RPGM - Completed - Catherine's Adventure [v1.0 Fix] [Desmond]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay :

    Simple combat , there is a difficulty that you need to overcome that is management of resources that makes the game a bit of challenge but not impoassible to win. Also the lust also give a hindrance to combat so that is something to figure out again managing to manage to be succesful in game.

    Story :

    Great branching storyline depending on how you make your own decision upon certain matters as that is what give this game a plus.And the erotic storyline is excellent I like it.


    The sprites and the area as it is a rpgmaker game so there aren't any jaw dropping sprites or locations. The arts for pictures at least for a few characters is rendered from 3d program so that's a plus wished it's all consistent for all the character in the game have all 3d rendered pictures.

    Soundtrack, sound effects and voice over:

    There are no voice over, the sound track are base rpgmaker , and the effects are modest.

    Grammar and spelling :

    I honestly think that it is suffice but again I am not an expert or hold a degree in english language so I am unable to rate this properly.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly loved this game. The story was okay and i found the protagonist to be very enjoyable, was looking forward to what would happen to her next.
    Sure the game does not do anything new or original but what it does it does really well.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Unplayable... you spend almost 2 hours doing nonsense shit getting money and fighting against super powered oponents knights and that's your "training" this is the most annoying and hardest shit beginning ive ever seen... i gave up...
    everything what you do is running from home to the knights hall 1 sparing fight (you probably will lose many of them) and the day is over you have to run back home, change clothes... long transition scene... boring and senseless...

    hardest shittiest game here... and the renderers ain't that unique, you can get a decrypter and what some of the pictures, nothing special so far...

    the game includes saves with 10-12 hours LOL
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    the game had a interesting first update with a corruption path. Last few updates, the game turned into rape oriented with some ugly visuals. the bar had some interesting event and who were even fun. after you come back from the first mission, that part of the game is now plain, without progression (you can come back each day with the same event)
    i'm afraid for the future of that game...