha are pretty good tank frame with nezha being also quite agile compared to most.Saryn while a very good frame is not really tanky but if build right does tons of dmg.Galantine Prime is also a very good weapon indeed.

I am MR15 almost 16.

I have frame wise : Nyx/Prime - Ember Prime - Frost Prime - Volt/Prime - Nekros/Prime - Valkyr/Prime - Titania - Hydroid - Ash Prime - Chroma - Saryn/Prime - Nezha - Ivara - Loki Prime - Nova/Prime - Oberon - Banshee - Equinox - Mag/Prime - Trinity Prime And Excalibur.

Weapons to damn much to name. But most used are ( depending on frame )
Primary:Soma Prime, Sobek, Cernos Prime, Rakta Cernos,Sancti Tigress, Tigress Prime,Hek, Vaykor Hek,Ignis,Grinlok,Braton Prime,Zarr.

Secondary: AkLex Prime,Twin Rogga,Secura Dual Cestra,Despair, Spira/Prime.

Melee: Galatine Prime, Scindo Prime,Nikana Prime,Broken Scepter,Secura Lecta,Glaive Prime,War,Kesheg,Orthos Prime,Furax Wraith.

I Own a whole lot more weapons then that but those I use most depending on frame and situation I find myself in.
I have been playing warframe since update 7.4 so yea.With the exception of Ember Prime and Valkyr Prime everything else is farmed. those are the 2 only one I bought as prime access when they came out ( ember prime was my first prime ) everything else I have farmed for. That includes the slots and forma and what not.(before relics came the Tower keys was the thing and farming Forma was a whole lot easier then too ) I stacked up on mods parts and what not sold a few frost prime sets and ember prime sets amongst a few other things on a later date along with a ton of vault run mods to get the platinum and trade as much as I can everyday.

If you ever feel like you need someone to help you grind or level up or fetch you something feel free to hit me up in game.
In game Noryg or add me and see when I am on or send me a PM here and ill give you my Steam you can add me up on that and send me a msg.


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
WhitestWhite ingame. As for getting Saryn Prime, it's more or less the fact that she's the only Prime frame that I've come close to getting. The MR13 is needed for Galantine Prime (missing Blueprint) and a few other things. I do have all the parts for a Dera Vandal but unsure if it's any good. if not I can just sell it for platinum. And getting Chroma was at first recommended by a guy who's been playing the game for years and has every prime frame and nearly if not all the prime weapons. He then says after I bought him that he was shit and I instantly was like fuck you dude, no longer taking advice from you.

Side note, you wouldn't happen to have a spare Rhino or Frost prime set you wouldn't mind throwing at me for like dirt cheap would you lol?
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Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
Shall do, done added both hit me up if yall want to do something special or whatevs XD