Unity - Completed - Dogoddess Inseminating Sex [Blacktiger]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a VN with enough mosaics to play a chess on. Its linear beyond linear, there is nothing of interesting. Sex scene are just 4 CG images and thats it. To get to sleep with her just communicate with her 2 days in a row and thats all.

    Im not sure if there is more to this game, after that sex scene and amount of mosaic I decided its not worth my time.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed it. Finished the whole game in ~2-4h.

    I would have preferred if the game was longer and was with 2 actions/day for 30 days rather than 10 actions/day for 5 days. Art is good. Music is decent. No bugs.

    You can't gather herbs from the river until you have sex for the first time!

    You need herbs for event items. Essential oils, Nutrition Drink, Sacred Rice Wine. (1 use per playthrough!)

    To get max affection you must communicate at least 1 time per day.

    Perfume increases mood by 50% of max. (Easiest to gather ingredients with biggest mood increase)

    Reference the "System Guide" for how to unlock all scenes and Endings(Don't do "A New World"...)
    -Some of the endings are depressing.

    [If anyone can tell me how to give a 100% save for a unity game I'd add it as a reply.]
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    What a strange game. What a very VERY strange game. Go out foraging, make items, build relationship, have sex with the girl, repeat. It was over rather shortly actually, hmm. I feel like they planned to do more with this game than they completed. The description says "Different endings based on your actions" - I wish I had some sort of walkthrough or guide to know what to do differently. In all honesty this was about three sex scenes and a ton of dialogue. If you like roleplaying, this game is for you - so obviously, it wasn't for me because I like sex. Hmm...