RPGM - Dollhouse Rising [v0.8.5] [DOLLHOUSE]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of 0.8.5

    The sequel to Doll Playhouse. I don't know what's wrong with the dev but he does not like MC Lucas much. He has two girls that he is interested in and he doesn't get to have sex with any of the two. Tough shit man.

    Anyways this game at its current state has less sex scenes compared to the previous title but for the better. Unlike the previous title where the latter half of the game had all the sex on a spinning podium, you actually get a feel of actual sex in this particular title. Only one animated sex scene though but at least you do have a man AND a penis this time.

    Gameplay is still RPGMaker basic level. Some parts is a bit too difficult but once you level enough, the difficult parts get extremely easy. Now I believe this is a bug, quite gamebreaking in my opinion. Lucas can learn a skill called Replicate which basically spawns a clone until the end of battle and has built-in Taunt; has a higher chance of getting targeted.

    Now when I first used this skill, the clone had half of Lucas HP and died as expected. 2nd fight around the clone survived and gained EXP. Funny? No this isn't the funny part, the FUNNY part is that this clone grows EXPONENTIALLY. For some freaking reason while Lucas at Lv10 has like 200 HP, the clone at Lv5 has over 800 HP. In fact by the time I am writing this review, Lucas at Lv16 has 250 and my clone at Lv9 or 10 has 3000 HP AND has more ATK/DEF/SPD that ripped through all the enemies.

    The skill costs 100 MP to use, 90 if you used a mana reduction gear. Which doesn't matter because you can get mana regen stuff for cheap. There are some skill nodes on the skill tree that can increase clone stats by like 1-2 but who the hell needs that when the clone is hitting 4x harder already!

    This skill trivialized every single fight lol...

    Now the Story is as usual the intriguing part but there's so many plot holes that are just left unanswered just like the previous game. They're small ones but it's there nonetheless.

    The game still feels very much bare bones and unfinished but this is 0.8.5 and the upcoming update is most likely 1.0? Completed? Dood, I don't know, this game has so much potential and features but if the dev is rushing through the game, I'd change my current rating to like a 1 or 2.

    I'm giving this a 4-star because I am hoping for great potential. What is currently available is pretty nice. A game with decent story, sexual content, suggestive content and poses and a lot of neat features that really great.

    I just don't understand why the dev doesn't allow us to sex Brianna. They've been living together for a year and still no sex? Tough man And Lily too. Just my personal taste I really like Suguha from SAO.

    Please dev, don't disappoint.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Great dystopian setting game! It's a sequal to The Dollhouse District, so would recommend to play that one before as there are environments and people from the previous game.

    This version seemed to be less focus on the girls and more on combat/adventure and story of what happen 8 years after.

    I really love the settings of being undercover to figure out what's going on, while also taking adventage of the situation by also controlling the girls/androids. There are less H-scenes than the previous one, but it seems like there will be more on v1.00 (currently v0.85).