Tutorial Tool Others Bishop BSXScript_Tool [Tool for Bishop Titles - Sansha Mendan & Many more]


May 30, 2021
Tool for Bishop Titles

Bishop is a Script tool for most Bishop Titles, It Extracts and Inserts text from bsxx.dat which is the script file of all Bishop titles.

Script Tool Basic usage:
Export ― BSXScript_Tool.exe -e bsxx.dat
Import ― BSXScript_Tool.exe -b bsxx.dat (Make sure both original bsxx.dat and bsxx.dat.txt exist in same folder)
Tip: Before using the tool make sure to check what version is the script file(bsxx.dat) in using any text editor or hexeditor.

Images: Now that we have script sorted out but what about image files right? Which are in .bsg format not png or jpg, so here what we use is to convert .png to .bsg format But first we'll need to use to convert bsg to png.
Image Tool Usage:
Bishop_BSG_Tool.exe [image][folder]
For batch U'll need to put files in a folder and use the Tool command.

Tip: The game doesn't need reapck for edited images to show-up, just make a folder called " Graphics " and keep same folder structure as it is in Graphics.bsa.

Bishop -

Tools said ―
BSXSript_Tool - By Crskycode
Bishop_BSG_Tool - By Crskycode
Garbro - Mod by Crskycode

Tools Credit & Special Thanks to ―
Crskycode -

Download ― I'll be Attaching the said tools.

Note: The tool needs Microsoft.NET 5.0 Runtime Package in-order to work.
Last edited:


May 30, 2021
This post is made for Translation purposes, if you need any help you can find me at Discord either - or


New Member
Aug 29, 2018
Does this need Microsoft.NET 5.0 Runtime Package on it's own or would later versions like 6.0 and others after also work?


New Member
Sep 2, 2021
Tool for Bishop Titles

Bishop is a Script tool for most Bishop Titles, It Extracts and Inserts text from bsxx.dat which is the script file of all Bishop titles.

Script Tool Basic usage:
Export ― BSXScript_Tool.exe -e bsxx.dat
Import ― BSXScript_Tool.exe -b bsxx.dat (Make sure both original bsxx.dat and bsxx.dat.txt exist in same folder)
Tip: Before using the tool make sure to check what version is the script file(bsxx.dat) in using any text editor or hexeditor.

Images: Now that we have script sorted out but what about image files right? Which are in .bsg format not png or jpg, so here what we use is to convert .png to .bsg format But first we'll need to use to convert bsg to png.
Image Tool Usage:
Bishop_BSG_Tool.exe [image][folder]
For batch U'll need to put files in a folder and use the Tool command.

Tip: The game doesn't need reapck for edited images to show-up, just make a folder called " Graphics " and keep same folder structure as it is in Graphics.bsa.

Bishop -

Tools said ―
BSXSript_Tool - By Crskycode
Bishop_BSG_Tool - By Crskycode
Garbro - Mod by Crskycode

Tools Credit & Special Thanks to ―
Crskycode -

Download ― I'll be Attaching the said tools.

Note: The tool needs Microsoft.NET 5.0 Runtime Package in-order to work.
Do you have any idea on how to modify text by any chance?
I've just had a play around with a game i may translate but having issues with display text.