HTML - Boring Days [v0.33.6] [AntiMyx]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Some people say its too much grind but to me its worth it as the slow corruption makes this game extremely hot I can't get enough of the maid and secretary stories and all the women getting bolder and bolder with you as you get less confident. Awesome game.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game for a couple of years, and it's disappointing to see what it's become. For an HTML game, this game is incredibly grindy and cumbersome to play, forcing you to spend hours "skipping" time simply to access certain scenes.
    The game's mechanics are needlessly complicated, and there's been very little story progress over the course of its development. In fact, the developer often tends to remove a lot of content, only to put "some of it" back in over time, further slowing everything down.
    There's absolutely no excuse for an HTML game, which uses real porn actresses, to be so light on content and sexual variety, especially when the "wife" is Anissa Kate - a very prolific porn actress who's done almost everything under the sun. There's also very little lesbian content to speak of, and the sex scenes that exist are not enough to justify the time investment necessary to reach them.
    Like many other developers on this site, AntiMyx has been accused of "milking" its Patreon supporters. That may be true, but the biggest issue that I see is that he simply does not know where the story is going, and is clearly not motivated enough to push towards an endgame.
    So this leads to glacial progress over multiple years, and a lack of honesty about the game's goals, priorities and future content. As much as it pains me to say (because Anissa Kate deserves better), this is an extremely boring game with subpar writing and little creativity.
    Caveat emptor definitely applies here.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite the main image on the front page, this game is all about non-BSDM Femdom. Specifically around the slow power reversal of the man's role as a husband / boss.

    This is probably the best game on the site for this concept and you should definitely try it if this is a kink you like or think you might like.

    If you are looking for lots of sex scenes with girls (there are still a reasonable amount) or a "normal porn game experience" then you will likely feel the game is grindy as you won't appreciate the more subtle scenes and progression.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Recent reviews indicate that the game has become more grindy, which has led to negative feedback. This shift in gameplay seems to have occurred due to decisions made by the developer about a year ago. They chose to lock certain content and embark on a process of rewriting and reorganizing scenes, resulting in increased grindiness. It took approximately six months to unlock previously available scenes and animations, with no new content being introduced during this period.

    While some players appreciate the reorganization of scenes like me, many question the necessity of the additional grind. Having to repeat certain scenes multiple times over several days adds more annoyance than enjoyment to the experience.

    Despite these frustrations, the game still gets a 5 star from me, reflecting appreciation for its unique femdom theme and well-crafted story, scenes, and animations. However, there's a clear request to the developer to address the grindiness issue and restore a better balance between challenge and enjoyment.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    game is such a boring grind you'll think it's bugged. There's nothing intuitive about how you're supposed to progress and there's little payoff. I'm very confused as to how this game was so highly rated.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game appears to encompass all the worst parts of a HTML game. It's grindy, which isn't an issue but at the same time it seems unintuitive. Like... what am I meant to do? There's a varied cast of characters but 90% of the time if you go to see them, they just say hello. 7 days in a week, 7 time periods in a day and in basically all instances there's nothing to do. Characters have attributes like corruption, authority and obedience but there's no indicator on how to change them and the actions you can do with the character quickly get to the point where you're told "this action will no longer affect her score" so not only is it needlessly grindy..... it doesn't even let you grind.

    There's also an issue where the game seems to want to have you in a sub position. If you look at the journal for characters, most of them tend to involve you sitting on the floor or taking care of her or you're doing role reversal and she's the boss and you're the secretary so unless you're mad keen on that, the game's a huge disappointment.

    Well made, good UI, but Boring Days seems to be more a jab at you the player than anything deeper in game.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    story mc boss... but don't feel like it.. seem only fun is secretary.. THAT IS it.. is html with 3year++ work but feel like nothing here.. town feel lifeless... "boring" seriously game manifest into it title game! story on Mila bring bit hope, maybe act like millionaire ceo kept side girl in apartment.. NO story available Future update.. like what?! is already 3year! another 3 year? eh!

    my opinion feel sorry for Cat support this game.. content is low and disappointment.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Very aptly named game, since if you decide to play it, that's how your days will be.
    The game has been in development for years and yet has fuck all to do, and frankly, has actually reversed in content from it's earlier days.
    What little is there, is locked behind boring grind and unintuitive design.
    Every update is microscopic and not worth even mentioning.
    One of the many terrible examples of html games on this site, close to the bottom. At least the menu design is serviceable.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing for 2 days and still haven't opened all the scenes. more than 20 scenes that I liked. There are many hidden scenes in the game. Hidden scenes open intuitively. You can take care of several characters at once. There are bugs in the game, but if you help the developer find them, the game will be just wonderful.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the Femdom content in this game. The story progresses at a fair pace, little too grindy but well worth the pain. Love the mind games played by the secretary to dom the protagonist. would love to see lot more content.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The horny part of my brain wants me to give it five stars just off how much I like the story ideas. Getting role-swapped by my maid? by my secretary? absolute dreams of mine. A pretty girl with 0 talents taking advantage of my desire to give her money and do things for her without her even having to push me for it? God yes. These tropes are weirdly not very present in porn games despite being the pinnacle of smut.
    The reason it gets four stars is because, outside of these fantasies, the game is just fine. Everybody kinda talks the same and there isn't much of a sense of character for anyone beyond what fetish they represent. The day to day processes of going to work feel kinda pointless and money has no realy meaning. You don't even "do" work. It's just a time skip. So, while the smut is great, I feel like the avenues between it all and the overall layout of the game is just alright.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Bug riddled, lacks content, lacks direction, grindy somehow even on top of that. Mostly a femdom game and people are so starved for actual femdom content that they'll excuse anything. I honestly have no idea what this dev is doing, because somehow every release is more bugs and less content. How do you go backwards on content? Eventually dev has to ADD content to remove it in the future right? As it is there's barely anything right now.

    Update: As usual, content won't trigger, and it's called a "bug" rather than a complete failure to put it in. The gifs are just literally stolen material, so no work there. And it's an html game, no music, no animations, very simple mechanics, so no work there either.

    This guy is the best scammer on the site. At least other scammers put actual content out first to build a patreon base, this guy does nothing and some of you will fanboy for him anyway and pay him every month. So he'll just keep doing nothing, claim it's bugs and retooling, and keep milking his subs. If he had 0 subscribers I bet magically content gets made and "bugs" that somehow always keep content from happening, no more removing content as an update, and then putting the same content back in later as another update.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game of a dying, niche category. You gotta be kind of submissive to enjoy this. It doesn't have any sissification whereas many femdom games choose to go with that route. And usually they get abandoned so I hope this one breaks the mould because it's riveting.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Slow updates... Yes
    Worth waiting for?...... Yes

    the slow corruption of MC Wife, Maid wonderfull

    the psychologist and the secretary! i love it!

    the only point to reduce ratting would be, that the updates could be bigger fpr a game where patreons pay for it.

    Dev is doing 2 games, i would really strongly recomend this one to go sub content only and the other game going dom
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is almost 2 years old but still feels really clunky and empty.
    The content is either lacking or locked behind certain actions, the journal helps to some extent. Too much clicking to get around and even more clicking to try and find what you are supposed to do.
    So many locations are just empty. Your work has maybe 9 rooms, but you only use 2. There is a mall with 5 stores were you can't do or buy anything. The location is used once in a quest with Jenny which automaticly takes you there anyways.
    You can work out but if you gain anything from it or not is unknown. In my stats it only said i had 3 points in coffee making...
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this game has a ton of potential, I had fun playing it. I really am interested to see where the sub routes go for character. I recommend this game. I really enjoyed the maid path and the secretary path. Anyways, I think this game is a lot of fun
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game because of the writing. It is a sub/dom game where most of the content is with a sub MC but there is a real emphasis on the slow corruption and change of power dynamics. There really aren't many other games that try this, most other HTML gamesjust go with a ridiculous scenario like 'take this pill and you'll be a woman tomorrow...' but this tries to be realistic to the situation of a normal guy slowly dominated by strong women. The writer truely has an imagination that is lacking in other games. This is a 5 out of 5 for me because of the creativity of the developer. If you can't see this straight away then I suggest you need to try more HTML games for comparison. This isn't a standard game, it is one of the best due to the creative writing. Bonus points that the dev isn't even a native English speaker.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I try to leave only positive reviews but this game has a misleading rating. Just another game that fell into the trap of making too many routes and characters and not having any depth into any of them. You will hit the end of current content after a couple of scenes with each characters even the main ones.

    Other real porn games set the bar way higher.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    On the prowl for real-porn HTML games, I've stumbled across one I've seen a couple times. Perusing, I thought why not give it a shot considering that gems like this are hard to come by.

    As always I try to be as honest as possible. I guess a bias from me is that even with mediocre HTML jank, I like them in a way. There's something about the scenarios and perhaps even schlocky writing that fulfills a mood. Maybe it's something just to break up the VN Honey Select romps that constantly pervade this site. Considering that when you do find one these games, and they're actually decent, it's an all-around pleasant experience. Especially if they have a decent scenario setup + good real-porn utilization. Also I'm mainly focusing on the dom/corruption side of the game.

    Anyways, onto the game.

    You can see from the get go that unlike some other HTML games on this site, or God forbid QSP games, that the UI is clean for the most part. You have easily accessible rooms (not that many of them lead anywhere), you can easily navigate through menus, very visible buttons, and a character guide with hints. I was going to mention that usually that's a good thing since it caters towards the game's direction, something a lot of real-porn games suffer from (ie easily getting lost), but this game has no direction. At least not yet, and I have no idea if it's future may hold that yet considering it's been a year and the game still feels rather barebones in what it's offering. Though it does tie up its real porn into contextualized parts of it's story & events, so no random pictures tied to a face that isn't being portrayed on screen. Yet as said, in comparison to other games that share it's genre (ie the real-porn HTML journey's), progress is slow.

    For what direction we have, the game focuses that more so on characters and what you can do with them rather than some overarching goal you're trying to achieve. Which in turn means that a lot of things you're doing that aren't related to character-quests are arbitrary and meaningless. I mean hell, you work your job but the money's worthless since you play as an affluent rich jackass (which if you go down the dom paths, yes, you are a rich jackass), which then leads onto the oddities of the character-quests themselves.

    The porn comes quick, but then it also comes slow to depending on what (available) characters there are. Such as your maid, you have to actually get build up (which is a good thing) with her to start finding the flavor text, the evolution and progression in relation to how you're going about it. Such as whether you chose to be a sub or dom to her. But on the other hand, sometimes you get nothing at all in terms of build up, your secretary(ies) as an example comes in and the sex is just already there, without much characterization from her.

    It's strange, you have a more developed end on your maid, where you can glean a lot more details and substance in how she's portrayed (in what little we have) versus your secretary being as stagnant as a trope as ever. Why, in the dom path can you just immediately test out your secretary in a fuckfest scenario, literally 0-100 in the mere seconds you meet her, yet your maid, another porn cliche, has to instead be slowly seduced and corrupted? I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but I think that example shows that there's a certain disconnect on how the game approaches it's core concept. Hence, sometimes you actually play the gem part of what the creator is trying to accomplish, a build up on a sub/dom relationship, yet other points feel like boredom crept in with decisions to say fuck it and just give you porn.

    I think if there was better focus on fleshing out characters, and maybe not flooding the gates that so many games suffer from (ie way too many chicks, not enough content for them), then it can be a great game. It's got a nice structure, it has neat paths, it has times where the writing and characters are good, but it suffers in the aspect of still being barebones. Also there is an issue of lag for whatever reason, I didn't get it much, but others suffer from it so keep that in mind.

    Overall, I was going to rate this as a 2/5 but I thought better and that if this game gets further fleshed out and cleaned up within this year, maybe it can be 4 stars. In the end though, it's rather stagnant it what it is now (especially with the snails pace it's trotting at), and sits on the plain average shelf. I wouldn't really recommend playing this until the dev figures out what to do with it. 3/5
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is good, porn is set up nicely and while there is some grind, it's pretty quick.
    There are two major issues though:
    1. There is not much content as of v0.28.
    2. The game starts to run slow after a while, even hanging for some time when trying to save - delete old save slot>game freeze for something like 10s>save game on the now clear slot>another 10s freeze - and this is on a good, current gen hardware.
    While i'm sure that the first issue will be resolved easily with time, the second issue might require major overhaul, if I had more content to go through when the game was running that bad I would rate it 3/5 at best.