Unity - Completed - Dragonia [ROI.INC]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Note: My “review” is general overview of a game and with heavy weight on how much I enjoyed it rather than “critical/objective” rating. In another words my “review” is PERSONAL ENJOYMENT + a bit of “critical” rating/comments.

    +great art and CG
    +fun bullet hell aspect
    +great weapon combinations
    +straightforward gameplay & story
    +simple and dark but enjoyable story

    -lot of technical issues
    -really awkward translation and missing translations

    Short game with few great looking CGs and acceptable scenes. I haven't played bullet hell games for ages, but I found this rather straightforward and enjoyable. Lewds were nice enough, but as game is pretty short, simple and has really awkward translations.. lewds became kinda meh for me.

    In the end I enjoyed it. Took like hour or so to finish game from the scratch. If ignore technical issues and translation.. then for euro or so I find it enjoyable enough.
