Ren'Py - Completed - Corruption [Final] [Mr.C]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game - one of the most enjoyable I've played from the forum. There are a few grammar mistakes, but none that are particularly jarring. Very fun game...and quite naughty. Pacing is good overall, not too grind-y, and not hard to cheat on if you wish to do so. Looking forward to future updates.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    love the theme of the game,... i love the incest and Corruption themes in general, ..but the mass and public Corruption is new and i really like that idea the most of them all.. yet i do hope thre is a way for us to not miss any scene or action on any Corruption level for all girls before going up to next level
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    There is a lot of content in this game and I used to enjoy it quite a lot, however I am getting more an more jaded with it.

    Primarily I dislike how there is a lot of focus on what I would consider borderline NTR. Public displays that theres really no hint about what will happen when the action is taken.

    The later corruption stages just make the characters look unattractive.

    I would say to anyone looking at this game not to think of it as a harem game, it feels more like you are cultivating sex slaves to be use in public displays.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game. It's heckin' grindy with the protagonist having to constantly use up time to afford the potions but I love the setting of the game, most of the characters (I'm a sucker for the corruption kinds of stories) and the overall depravity of the game (which, luckily, doesn't have anything too extreme).

    Though, it'd be good to have a more story or something resembling more of a plot (since, as of 1.2.0, the game is mainly just the MC going from route to route with the sole motivation being given in the beginning (enslaving as many people as possible to get more powerful).

    It'd also be nice something that allows the protagonist to passively earn money (or potions) and\or ways to lower the price of potions.

    I'm always waiting for new updates on this and I can't wait to see how this project progresses!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    really nice game in its basics - i really want to love it, but excuse me that i got to hate it after several scenes.
    I just wonder why all (really ALL) women in this game had to recieve such unreal extremely oversized boobs. Most of them should just cry about the weight. This really has nothing to do with "like" or "do not like" - this is just aweful and really destroys all fantasies. I recommend the author to visit a therapist if he really thinks this is erotic or something nice (imho)

    EDIT (1 day later):
    did i miss something?
    there is a huge ammount of characters to corrupt - even more then 10 to be "corrupted towards a slave"......
    But right now NOT EVEN ONE path is finished?
    What the hell? What about finishing one part (or town) before even thinking about starting additional stuff?
    Yesterday i complained about the k-size boob fetisch of the dev - but then i wanted to give the game a second chance and ignored the boobs..... but stilll..... all i read ingame is "... will be continued ...."
    Why to enslave your mother/sister? You loose the ability to interact like before and just gain 1 useless aweful pool scene (exept the ceremony to be a slave) - more worse is also the fact that even all scenes of different characters nearly always just the same.
    A really good idea of a game and a really good first impression (exept the k-sized boobs) turned into a boring, repeating, grinding never ending story, not worth to recommend anymore to other player
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The concept is cool, but nothing new. I really like this game "fetish wise", but... The models could be better for me, I'm already not a fan of anything 3D sex related (be comics or games) but this one can be really weird sometimes. I must make myself clear: for me it's not the greatest choice graphically, but it does the job, maybe for you can be better, idk.

    But the real turn off is the translation or the grammar per se. English is not my mother language, although I try to keep my grammar at least readable. But this game brings so much "oriental" characteristics to its texts that sometimes make it hard to read or enjoy.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, although with plenty of flaws.

    Plot: Corrupt as many chicks as you can, apparently no one is off limits, which is cool. Basically if you see a chick and she speaks, yeah she's going to get fucked at some point. Its fairly linear, there are a few exceptions though which is a nice change for these types of games. But overall its pretty simplistic, give girls 'juice' which turns them into mindless bimbos. That being said some of the interactions are pretty funny/cool.

    Graphics: You either like this art style or you don't. That simple. Some of the ladies' proportions are way out of wack, but again, that is either something you care about, or don't.

    Gameplay: Aside from a few deviations in plot, its really grindy, recommend console commands. There is a ton of content by the way, which is neat.

    Flaws: Engrish. Everyone speaks engrish. Though it kinda grew on me, adds to the favour of the girls all becoming mindless sex objects. The grind as mentioned is another problem.

    Overall: Awesome, 8.5/10 for a game like this.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite game on the site. Great work with Honey Select. The consistent updates keep my interest piqued and I can't say an update has ever been "bad". Some are shorter than others, but the content added is nice and rich. Decent story along with a wide range of girls to corrupt. A must play. The only negative I can think of was at one point there was a bit of over expansion of the cast. This problem has mostly abated and the previously introduced characters are now being corrupted at a great pace.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is good for one thing; fapping. If you are into male dom, moral degeneration, corruption, depravity, this game will provide plenty of fapping material. Be advised that there is not a deep plot or characters in this game. The translation is "Engrish" and the dialogue isn't anything revolutionary.

    I highly recommend you use the console commands to get infinite money and potions and just go to town corrupting everyone. Be absolutely sure that you maintain everyone's corruption levels at the same value because a lot of the girls have crossover scenes when you go on dates/use phone menu. There is a lot of content in this game. At all the breakpoints in corruption level you get new scenes and modification of previous scenes for each girl. You will get a lot of playtime out of it even when blazing through with cheats.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    what a piece of garbage lol. story is basically non existent, writing is atrocious, broken english, there is grinding (which you can at least easly skip with console command), navigation is terrible. characters are not just bad, they lack ANY personality whatsoever. renders are average at best. sex scenes are bad, there are not even animations. there is not a single good thing about this game XD, maybe some not so "mainstream" fetishes but its not like it hasnt been done in dozen other games. its not even about personal preference the game is objectively terrible. only reason the dev makes $4k (what a joke) is because he started this game when you didnt really have much options to choose from. if he started the project now, i dont see how he would get more than 50-100 patreons at best.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    a solid game with very interesting topics and a fun mechanic. The game has some grammatical errors, but nothing that can't be fixed. There is enough content to leave you wanting more. So far i have to say i do enjoy playing the game and can't wait to see more from this developer.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rev v1.10]
    Godspeed, ye mad bastard.

    Games with this premise are usually my cup of tea, yet this one just... isn't. It had to take effort to distort stock Honey Select assets to look this silly. The writing is bad even beyond the stilted translation. Corruption pacing is wonky, tutorialization is nonexistant, grind is annoying, progression for each girl is samey. At least it wasn't completely linear, but it's hard to be such when your plot is going nowhere.

    I admit to cheating the potion quantity. The grind was just not doing it for me. Ren'py dev console ftw.

    There were plenty of scenes that were outside my normal kink set, several edged on gross, and a couple "bwuh?". About 4 or 5 sex scenes in, there was a situation that would have had a very high chance of somebody getting an STI, and once I noticed it I couldn't unsee that from many of the other scenes in the game. Seriously, hentai logic can only insulate so much. Additionally: the most major symptom of moral degradation in this universe is all sense of fashion flying out the window. You know she's ready when her choice of eyeshadow clashes with the rest of existence and her outfit looks like a Squaresoft artist had a seizure midway through an LSD overdose.

    There's effort put in here, and a good amount of content if it's to your liking. Didn't pass muster for me.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Pros: variety and number of women. Variety of clothes and places. Graphics is not perfect, but okay.

    Cons - translation, grinding, simplicity (earn money, buy pots, give to women) , HUGE BOOOBS, HUGE HANDS, zero choice (just grind).

    There is a event in the bar which you just cannot fail. You just have to grind enough until it happens.

    A lot of work was put into this game and it will be a pitty if it becomes the next grinder.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    My kind of corruption game. Was tempted to give this a 4/5 because of the lack of quality in the backgrounds and such but that would just reduce the content released each month and this game has an amazing time with it's kinks. Hope this can get remade in a better engine in the future.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    While the English isn't good, and the developer recognises this; C has crafted a very fun set of scenarios to play though paired with decent art from HoneySelect. I'm good with the kinks as well. I'm eager to see where it all goes.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Plot: Fairly simple, grind money, buy corruption potions, feed corruption potions to female, enjoy lewd female(s). A few times one has to do something different, but it's either something so simple it's obvious, or something you just stumble upon.

    Graphics: Slightly better quality than standard honey select stuff.

    Model design: Breast sizes with very few excaptions range from large to ridiculously humongous. The lot is in the range of unrealisticly large for the bodies they are on, such as would give a real human enough cronic backpain to turn anyone into a shrew. A few is such that the models could not hold the posture they do unless someone had driven a nine-inch nail through their feet to keep them from falling over forward.

    Size: Decent amount of localities, a bit of variation in encounters. Many females to employ your chemical mind-control on.

    Characterization: Ridiculous, but what can one expect from a game whos main premise is drugging females into insane sluts? Most start out fairly simple charicatures,, and are turned into seriously one-dimensional raving submissive sluts.

    Language: Perfectly understandable, but if english is your first language, you will probably cringe now and then.

    Why did I give a 3? I'm a sucker for having to go to some effort to get my porn. Even if in my personal opinion, it's bad porn that isn't very appealing, I still want to see what more I can get, what happens next. If you have the hots for boobies larger than footballs, and don't mind the head above thoose boobs being devoid of personality, this is the game for you and then I can wholeheartedly recommend it. For anyone else? No way.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    The game does not have imo great sex scenes, but the story is decent and the characters are not that bad!
    This rating may change if i play the completed game when it is finished.

    Story 7/10
    Sex 6/10
    Art 6/10
    characters 7.5/10
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games around but have some flaws...

    - Very interactive gameplay

    - The text and conversations are spot on (Not very short and not very long)

    - The variety of sex fetishes will keep us entertained for a long time

    - A lot of womens

    - Bizarre hair colors and kinky outfits in public is a immersion breaker. (Especially in nuns, nurses, etc)

    - Some moms look the same age as their daughters

    Recommendable! :D
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It`s a big game with a lot of scenes, the map is understandable and works.
    good story with no exaggeration in reading.
    Looking forward to the next episode!
    Support the artist. i would love see the next episodes with even more quality.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the originality of the game, I always look forward to the updates, I like the freedom of choice , I Like the little Easter eggs like the store clerk, bar tender, the milfs in the neighborhood, the new school content was really fun to play, took me a while to know where the assembly was Spoiler (in the gym). The nun and the cafe are my favorites content.