3.40 star(s) 5 Votes


Dec 10, 2017
i'm awful at games like these, but fuck it. more sugar star content is worth getting my ass kicked for. thanks so much OP!


May 21, 2017
Game was alright, I beat the bosses after about an hour and a half, I managed to do it at level 3. This game is all about cheeseballin, just used the claws to push enemies back and the ring to gain health back and I only ever needed 3 flasks. I have no idea how the hentai is supposed to come in, seems like it was just slapped in on the end.
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Jun 26, 2017
Anyone knows how to unlock the final scene? "I'll clear it without consuming a single humanity" isn't exactly helpful


New Member
Nov 18, 2018
To unlock the final ending you have to complete the entire game without seeing a single H scene. No reviving when killed, or picking any option in the temple thing. It isn't even a H-Scene, it's a SFW CG for the pure ending.

I ended up cheesing the game by equipping the "RoRing" that gives you additional range on attacks at full HP, alongside the ring that heals you over time with the cleric ghost thing. I could attack enemies from miles away and if they did clip me I could just walk around them. You may need a few levels in endurance though, that or the Havel's ring that boosts equip load.

If you get a fire stone, I suggest equipping it, despite the lower attack stat, most humanoid enemies (even the burning giant boss) seems to take double damage from the fire element, the plant things in the second zone too. I don't think I've found a single enemy that's weak to the "dark" element given by the dark stone however.

Once you complete the game (after the third zone you reach via boat) you can turn on "looping" mode that makes enemies give more souls and has item drops become stronger (I think), buffs their attack and HP though, I could easily make it to loop 6 with the above strategies.

My final build looked like this:
Sword +10, Fire Gem
(didn't level axe at all)
Most levels in endurance, even split between STR and DEX
Magician Ring (Gives follower that levels up as you use it, adds 20/30/50% more damage)
RoaRing (Gives long range attack at full health)
Ring of Favor (+20% more HP, Stamina, Equip load)

Overall I dealt about 430 damage against regular mobs, and double that to any humanoid/plant per swing. The H-Scenes are alright, nothing too special IMO.


Nov 5, 2019
Anyone get the controller to work? I cant get the xbox360 controller to work. Its got the wrong keybindings on it. I even tried JoyXoff but lately that doesn't seem to work.


Jan 10, 2020
for some reason the 0.2 beta on cien looks more complete than the final version, so many content got cut out.


Sep 17, 2017
Ah, Sugar Star...

Still hoping on that Sex Angel Ariel or Egg World translation.
Funny story about that first game... It got uploaded here a while ago, but I'm pretty sure it got removed the same day.

It's like... why even upload a game like that in the first place when someone's just going to randomly come along and remove the thread?
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Active Member
Nov 17, 2019
There seem to be two endings if go into the temple with humanity for the first time to unlock "knight ending" she just goes back home and that's it, if you choose to keep playing instead of closing the game after getting the ending, you'll be allowed to make the game harder take double damage but actually get worthwhile stuff, given that this game's difficulty comes purely from it's terrible unfair hit boxes just go ahead, ramped up damage is pretty meaningless if your already able to beat the game on normal. Among the drops that become available is a way to access the restricted areas, they're just treasure chests with generic treasures, and new companion spirits tied to rings that are worse than their just a magic ring counterparts, these companions get added to the town and can be talked to if you want no h-content though.

The other ending is the "village ending" instead of just straight up curing the girl, she's supposedly made to undergo training to "overcome" her curse, in truth she's just being trained to crave sex, once you've watched all h-scenes you'll be given an option to go home(to watch the ending) or just keep going, in this ending she gets cured but due to her training when she goes home she's unable to stop craving dick and becomes the village cumdumpster, if you watch the ending once it's over your still taken back as if you'd chosen the stay option but that's it no more scenes game is over.

Scenes entail blowjob, anal sex, vaginal sex, masturbation while sniffing dick, gangbang, and sex in front of an audience, the bdsm bit is basically just her in a costume with a toy then it's basically just normal sex but yeah sure it's bdsm I guess wasn't paying much attention to that scene, and lastly the gangbang(?) at the village, she takes dicks one at a time non-stop(no multiple males at once here but not sure what to call it if it's not actually a gangbang).

Apparently the companion spirits get improve over time if you use them and have secondary effects not listed on their ring description, they tell you about them after a while, I still consider the purely magic rings better but, I don't want to misrepresent the spirit rings as completely inferior in all ways either.
Did you notice if the h stats were counted or listed anywhere in the game?
3.40 star(s) 5 Votes