RPGM - Completed - Drumpf: Rise Up, Libertonia! [dp3Softworks]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    excelent game, it have everthing you want, it is fun, even without porn, game is good enough to stand alone.
    if you take politic to seriously dont play it, it will make your head explode, and this game have so many hiden gems, that you need to some knowlenge to get.
    just take a look at bernie sanders....err...i mean guerney. do you from which one of best sci fi ever this name come from ?
    for puns, hiden messages...well, what comes to my mind can be described as the iconic sword duel at princes bride movie. which is not about actual sword duel, but world play. and you can word play trace back to even legendary the secret of monkey island adventure of 90s.
    graphic is good, exactly in what you can expect from that engine used.
    story is very good, will love if it will be somewheat longer with exploring of lore with more side quest, but content wise, i thing you will have a good amount of it, it is not 10 min game.
    will realy love if creator will create add on, sequel/prequel .
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Art's bad.
    Literacy's worse.
    Plot is about as arousing as allowing your pubes to grow a year then giving yourself a full-body wax job using nothing but leftover 2016 election bumperstickers.

    The one upside I can see to this being posted is that the political 'discussion' may finally replace all the NTR arguments.

    In fact, here's a sequel suggestion for the devs: a game where The Tangerine Dream's expy NTRs not-Hillary from bizarro-world Bill during the 20XX midterm campaign.

    That'll be ₽1, comrade.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The game's visual style is an eyesore. The story is not only poorly written tries to shove political message down your throat. This game should have never been put on this site in the first place. It's quite frankly, SAD.