Others - Completed - Bunny Black 2 [Final] [SofthouseChara]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with great story, playing prequel is required.
    Unfortunately game can get tedious.
    Game gets grindy at the times, but completely doable.
    Protagonist feels illogical at some points of the story, but that can be overlooked quite easily.

  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Eh, this game really ain't great. Its written like utter crap, for one. The main character is this perfect dude who never, ever struggle, and pretty much has everyone wanting to bone him. By "everyone", I mean the entire female cast (pretty much not a joke), and each of is more bland and one-dimensional than the next.
    The combat is boring and long-winded as hell. Not to mention how easy you can become OP. The rest of the game is just wandering through tunnels.

    The H scenes are really good, though. This is one of those games that you download, grab the save file for, and fap to the gallery. No worth beyond that.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    If you liked the first one, you will like this. Plot continues directly after, with same characters (including your kid)
    Dungeon crawler with sex scenes. (Return to base often or you can miss them)
    Need to fill out the review so i'll admit the 'villains' are all one-note, but no different than first game. The scene where you can't control your protag anymore is interesting a a great mix of story with gameplay
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Really just more of the same as the first one, good dungeon crawler gameplay that's actually fun, hot girls with nice sex scene, kind of meh story but serve well to lead to the sex.

    If you liked the first one you'll like this one, recommended !