Ren'Py - Abandoned - Discipline at Cockford School [v0.1.0][CoolRaider]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Poor quality rip off of The Headmaster. And not just because it has similar themes or premise. It actually uses the same plot device punishment program and tries to imply it is taking place in the same universe. The characters likewise seem lifted wholesale from that far superior game.

    Inconsistent character models, most of which seem to be straight out of barely-modded HoneySelect. Low lighting leading to muddy visuals and a washed-out color palette. No music, to the point where I thought there was no sound at all for half the demo.

    The writing isn't very good either on a technical or creative level. It's also not very consistent, with "bare ass" instead of the more common phrase "bare bottom" being used repeatedly, but on the other hand you will quickly tire of the very childish term "undies"; this causes some real tonal whiplash. There's not a lot of buildup, so on the day students arrive, you are spanking one naked twice.

    The addition of male students for the sole expressed purpose of humiliating the girls is jarring, and feels pointlessly sexist even from the very loose perspective of porn games. To again contrast with Headmaster, it feels much more mean-spirited. Also it looks to incorporate a lot more from real BDSM instead of just spanking.

    Gameplay is very rudimentary at this stage, with only a couple of choices that don't seem to have any real effect, This could be because it is still in the early stages.

    Not good. Imitation is one thing, but all this does is remind me that there is a much better game I could be playing.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The writing is atrocious - not just in terms of the "engrish", but the story/progression as well.

    The "token black chick" character is a joke. "I'm a teacher, but the white people don't listen to me cos I'm black..." Seriously?

    Graphics are sub-par, even for a HS based game (some of which look amazing) - The models are all "samey" and low-effort.

    Unskippable (and often pointless) animations. I get wanting to add animations to your game, but allow players to click-to-continue without having to sit through them if they want to.

    The similarities to certain other games are blindingly obvious, and whilst taking inspiration from other games/media is potentially a good thing, straight-up ripping content/plot-devices shows a severe lack of imagination (The twins, the stuck up rich girl) I'm pretty sure we're gonna see a rude, disobedient closeted lesbian at some point, and have to help her realise her true self, or some such nonsense.