Ren'Py - Completed - Daddy's Goodnight Kiss [v1.1 HD] [Dirty Secret Studio]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I Rate this game 3 Stars due to it's great content, Your left to play as you want with little resistance In other words The dev gives us a sandbox to play with I realise there's Bugs in the game But that to be expected due to it's complexity If there is one downside it's the lack of info you buy in stores
    So give it a Go!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...

    (12/07/2017 - Review of v0.021)

    Ok, so this visual novel/game isn't much in the way of novel, it's mostly like a corruption/no-corruption game with dialogue... The intro is very short and sometimes the English translation isn't perfect, but it isn't horrible either... It's obviously not anywhere near finished, and the grind to get stats up isn't horrible, but it does take time... Not sure if this was once upon a time a Family Sex themed game in transition to remove that theme, or if it's being added?

    There were some obvious flaws, like you keep calling your wife your mom when interacting with her, and only on a few occasions do you see her referred to as your wife, which is a bit confusing and I can only chop it up to bad translation... There was also a moment with a bug when looking at profiles on the web that stayed on the screen when not on the computer, which was annoying...

    The visuals are alright, but the kissing visuals look like warped mouths slightly... The script is ok, but not great, as there is a bit of dialogue now and then, but it repeats a lot since you have to work stats up with the characters, and this kinda makes the story stagnate... The wife story line is short and feels very unfinished... The daughters story line, regardless of the path you take, is slightly longer but even it stagnates... So all in all this product is no where near finished and has a ways to go before it feels like a full visual novel, so for now it just feels like a short unfinished game with some dialogue...

    (01/11/2018 - Review Update - v0.043)

    Well, I decided to revisit this game to see what improvements were made... It's gotten a little bit better, but it's still a work in progress... The player/reader now gets a choice as to what relation (aka mom, wife, daughter, friend, etc) the protagonist has with the characters living with him... That doesn't eliminate the Family Sex motif, but allows it to be avoided if desired...

    There is an addition of a couple characters, one being a relative and the other being a friend of someone in the home... There are also other interactions outside the home with other characters, including a sub-plot or more...

    Overall it's not a bad update, but the game is still definitely not a VN and all the game mechanics are pretty much the same... With the sub-plots, a little more story depth has been added, even though it's not a huge amount of story, it's still nice to see... I may check back again a ways down the line on future updates, as this still is not my preferred type of game/VN... Have to wait and see...