Unity - Completed - Blinding Bangs Mob Ninja Kaede [Moflight]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    For what it is, it's nice, sweet, and simple. Very short, not a lot to it, but what's there is solid. I always love seeing more of this genre, even in small doses. The only complaint I have is that it lacks a way to break free when you've been caught, unlike most others in this genre. But otherwise the mechanics work perfectly well and the animations are smooth. (And hot, of course, but I suppose that is subjective, heh.)

    I recommend checking this out if you have a few minutes to kill, and hope to see more from this dev.
    Likes: jttth
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    3 small levels, 5 unique monsters/h-animations each with 6 phases of animation. It's a cute enough protag, but nothing in this game is worth writing home about. It doesn't make any big eroge crimes. I think it will be worth seeing what this creator does next. just look at the difference between Bullet Requiem and Night of Revenge.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Red Ciel

    • Very simple side-scroller, on the same kind of KoooNsoft games
    • The animations and the art is a bit simple, but still are good
    • Gameplay is run and throw kunai, while dodging enemies, some have harder patterns though
    • Seems to be a bit low on content