Others - Completed - Dungeon Town [Final] [Circle Meimite]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I finished this game in 20 hours and saw almost every dialogue, all in all the game would be good if it wasn`t for some problems like useless characters that appear and disappear after some time, only characters that i can name that are relevant to the plot are Virginia, Alitcia(forgot witch name), Florina, Hellio and maid(forgot her name) and main enemies all other are just useless junk that doesn`t impact story anyhow, for example Kushina, she appeared at first part of the game but during the second one, after break of tyrant seal, she just disappears, and even when she appeared in a few scenes with little maid forgot her name, our mc doesn`t interact with them in anyway, after the end they just appear and call us a hero, meh, next amount of sex scenes, every girl basically has one scene with mc and a few possible ntr ones, couldn`t author at least make a few different scenes, the amount we have now just sucks, it would`ve been fine if the plot is good but it`s not, cause basically our mc just goes around fucking succubi and that`s all, he doesn`t grow in anyway and his companions are basically the same except Collette as she has fallen route, we don`t even have a proper ending, after beating the most difficult dungeon we just get one sex scene and that`s all, where are characters ending, what was the point of us making some small choices if they don`t have any impact on the story. Well last point would be grind, you will have to grind a lot, cause every 3 days you must lose your level for succubus to stop bothering you, oh and i forgot about optional quests they basically unnecessary as getting +2 or +3 fame for the amount of grind you have to go through is simply disgusting, all those who want to play, i advise you to ignore it and play some other game instead
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    grinding heavy game and alot of the h scene are lock behind story which takes a long time to progress. honestly, pretty decent game without the h expect just wish grinding for quest specific items to be easier (tons of enemy variety made hunting for the rare enemy even harder)

    my main problem with this game (besides grinding) would be the quite subpar h "animation". most of your h interaction is just a still png with your partner changing the their face expression every now and then. the only variety you can expect is when you actually "fuck" them but there's only one version each so not much to do once you get it once.

    also, this game heavily needs an ntr tag. its "optional", true. HOWEVER, this game SHOWED the "introductory" ntr scenes BEFORE giving the continue watching ntr? button. took me out from a previous cute interaction entirely which sours the experience abit. oh and dont get me started on half of the partners having their own "perpective change" story view where they are getting cucked or we are cucking them, which is a telling mechanic in an ntr game.

    P.S: No hate to ntr game, I enjoy some NTR Legend from time to time but not when unprompted.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, I want to love this game, I really do, but the fact that the girls you get along with get are met with unavoidable r*pe from time to time, is really painful for me.

    The gameplay is amazing, the story and art is okay, the "scenes" are good, but the unavoidable r*pe was the only thing I didn't appreciate. Especially since this game makes it feel like it should be possible to prevent it.

    This game needs a tag or some kind of warning ahead of time to let you know that there is painful scenes of UNAVOIDABLE r*pe.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    EXTREMELY good.

    The dungeon crawling gameplay is phenomenal, though I'll admit I struggled with the weight system (until I realized some items just weigh a TON and should probably be thrown out if you don't need them).

    This game also has some really obtuse moments, like the whole Intimate Mode intro with Alticia, who is... literally unable to be affected by it until lategame. There's some confusion with the level-drain mechanics early on, and the tutorial isn't very good, but most of the mechanics are pretty intuitive once you figure them out.

    The control scheme is kind of awful, but you get used to it. Just double-check it in the settings menu every so often, and it'll eventually become second nature.

    One thing to keep in mind: this game is EXTREMELY long, and it's VERY, VERY difficult to get 100% completion. I've actually sunk 20 hours into this over the course of a month, and I have about half the gallery unlocked.

    That said, the sex scenes aren't JUST the gallery stuff- there's dynamic 'Sex Battles' as well, which can be initiated with most of the main bosses as well as nearly every single partner, with a little work. There's actual effort you have to put in to win a girl's heart, which is cool, too.

    The voice acting varies from phenomenal to just okay. Kushina's VA and Tetra's VA kinda ham it up, and Kushina's VA apparently doesn't have as good a mic as everyone else. On the other hand, Enerfy's VA sounds professionally done, and the rest of the characters fall somewhere between. The difference in voice acting gives the different characters their own charm, though, so your mileage may vary!

    I do wish they gave the weapons merchant and baker a voice, but I get not having male VAs in a game like this.

    Overall, it's a great game, though if you just want porn and quick, you won't enjoy it. It's nice to play in the evenings, though, if you've got the time to spare. Some relaxing dungeon crawling and lewd before bed.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    It's decent, deserving of around 3.5 stars, not 4, but I can't do half stars. The plot is decently interesting and the combat isn't bad. Sex scenes are pretty good too. The biggest problem is the grinding. The encounter rate for the Leviathan is so low it makes the quest unbearable. Supposedly things were changed in the Japanese version so you see them every like 3-4 floors, but that was not my experience. Maybe the change didn't make it over, because I saw them around once every 30 to 40 floors. Everything else is doable, but some are still miserable to finish. The second worst is the encounter rate for the Witch, which took about a 2 hours for me, while the Leviathan took like 7 hours, and that's not including getting the drops for another quest.

    I highly recommend you play with cheat engine, because it makes it bearable. If you cheat to get items you don't already have though, be careful with turning in quests too early (there's a number of quests from the girls or the board that can be cleared early even though you are many hours away from having the story progress enough), you can softlock the ability to make progress on quests, but probably not the main storyline. I'm sitting on like 95%+ completion because I can't get new quests. The other thing is that other than Leviathan and Witch, everything else appears in the late game in higher frequency with better drops. So even if you aren't cheating, you can save a lot of time and not grind for bears until endgame (or was it postgame?). Also, the cheat engine scripts that are available can't modify the number of encounters, so either figure one out yourself or commit yourself to the grind. No script for finding items, only duping them, but they're pretty easy to find by just searching around the memory address of another item you find by checking changing values after selling.

    The other flaw is that intimate mode is just a repetitive pain in the ass. The first time was interesting, the next 50 times was not. It's just repeating "Tease her pussy" or "Stare at her breasts" dozens of times until you get her feelings towards that body part maxed out. Not necessary, but it gives some boosts to that partner or something. No cheat engine script to just modify their feelings for each body part, but you can get near infinite time in intimate mode so abuse that to make things much faster. Might be pretty easy to just lock down arousal, but I didn't think of it when playing the game, but it would make it even faster.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    How to describe this.... It's frustrating, confusing, and yet fairly decent as far as playtime goes?

    The problem is the grinding. And the turtorial is next to near, non-existent. It just confuses you and you never know if you're doing a fight correctly or not. You just have to luck into the fight choices.

    Imagine being thrown into a pokemon game mid-way without any knowledge of how to play. Then you get a tutorial that is conversational and complex, but only explains 1/4 the stuff you need and then you get thrown into a boss battle where the pokemon regenerates it's HP bar 10 times. By some sheer dumb luck you just happen to hit the correct combo of buttons where your pokemon attacks have sub-attacks that don't attack HP and also alternate attacks that hit something other than HP and MP, and the boss steals your levels and presto! You've won! Now all the equipment you've gathered and all the enemies you fought have meant nothing for the past hour and you still don't know what the heck to do, how to exit a menu, or save the game. This is that game. If this sounds interesting then go for it. Otherwise, this was about as fun as sprinting through a house of mirrors on a dare.

    PS: (X) is menu BS. What kind of bs? Well that entirely depends on the screen and menu in front of you. Good luck with that. (Enter) is Start btw.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    waaay too long, took 20 hours with cheat engine allowing me to plow through the gameplay which loops endlessly for some CGs that are reused over and over and the plot constantly goes nowhere as it loops on itself over and over.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly love this game, it is a bit grindy, but world of tanks is more grindy, so it does not bother me at all. I beat the game and the one extra thing in about 20 or so hours of gameplay, and there is a few things I never actually accomplished. To anyone looking to play this, read EVERYTHING, and I mean everything, save every day, and make sure you have a minimum of a backlog of two days of saving. even though you might not think the little yellow markers are important, reading them can be the difference between getting to do a side quest or not. Honestly one of the top 3 H Games I have played, there are some characters I rather dislike, Sildoria and Collette for example, but some others, such as Alticia, are just freaking great.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    While this is only my opinion I found the game quite enjoyable. At the start I was having difficulties getting the movement controls down but once I figured it out I was off to the dungeons and killing monsters and romancing waifus. Now I should also mention that the game doesn't always give you clear directions on what to do when you get booted from the dungeons (story, seggs battles, or a few times where partner wants to leave) and you have to go to sleep or dismiss your partner.

    It is also a little annoying how often you get level drained by the succubi or by story progression. But a nice thing is when I got drained I didn't find it hard to level back up quick or even further than I was before. Weapons were both fun and a little frustrating at how random the damage was no matter how much I leveled up my attack or hit rate. The waifus in the game were all pretty cool in their own way. Money and skill points were almost never an issue for me considering all the drops in the dungeon and I almost never had to leave the dungeon in the later game due to lack of action points.

    When you get into the late game you MUST level up your sex attack and EP because those battles become more prominent and the girls are sex fiends that can due some serious pleasure damage! The intimate mode was a nice feature which was hit and miss with how your choice of approach went with each girl. I didn't hate it but some of the girls had a ridicules requirement in terms of how often you need to to do certain actions to max out either their talk, hand, body, breasts, look, butt, head, pussy, or perv. The game never felt impossible or unreasonable in the enemies you fought and while it does encourage level grinding it never felt tedious or boring.

    The best waifus I wanted all came late game which kind of sucked and trying to visit them at night always lowered the other girls affection toward me if they lived in the same house so the brothel was 99% of the choice for the room to do sex battle and it got expensive real quick. So while money really wasn't an issue it was also not endless.

    In conclusion Dungeon Town was a 60+ hour game filled with comedy, romance, somewhat solid story, and lots of waifu conquering!
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Nice art "for the sprites", the sex scenes not so much, for "your" sex scenes you get an interactive bust fairly boring after the first time you see one, for the what if ntr scenarios you get proper scenes but even then they're not great.

    Terrible gameplay(eh... ok, the gameplay during the dungeon crawl is fine, it's nothing special but I could see that portion being used in a real game with a better progression system, but the talk/sex battle segments are terrible and bring the overall gamplay quality down too much, due to how intrusive, tedious, and boring they are)

    boring/bad story writing, it starts out mildly interesting for a bit, while there's a sense of mystery/newness but that can only last for so long and only cover for so many flaws, it's just so very repetitive/tedious/boring ...

    It's not so much the gind so much as just the overall gameplay loop(particularly the secondary mechanics and level drain gimmick), that gets old fast and stays the same all the way through out that really kills this game, the writing is bad but without the terrible gameloop I could see it being fairly mediocre(aka: a good timewaster for when bored that you don't get too invested in) instead of just outright terrible.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is fun at first but it gets tedious as the erotic elements from day 1 through to the end change in no real way. Exploration day 1 is the same as exploration in the end game, combat tactics do not change, the erotic foreplay/conversations are identical for each girl, the CGs themselves are too similar and unremarkable. The ntr here is not done skillfully and so lacks the effect it might have had.
    In brief: This game is built on very few mechanisms which do not evolve and are very rigid. Since the game is so very loooooong I lost interest well before it seemed likely to be over.
    My recommendation: if you're interested wait for the DLC to be translated as well. If the DLC is never translated then oh well tbh you're probably better off.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Seeing those negative reviews about the grind, even though they are correct but they actually aren't a big deal like people make it out to be. I've played the entire game without any grinding and i must say, grinding is just like a placebo to keep people spend more time in the game, you needn't do so at all. The point is, most of bosses are succubus so all you need is the 1st potion that loli elf sells(boost dick power or some shit), buy bunch of them and you are ok, there are some bosses which can't be defeated via sexual means at late game but your companions will be strong as shit with their follow up attacks by then so no problem either.
    Now is the thing i like the most about the game is mini game after fleeing enemies, yeah i know it only has 2 pictures but the ideas of teasing and interacting with girls are so hot and fresh in h games. This game is more about teasing than throwing h scenes at you and those mini game, imo, are doing great at that.
    Btw, if you get stuck sometime in the game and don't know where to go, just go to sleep without doing anything, some events are triggered by doing so
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice game. Just too grindy and some boss fights aren't balanced (the 2 final succubi are way too easy, considering the ones that came before). Also the plot tension declines sharply at around 85% of the main story completion, which is a bit sad. I was expecting a bit more challenge.

    The artist used a similar sex position for a lot of different girls, which is a bit bland. Overall, the art is bit inconsistent and sex scenes gets reused a lot.

    The sex system is quite good and it would be even better if you could unlock more ways to have sex depending on the mood and choices made on both Intimate and Sex Battle modes.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall this game is really good, but the battlefuck fights are more or less easy and there isn't a lot of challenge but is still fun to play. I'm waiting for the expansion and play it again. Is original and i recommend this game.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Tl:dr= Its a game with amazing idea but with the world most terrible execution.

    Say hi to being random shmuck that after some incident happened you were picked up by mage and now do your legal slavery work where you meet new and people you knew from past.

    Gameplay: Honestly, this game has so many mixed things for me.

    Lets first off start with basics:You have levels, each time you level you gain stats and stat points(These will give you permanent boost) when you go sleep alone a succubus will appear that will suck your levels dry in exchange for better skills in bed and for dreams.

    Now for combat: You have a basic combat and sex combat.

    Basic combat is literally fighting enemies with your weapons that you need to craft(Which is an issue i have and will explain soon) each new weapons can have advantage againts xyz opponents while being weak againts others(For example axes are strong but have shitty accuracy which makes them great againts big and slow enemies but shite againts anything with decent evasion like snakes. I hope you loves snakes btw because they are like in every single goddamn dungeon) each time you use weapon it loses its durability that recovers overtime.

    What durability does? It reduces hit chance and sometimes damage of your weapon. You cannot ever truly "break" the weapon and it repairs by itself each turn by little bit.

    Sex battles are a bit different: You still use your weapons, but lore wise succuby are immune to physical harm and so you have to use your other "sword" to beat them up. Your weapons will now transfer into sex moves and special abilities can only be learned from succubus that drains your level.

    But before that you have to set a mood. How do you do that? Talk with them! Each interaction that results positive will progress the mood until you reach the point she lets you use the sex moves and you will act rest of the combat like you would againts normal mob.

    How do you get weapons though? Shop doesnt sell new ones elhidino.

    You.... Have to rely on rng.

    I find this part stupid af, first off you have to bring one material which makes blacksmith go into development of the weapon and lets you drop another item thats needed for blacksmith to actually start selling it(WHY) Thats right guys, you need to roll good rng TWICE just for the weapon to be on sale. Also new weapons cost a lot in early game(I had to pay like 70k gold while i made around 1k per run of dungeon which is like 10 minutes long)

    So you have collected both parts for the weapon to be sold and got enough gold and now you gonna bu-wait... why i cannot buy this weapon?

    Well you see, we came to part i found the must retarded: FAME.

    Thats right, you have the gold, you gave blacksmith the parts he needed to create said weapon, but he aint selling you jack shit because he found out you are not as famous as Justin Bieber.

    First off, Fame is not only needed for weapons, but also for learning new skills(Once again, how does that make any sence?)

    So how do we raise our fame? There are only 2 ways.

    1) Progressing main story and pray its enough fame(Which most of the time it isnt)

    2)Do side quests

    And oh boi, i hope you chose 2 unless you like to hit like wet noodle and take 20 turns to take anything with bigger hp. Welcome to the part i like to call" I waste 8 hours for 3 honey on bear because i needed the fame" because the only side quests guild provides are bring x of this item.

    Now funny thing i should mention: Side quest will have 2 quest for each new mob and they can drop 3 items(The 2 specific mob items and generic rank Y item which all mobs can drop) Did i also mentioned some mobs have much lower spawn rate and the loot is completely rng? Thats right, side quest might need 3 honey from bear but good luck finding one and pray to god it doesnt drop the other 2 mats instead. BTW you have no clue if x mob is mob you want so you have no choice but pray each time you hit.

    Now for another fun mechanic: Action points.

    So each time you enter dungeon you will notice this AP thingie. This thing dedicates how long you can be in dungeon.

    Overtime you will lose 1 point and each time you move through portals to higher point it consumes 5 POINTS. once you reach 0 you cannot progress higher and have to go back in the village which creates legit funny and sad result(Your waifu is about to be raped, you rush through the dungeon to save her but alas, the last floor you need to get there is impossible for you to reach because you decided that you are tired. Oh well, back to town for nap, i hope those rapist will take their sweet time or otherwise i am fucked)

    The story is allright, its not amazing but also not bad(Pro tip, you probably wont like Colette after you reach certain point of the game. )

    Hentai scenes are nice in terms of scenario but also use the same CG for 5 different scenarios.

    Honestly, i feel like we could go on for few hours with this review and i could explain another 6 mechanics. But overall after finishing this game i can say i wish i got that time back. Out of 60 hours of gameplay about 55 itself was just farming in order to not waste even more time. I seriously expected more from the hype this game had only to bet met with 90s game design.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    A nice dungeon cralwer with some h content.
    if you are here for h content probs not the best game for that.

    Content is almost all vanilla with some rape /ntr mixed in.

    A pretty sizeable cast of girls which you can seduce and take along to the dungeon. Gameplay consists of hitting the dungeon and getting "intimate" with your partners, h scenes are also a bit repetitive but still pretty hot.

    All in all a fun dungeon crawler with some h content worth trying for fans of the genre.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    if you like dungeon crawler games give it a try, but keep on mind this game has the hentai scenes much, much more later, is more a game with porn sprinkled. The CG are ok, they're mostly the same but changes the text to change the context as they have different variations
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    hard to rate because its actually a game.

    just a very tedious grindy boring game.
    sex scenes arent any different and theres several times where i wasnt sure what to do to progress because i just didnt bother reading all the text with 50 different characters literally every time you do anything.

    it sucks because i think the game has potencial and it is entertaining, it just takes forever to get anything done. seriously if this wasnt just a giant grindfest and the sex scenes were a bit different, this would be a 5*.

    edit: i actually have to change my review from a 2* to a 1*.
    ive been playing for some more hours mainly because i was interested to see if this really long game picks up the pace and my god...
    i absolutely HATE the battles vs the succubi girls.
    its basically "here have 4 options to choose to talk about... btw all give you the same response but you just have to blindly know to pick option X several times in a row for something to happen"
    i literally spent 15min stuck in a battle where i was so overledeld the enemy couldnt damage me and i just didnt know what to do. that was so fucking frustrating, these parts alone honestly deserve my review to go down to 1*.

    my god its so awful
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    if you like grinding for days to see a scene or two (which all look the same) this game is for you. the game is decent as an actual game, but terrible as a porn game. the dungeon aspect is fun, but all the h-scenes are pretty much the same and it takes way too long to get any content.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it's time to give this game a review so let's start:

    First I would like to clarify that while this game has the NTR tag, it isn't something to fear. Overall sometimes the girls will get in almost penetrated situations in the story and you will rescue them before they get fucked, I didn't manage to mess up so I don't know if it's possible, what I can say is that the NTR part you unlock it on the dreams, they work as "what ifs", so you can ignore them with no issue.

    So... would I recommend the game to a NTR hater? nah, I would say don't bother, the girls do get incredibly near being raped so for that type of player it isn't something they would like, but if you have a bit of tolerance the game is mostly about love relationships, really vanilla, between the MC and the girls. It's nice on that aspect.

    About the story as it happens with most h games it accomplishes the objective, I didn't find it anything special other than give us a reason to have sex.

    Then we go into the gameplay, it can be hard to start cause of it so will make a basic guide:

    -First of all related to level ups: While travelling the dungeon you will get EXP by defeating monster, you get enough and the game will ask you to spend the points on the stats, I would recommend to focus on attack and to maximize hit, later on you can increase weigth or other stats.

    -A succubus will visit you each day you sleep on your room, you can ask her to not take your levels up to two times, the third time she will tell you that she won't wait, in the game you will constantly get to level 1 however drained levels increase at a much faster speed and it's quite interesting how good balanced is on that aspect.

    -A girl will accompany you to the dungeon, with that girl you can trigger intimacy events, to trigger one something of the following must happen:

    a) You run away and the girl failed the first time you tried to run away.
    b) The enemy escaped after you either protected the girl from his attack/didn't protect her or failed to do so.

    The starting stats of the intimacy event depends on the circunstances on which it happened, for example a warrior like girl would hate that you protected her while a princess like will hate that you tried to run away first.

    The mood you can only build it up after you unlock the right story event for the girl that opens that possibility, which means that no penetration until right moment, still you can take quite a few interactions with the girl on the intimacy mode and will build up her sexual stats.

    -About skills you have 3 places to visit, the house of the great warrior, the church and the dream with the succubus, in each of these 3 you will get skills, the warrior offers mostly active skills, the church mostly passive skills and the succubus mostly sexual skills. However something to note is that these skills have levels too, to level them up go to the menu and choose skills, there you can spend the SP, you obtain sp mostly by levelling up and it's permanent.

    -The game will present you the brothel, you won't have any girl to have sex with until you unlock their storyline, it consists on a few events around the city most of the times.

    -Talking about events we have 3 types of marks:

    a) Grey exclamation: It means that the place has no new events for now.
    b) Yellow exclamation: It means there are new conversations or gossip to hear. Quite secondary
    c) Red exclamation: The main events of the game. Always try to focus on them.

    Explaining this bit of the gameplay should have been useful for many starting players.

    Now... let's talk a bit about the sex actions and the girls, the game is mostly vanilla and I don't think they included any of the dlcs of the game in it, so it's mostly pervedted vanilla?, you will tease the girl in multiple ways to generate the mood for when you have sex with her. There are quite a few options for setting the mood so it can be a bit fun. One thing to note is that the girl may counterattack you and tease you, on that side you will get 4 options about how to answer her actions, it's important to choose the ones that have the better chance to not break the mood (the more smiley the face the better).

    The game has quite a bit of sex and it can be quite fun, so I will give it a 4.5/5 stars, to be fair I kind of hope that at some point the dlc's get translated too, this game deserves to be played and if you liked it their second game has a fan translation (this is their first game of the circle), will leave the f95 link in case any of you are interested https://f95zone.to/threads/grim-reaper-rpg-v1-0-28-circle-meimitei.47599/.

    So I hope this review was helpful. Have a nice day.