Discussion and question about life sim games with FF content


Sep 10, 2017
Hey there,

I'm working on a Twine 2 game starting May of 2017. A couple of questions started to pop up in my head as I strted to work on some of the mosre serious mechanics of my game. I created this thread to find some answers from you guys and to let you influence my decisions a bit.

The first part of my questions will be mostly about life simulator games and their game play elements and game loop. The second part will be about porn media, such as embedded animated .gif / .mp4 vs. digital art / animated art. The third part deals with lesbian (female on female) content in games.

I'm looking for answers that elaborate on the "whys". So, the focus is on discussion and not necessarily on answering all of the questions below but rather starting a discussion.

So let me just list my first couple of questions:
  1. Which life simulator (text and non-text based) NSFW games have you guys played?
  2. What did you like about those games?
  3. What did you not enjoy about those games and why?
  4. Do you guys enjoy managing every aspect of your game character's life? For instance: Managing which piece of clothing they should wear and what they need to do and where they need to go? (eg.: go to work, take a shower, use the bathroom, read a magazine, watch TV, etc)
  5. Is time management something that the player should be doing?
  6. Should the player be punished if they fail to show up in a location or carry out a task before the provided time runs out?
  7. Do you find it necessary to have complex NPCs (having their own schedules and agenda) with personalities in a life simulator game or would you prefer simple NPCs with finite repeatable interactions?
  8. Should all of the NPCs be fullly interactive (chat, date, sex actions, etc.) in a life sim game?
  9. Do you enjoy managing non-sexual or not dating related interactions in life simulator games? (including: doing a make over, hygenie, training at the gym, etc)
  10. Do you prefer embedded porn images, animated .gif and .mp4 over actual digital art in life sim games?
  11. Do you prefer having graphical media in every scene (including locations, full body characters or character portraits, items, etc.) of the game or only in locations where something is actually happening (eg.: an NPC is interacting with the MC)?
  12. Do you enjoy life simulator games where both FF and MF options are available to your female MC or would you prefer FF or MF only?
  13. Do you prefer having the player tell the sex. orientation of the MC (at character creation or at the start of the game) or let the game figure it out based on the player's actions?
  14. Would you enjoy interactive ways of changing your MC's sexual orientation based on NPC and environmental interaction?
  15. Do you enjoy playing games where the there can only be dominant and submissive female NPCs? Or would you guys prefer a more like vanilla NPCs that don't heavily lean into any of these directions?
Thank you guys for helping me out with answering these questions.

Papa Ernie

Dec 4, 2016
Hey there,

I'm working on a Twine 2 game starting May of 2017. A couple of questions started to pop up in my head as I strted to work on some of the mosre serious mechanics of my game. I created this thread to find some answers from you guys and to let you influence my decisions a bit.

The first part of my questions will be mostly about life simulator games and their game play elements and game loop. The second part will be about porn media, such as embedded animated .gif / .mp4 vs. digital art / animated art. The third part deals with lesbian (female on female) content in games.

I'm looking for answers that elaborate on the "whys". So, the focus is on discussion and not necessarily on answering all of the questions below but rather starting a discussion.

So let me just list my first couple of questions:
  1. Which life simulator (text and non-text based) NSFW games have you guys played?
  2. What did you like about those games?
  3. What did you not enjoy about those games and why?
  4. Do you guys enjoy managing every aspect of your game character's life? For instance: Managing which piece of clothing they should wear and what they need to do and where they need to go? (eg.: go to work, take a shower, use the bathroom, read a magazine, watch TV, etc)
  5. Is time management something that the player should be doing?
  6. Should the player be punished if they fail to show up in a location or carry out a task before the provided time runs out?
  7. Do you find it necessary to have complex NPCs (having their own schedules and agenda) with personalities in a life simulator game or would you prefer simple NPCs with finite repeatable interactions?
  8. Should all of the NPCs be fullly interactive (chat, date, sex actions, etc.) in a life sim game?
  9. Do you enjoy managing non-sexual or not dating related interactions in life simulator games? (including: doing a make over, hygenie, training at the gym, etc)
Second part of my questions?
  1. Do you prefer embedded porn images, animated .gif and .mp4 over actual digital art in life sim games?
  2. Do you prefer having graphical media in every scene (including locations, full body characters or character portraits, items, etc.) of the game or only in locations where something is actually happening (eg.: an NPC is interacting with the MC)?
Now to the last section of my questions:
  1. Do you enjoy life simulator games where both FF and MF options are available to your female MC or would you prefer FF or MF only?
  2. Do you prefer having the player tell the sex. orientation of the MC (at character creation or at the start of the game) or let the game figure it out based on the player's actions?
  3. Would you enjoy interactive ways of changing your MC's sexual orientation based on NPC and environmental interaction?
  4. Do you enjoy playing games where the there can only be dominant and submissive female NPCs? Or would you guys prefer a more like vanilla NPCs that don't heavily lean into any of these directions?
Thank you guys for helping me out with answering these questions.
I suggest you renumber your questions (1-15) to avoid confusion.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
So let me just list my first couple of questions:
  1. Which life simulator (text and non-text based) NSFW games have you guys played? So, I've played my fair share, the obvious, Big Brother, Man of the House, also Dreaming of Dana, View of Family, and Chloe18
  2. What did you like about those games? The draw is of course the choices you have in terms of who to pursue. My personal favorite thing is simply that its generally forgiving when you decide to pursue this or that path today.
  3. What did you not enjoy about those games and why? Really bad writing. Each of the life sims I've played have trouble with writing. The worst is probably Absolute Power, which has no writing whatsoever, you just waste time until you're allowed to corrupt the only available character again in a repeating scene. Its boring. However the big names are just as guilty of this, with Man of the House being only better in that there is more than one character to repeat an interaction with on any given day. Big Brother tries to write a story but gives up halfway and can't manage to develop it's characters at all. Every time you make progress you're back to square one. View of Family and Chloe18 do a much better job of making the world around the protagonist evolve, however, Chloe also has no development, after all the depraved sexual things you have done you still pretend you aren't a slut.
  4. Do you guys enjoy managing every aspect of your game character's life? For instance: Managing which piece of clothing they should wear and what they need to do and where they need to go? (eg.: go to work, take a shower, use the bathroom, read a magazine, watch TV, etc) These things are fine, but I think they also serve as a crutch. If I'm going to repeat mundane tasks its up to the writer to add some variety in the form of storytelling. If the character has a job, lets develop that. If I go to work in your game, give me a job that isn't like anything in the real world, make me an actor, a model, a photographer, something that would be fun for you to write and for me to play. And then, do actually write the work scenes. Make them new and interesting each day. If I'm an actor give me a new scene in a secondary story *bonus points if you can make it subtext for the overarching story* Make more mundane tasks like peeing or showering fun too. For instance, the game Babysitter, which is more of a visual novel, will have you in the bathroom and then your niece, unknowingly walking in on you... Things like this add a level of excitement to the mundane. I normally find the outfit systems of games annoying. Pretty much only include this if I can choose what to wear without consequence. For instance, in Anna's Exciting Affection you have to wear what the game wants you to anyways, sure you can put on the silk robe, but it makes you put underwear on to go to bed, sure you can put on underwear, but it makes you wear clothes when you leave the room. It's just a mundane thing that doesn't matter. If you must make us change then make the game decide what we wear but have us interact with the dresser or closet. The rule of thumb to take from this is, make whatever mundane tasks you add a part of the game, and always try to keep the sexy atmosphere alive.
  5. Is time management something that the player should be doing? This kinda depends, in the tropes thread there's a comment about how in the old days time management really mattered to the story, because there was a deadline. You had to accomplish all your goals within the scope of the time frame for the game. For instance, lets entertain the actor idea again. Say you're on location for 3 months to film a movie or tv show or something. This is all the time you have in this city. You'll go home or on a promotional tour or something at the end of that time, so whatever you want to do has to be done in that time. This forces the player to choose. Usually that means you only have time to get one girl. However, it could still be possible to do this in other ways. If you aren't going to give us a deadline, then honestly the hour by hour progression system is just dumb. Instead go with day parts. Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, Night. Noon would be a chance in between work for that day to do something like a lunch date, the others are self explanatory.
  6. Should the player be punished if they fail to show up in a location or carry out a task before the provided time runs out? This depends on so many things. For instance, if you have a time management system and you're supposed to meet a date at a set time, then yeah, not getting there should result in problems. However, this can easily be abused by a developer to just make a game harder than it needs to be. When I hear punishment I get flashbacks to the worst parts of BB, a system wherein the supposedly adult children were spanked and humiliated for wrongdoing. It was fucking stupid and had no point other than to make the game unnecessarily hard. That said, if you use it like I mentioned above, with the need to do certain things in time or you wont get the end you desire then it can be good. The one caution I have with that though is that you shouldn't make sex the endgame. Instead make it something more, like a continued relationship or something.
  7. Do you find it necessary to have complex NPCs (having their own schedules and agenda) with personalities in a life simulator game or would you prefer simple NPCs with finite repeatable interactions?CHARACTER DEPTH MATTERS!!! The player needs to desire to interact with these characters. I can't stress enough how frustrating it is when I start playing a game only to learn that each character is a jumble of personality traits with no depth. The biggest problem with games like BB and what makes game like Dreaming of Dana stand out in contrast is the development of characters. In BB no matter what you do, the next thing to happen will put you back at square one. For instance, going further and further in sex with the little sister. Each and every time you have to find her and grind to convince her to go forward with it, not to mention that even after she starts fucking you you have to continue doing yoga, because there's no actual love there and all she cares about is that her "boyfriend" is hot. Dreaming of Dana introduces us characters with their own lives and experiences. Your secretaries Daddy issues are your means to getting closer to her, the auditor's sexual appetites are the as broad, if not broader than your own. Dana's college roommate is a thrill seeker, both in the bedroom and out. Dana herself is the one who finally decides she wants you as much as you do her. And the way things play out show evolution in all of the characters.
  8. Should all of the NPCs be fullly interactive (chat, date, sex actions, etc.) in a life sim game? Ideally the game focuses on a core set of characters. Involving too many people will detract from the overall narrative. Keep it simple and make those core characters as deep as possible. Have other characters that merely serve as a backdrop, the receptionist who you say hi to, the characters who you work with but aren't looking to fuck, the store clerk. Those people don't need full interaction, just some token lines and that's it.
  9. Do you enjoy managing non-sexual or not dating related interactions in life simulator games? (including: doing a make over, hygenie, training at the gym, etc) This goes back to number 4, these are fine, but make them engaging. If I'm just training at the gym every day with no change in the scene whatsoever, might as well do it once and then just mention that I do it every day after work. If you want me to get a makeover that should be a one time thing. Hygiene we already covered with what I said about Babysitter and the exciting ways to implement it. The rule of thumb to take from this is, make whatever mundane tasks you add a part of the game, and always try to keep the sexy atmosphere alive.
Second part of my questions?
  1. Do you prefer embedded porn images, animated .gif and .mp4 over actual digital art in life sim games? Digital art, hands down. Nothing pulls me out of a game faster than inconsistent images or repeated uses of the same ones. This applies to games that use real porn models as well as games that use random hentai pictures they find online.
  2. Do you prefer having graphical media in every scene (including locations, full body characters or character portraits, items, etc.) of the game or only in locations where something is actually happening (eg.: an NPC is interacting with the MC)? Unless you're making an RPGM game, then yeah, every scene should be a full render of a room with characters in it. Sometimes you can get away with just putting their sprite into an environment, like Good Girl Gone Bad does, but it's always best to pose them properly into the scene. Immersiveness is key.
Now to the last section of my questions:
  1. Do you enjoy life simulator games where both FF and MF options are available to your female MC or would you prefer FF or MF only? Personally, I like both, hell, I'm pansexual, so you could throw futa and traps into it and I'd have fun. However, if I were to make a suggestion, never force a particular interaction. Don't use FF scenes just as a buffer before an MFF scene don't write the game so that a player can't choose to only interact FF or F/Futa or whatever. Make your game as free to the players preference as possible. Most importantly, this is your game, your artistic vision here. Before we were talking about technical aspects, things like story that are objective. When it comes to an artistic choice, like what kind of content this is ultimately up to you. If you want to make an all Lesbian game, then go for it. If you want a game with all kinds of sex with different people then you do you. You'll never please everyone, and you'll always find an audience for whatever you do, but you have to commit.
  2. Do you prefer having the player tell the sex. orientation of the MC (at character creation or at the start of the game) or let the game figure it out based on the player's actions? This is usually a stylistic choice as well. If you want to make it possible for the player to avoid content they aren't comfortable with, then let them choose at the beginning, or have a menu option to disable content that would go against their sensibilities. Coceter Chronicles does this with Futa and Bestiality, allowing the player to avoid it if they aren't into it.
  3. Would you enjoy interactive ways of changing your MC's sexual orientation based on NPC and environmental interaction? Again, stylistic choice. It would be fine, but don't do it for us, do it for you.
  4. Do you enjoy playing games where the there can only be dominant and submissive female NPCs? Or would you guys prefer a more like vanilla NPCs that don't heavily lean into any of these directions? Remember what I said about character depth. Quirks in their sexual preferences are perfect chances for you to define how your character interacts with the world. Personally I don't generally like to be dominated, but I've had some fun with it in the past in both Coceter Chronicles and Good Girl Gone Bad. So give us variety, it can only make things better.

In the end, this is all up to you. If you want to make something amazing I suggest you spend a lot of time fleshing out each character, making we, the player have a reason to pursue them. But make the game you want to make. Don't buckle to the whims of individual kink preferences. Remember, you can never please everyone. Get the technical aspects right and let the art speak for itself.
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
As far as life simulations I played, I'd only call Sims 4 that.

As far as the aspects of life go, that you manage, in porn game, choosing how your character dresses as fine, as you can give her some good chooses for outfits. Different people find different stuff attractive after all.
But I wouldn't go as far as managing every aspect of life. Another boring day at the office is nothing you need to bother the player with.
Personally I wouldn't make time management part of the game. Many players will find that a nuisance rather than a feature.
Characters need to be complex and have personality. If they don't people could also just download some porn movies or images.
Digital art is necessary. The characters in the game need an individual look that makes them unique, not some image you have already seen 10 years ago on some long gone porn page.

As far the potential partners go, to reach a larger audience, you will need to give both FF and MF options. Personally I only play the FF content. But to reach straight women, you will need an MF options. Of course you could specialize in one directions, but keep in mind that this limits your target group.

And as Darth Seduction already said: No FF to start an MFF threesome. Don't be a jerk who pulls cold water over people's dicks! There is no greater boner killer than a guy ruining what might have been a hot lesbian scene.

When it comes to choosing an orientation, that may be a bit tricky. By choosing the orientation right from the start, you give people security but also take away some tension. You should of course give people the option to play either 100% straight, or 100% lesbian, or bi.

But rather than choosing at the start, you could make the choices within the game obvious enough, so everybody only gets the content he or she wants. This also plays with imagination, e.g. the idea of a formerly straight woman being seduced by another woman for the first time (without having to play anything from her straight past).


Sep 10, 2017

1 . Oh, I think the only game I played from the ones you mentioned was probably Chloe18, but I only took a peek at it. The sudden MMFF scene after buying some chips in the first couple of minutes in game as well as the lack of interactivity during sex kind of threw me off. I guess I'll have to back and check it out again.

2. I guess having a game that is consistent with a variety of decisions and actions is something you'd value. This also means thst unfinished parts of the game need to be cut as those would lead you nowhere. I guess most developers leave these in their games to tease the players.

3. Hmmm, yeah the writing part is tricky. I my self don't enjoy reading novels while playing a game unless the story is somewhat good and and adapts to what I as a player have done throughout the game. Same goes for interactions with NPCs.

Right now my game builds on interaction and actually doing things in the game rather than reading a long text. Sex scene descriptions are generated based on multiple templates that apply to the scene.

I might need to add a followup question here:

Which one do you prefer: a well written novel like game with walls of text, but at the same time good descriptions and master writing (let's think of a great visual novel) or would you rather enjoy an interactive text-based game that doesn't flood you with text, but it shows a variety of shorter text to describe a situation (eg.: Lilith Throne, Trap Quest and Newlife) each time the same action happens?

4. I totally agree with you on the mundane actions and how they need a greater variety of situations and suprises. Unfortunately, there's only a finite number of scenes and interactive actions that can be put in here. These cannot always show a different action when (let's say) the game runs for 382 virtual in game days. Though I like the idea of skipping these once these scenes have nothing new to show.
I also have to agree with you on the clothing system. I find it very annoying when NPCs or the game completely ignores what you are wearing and doesn't stimulate the game world. NPCs won't comment on your slutty crotchless panties or your open bras and it is totally indifferent to the game whether you dress nornal or as a complete bimbo. Nothing will happen.

This is something that I'm addressing in my game in a variety of ways: when you try to talk to an NPC, it will look at you and based on their personality, they might greet you with a joke, look at you with wide open eyes with their mouth open or judge you depending on where you are meeting that NPC. It will also not stop there as the NPc will have assumptions, so if you for example dress like a slut and roam the streets people will think that you are a hooker or a streaker and act towards you that way (either call the police, make fun of you or force you out of their shops and locals, etc.)

5. Time management: right, again there will always be a plan B, C or even a D if things fail. It will also matter how you fail or succeed. The only thing that will stand in your way is your character's energy bar. If it deplets you faint and be moved either to location A,B or C... again depending on the situation.

"The one caution I have with that though is that you shouldn't make sex the endgame. Instead make it something more, like a continued relationship or something."

6. Exactly! The game is an NSFW game and that needs to show early on in various ways, so this way the player can decide wether they want to progress through the game or leave it there and move on to a different game.

7. Right stateless important NPCs are kind of a let down in most games. I kind of had the same feeling that there is not much progress in the relationships the player establishes with the NPCs. I think Newlife is really trying to breakthrough here and try to make NPCs more interesting when interacting with the player in different situations by adding new random scenes depending on what the player is doing and what kind of person the NPC is.

8. Totally agree with you on functional NPCs.

"The rule of thumb to take from this is, make whatever mundane tasks you add a part of the game, and always try to keep the sexy atmosphere alive."

9. I couldn' have said it better my self.

"Digital art, hands down. Nothing pulls me out of a game faster than inconsistent images or repeated uses of the same ones. "

10-11. I'm afraid, I won't be able to provide digital art for the game that I'm working on. I guess the game will be text only then and optionally a picture/gif can be added to it. I tried to make as many variants as possible to keep the scenes fresh.

Don't use FF scenes just as a buffer before an MFF scene don't write the game so that a player can't choose to only interact FF or F/Futa or whatever. Make your game as free to the players preference as possible.

12. That is the plan! It's all about choice, variety and interaction.

Coceter Chronicles does this with Futa and Bestiality, allowing the player to avoid it if they aren't into it.

13. I'm familiar with that game. I even backed it until the developer disappeared. I simply enjoyed the little relationships and sexy FF scenes the game had.

Would you enjoy interactive ways of changing your MC's sexual orientation based on NPC and environmental interaction? Again, stylistic choice. It would be fine, but don't do it for us, do it for you.

14. Well, this is kind of my kink. Putting people into ..khm... "situations" and see how they come out of it. Based on their actions the game will decide for them what their orientation is and NPCs will react according to that.

15. I'm still puzzled what would be the right way. I guess launching a concept demo would help a lot in answering this question.


10-11. I'm afraid, I won't be able to provide digital art for the game that I'm working on. I guess the game will be text only then and optionally a picture/gif can be added to it. I tried to make as many variants as possible to keep the scenes fresh.
You don't absolutely need to master Daz in order to include CGs. Some people may hate on Honey Select (for example), but I think it's much better than nothing or re-used RL porn photo's.

As for gameplay, I personally really dislike grinding and repetition. Going to work and earning money I can also do IRL...

And there are *very* few adult games which are interesting enough as a game to play it as such. The Last Sovereign is pretty much the only one I play for gameplay reasons rather than for the adult aspect. In my opinion, "gameplay" usually distracts more from the enjoyment than it adds.
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Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Which one do you prefer: a well written novel like game with walls of text, but at the same time good descriptions and master writing (let's think of a great visual novel) or would you rather enjoy an interactive text-based game that doesn't flood you with text, but it shows a variety of shorter text to describe a situation (eg.: Lilith Throne, Trap Quest and Newlife) each time the same action happens?
People often tend to think a well written story means walls of text. If I'm honest, the only game I enjoy that really has walls of text is wicked choices, and that's because the author is using that text to show us a story, not tell one. It's hard to do what they're doing.

I singled out Chloe18 and View of Family for a reason, both of these are Life Sims almost identical to the majority of repetitive games out there, but both manage to make their characters engaging. A few general rules of thumb.
  • When writing never tell us who a character is. Allow us to learn who they are through their actions.
  • Subtext, a conversation always be somewhat veiled. Think about how you in a conversation may not say exactly what's on your mind, but instead something adjacent that hints at what you really want.
  • Design your character's personality and goals around your overarching theme. For instance, let's say the game is about incest, where most incest games fail is that they make the other characters in their story out to be completely free of sexual deviancy. If you're a son with 2 sisters and a mom, the most common life sim incest setup, then make mom and the two sisters have their own issues. View of Family does this well. Your mother develops feelings for you after you take charge when your dad leaves, one of your younger sisters already has feelings for you, a fact even your mother notices, telling you to be careful with her. The other little sister is a bit of a sexual deviant, you Go and get her out of trouble at school for having been watching porn in class, then catch her masturbating while watching you fuck the teacher. Compare this to Big Brother where the women are all supposedly normal and you as the MC have to grind incessantly to get sexual with them and nothing changes, the next step doesn't come flying toward you, you end up back at point 1.
  • Lastly, take a few minutes to watch this: it's a video that shows what I'm talking about using the movie American beauty as an example. It helped me a lot.
I'm afraid, I won't be able to provide digital art for the game that I'm working on. I guess the game will be text only then and optionally a picture/gif can be added to it. I tried to make as many variants as possible to keep the scenes fresh.
So don't do it yourself. I have no digital art skill myself, however I found a user here on the forums who was willing to do the art for my project. He's actually really good too, the 4 finished characters he's made so far look amazing. I can't wait to get to the point where we are posing them into the scenes I've written. There are plenty of artists with no writing or coding talent who would love to make a game. Change your signature offering a partnership to an artist and someone will respond. You could also try the "show us your art" Daz thread in discussions.

Text based games get a lot less traffic. If you can get an artist you'll definitely do better than if you don't.


Sep 10, 2017
People often tend to think a well written story means walls of text. If I'm honest, the only game I enjoy that really has walls of text is wicked choices, and that's because the author is using that text to show us a story, not tell one. It's hard to do what they're doing.

I singled out Chloe18 and View of Family for a reason, both of these are Life Sims almost identical to the majority of repetitive games out there, but both manage to make their characters engaging. A few general rules of thumb.
  • When writing never tell us who a character is. Allow us to learn who they are through their actions.
  • Subtext, a conversation always be somewhat veiled. Think about how you in a conversation may not say exactly what's on your mind, but instead something adjacent that hints at what you really want.
  • Design your character's personality and goals around your overarching theme. For instance, let's say the game is about incest, where most incest games fail is that they make the other characters in their story out to be completely free of sexual deviancy. If you're a son with 2 sisters and a mom, the most common life sim incest setup, then make mom and the two sisters have their own issues. View of Family does this well. Your mother develops feelings for you after you take charge when your dad leaves, one of your younger sisters already has feelings for you, a fact even your mother notices, telling you to be careful with her. The other little sister is a bit of a sexual deviant, you Go and get her out of trouble at school for having been watching porn in class, then catch her masturbating while watching you fuck the teacher. Compare this to Big Brother where the women are all supposedly normal and you as the MC have to grind incessantly to get sexual with them and nothing changes, the next step doesn't come flying toward you, you end up back at point 1.
  • Lastly, take a few minutes to watch this: it's a video that shows what I'm talking about using the movie American beauty as an example. It helped me a lot.

So don't do it yourself. I have no digital art skill myself, however I found a user here on the forums who was willing to do the art for my project. He's actually really good too, the 4 finished characters he's made so far look amazing. I can't wait to get to the point where we are posing them into the scenes I've written. There are plenty of artists with no writing or coding talent who would love to make a game. Change your signature offering a partnership to an artist and someone will respond. You could also try the "show us your art" Daz thread in discussions.

Text based games get a lot less traffic. If you can get an artist you'll definitely do better than if you don't.

"When writing never tell us who a character is. Allow us to learn who they are through their actions."

I'll probably, be able to stick to that as exploration is a key game play element in my game. Learning about the NPCs role, personality, desires, secrets and the like will be important.

I'm sorry, I don't think that I can really relate to the incest story, you mentioned, but I get what you mean when you talk about adding motivation, personality, etc. to a character to make them more immersive.

Anyways, I'm leaning towards more of a sandbox game rather than a visual novel or heavily story based game. To me game play overshadows story, but that doesn't mean that the characters will be made boring or generic to cut development time. The focus will be on variety and depth.

About the digital art: This is my first game, I'm not too interested in pulling in people since my vision of the game is still not a 100% clear. It would be a real challenge to explain what I'm going for and the amount of content that I have planned and already done would take a while to replace with real art. Other than that I'm not sure if digital art is something my potential audiance would want or I would want. Anyways this a pretty hard topic to talk about without you or me knowing what the player's feedback will be, let alone knowing what the game will be like once it becomes fully playable.

My direction is towards games such as Hentai High School (HH+), Newlife, Accidental Woman when it comes to game play, but the visuals and characters are more comparable to russian games such as GirlSim, Big Kuyash, Girl Life, School Girl.