VN Best and worst things a Nsfw game can do?

Mr. TurTur

Jun 12, 2020
Im writing on a game right now and was hoping you guys could help me out.

What are in your opinion/ experience no goes, red flags or must haves in a trainler like datting sim kind of game?


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
For a trainer type game huh?

Few trainer games get it right. I would say in a trainer type game you would definitely want branching routes based on how kind or cruel of a trainer you are and the more possible routes the better.

Perhaps something like this?

Max Cruelty No Kindness = She will wind up killing you or herself at some point or be killed from the harsh training.
High Cruelty Low Kindness = She hates you, but obeys you out of fear.
Medium Cruelty Medium Kindness = She respects you and obeys you, but can be a brat sometimes.
Low Cruelty High Kindness = She loves you and obeys you and serves you.
No Cruelty High Kindness = She flips things on you and winds up being the one Domme you.

Kindness & Cruelty are only 2 of several factors I am using here. Other attributes should definitely be added as well. Such as Lust, Love, Hate, Fear, Hunger, ect.
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Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017

Make believanble characters with different personalities, roles, jobs, etc.

Blackmail using nude picture's or other stuff that make what your demanding look less bad.
I mean serious its 2022.
Nobody is going to be bothered by nude picture's.

Avoid like the plague:
Deux ex machina.

If something happen it needs to follow internal logic.
Nothing ruins immersion as far as thing's happen by luck or an npc grabbing the idiot ball.

Basicly avoid:
You can ask an audience to believe the impossible, but not the improbable.

Make a world, the characters, the political climate, etc.
Then create a story within the limits of your creation.

I find the 3 golden rules of a good story:

1: Universal laws are final.
Also know as the consistancy rule.
Once something is declared impossible by the inuniverse law it will remain so forever.
So make the laws before you make anything else.

2: Never do:
Time travel, alternative dimensions, the afterlife.
These never end up being done well.
Dont even try.

3: Make characters not plot.
Nothing gets me out of a story as quickly as a character only existing as a plot device.
A problem with a lot of modern movies.
Characters are just there because the plot say so.
Not because they have a reason too.

Sylvia is a lonely mother of 2.
She recently started dating this awesome young man.
He makes her feel good.
One night she wakes up needing to pee only to find her lover sleep fucking her kids.
She is torn.
He makes her feel good.
He is a loving man normaly speaking.
Bring's in money, always willing to lissen, helps with homework.
Player choice:
1: Shoud she confront him?
2: Talk with him about it later?
3: Break up.
4: Go to the police.
5: Kill him in rage.
6: join in.

Sylvia is a lonely mother of 2.
She recently started dating this awesome young man.
He makes her feel good.
One night she wakes up to find her lover sleep fucking her kids.
She is torn.
He makes her feel good.
He is a loving man normaly speaking.
Bring's in money, always willing to lissen, helps with homework.
Player choice:
1: Shoud she confront him?
2: Talk with him about it later?
3: Break up.
4: Go to the police.
5: Kill him in rage.
6: join in.

In the first example: She wakes up because she needs to pee.
We all had that experiance.
In the second example she wake's up because the plot demands she catches him in the act.

In lab rats 1 your first interaction with lily your sister is one of muatal snark and helping eachother.
You can tell they love eachother and are just taking the piss out of eachother.
A good writter shows.
He doesnt tell.

Show dont tell.
A dying art to be sure.

This guy is a tatical genius.
Makes bad call, after bad call but wins anyway because the plot demands it.

Dracula carefull planted his troops in ambush waiting for the enemy to walk by.
As they drew closer and closer he held his breath.
One mistake and they would all die.
He cursed himself under his breath.
Seven years of constant war.
Seven years away from home because of these filthy feminist trying to conquer his home land.
It was a risky move.
But if he could capture there general.
He could end the war in one swift stroke.
A risky move.
But one worth taking.
*the sound of a snapping twigh*
Crap he curses outloud.

*As the armies charged into eachother Dracula's reputation as can do leader kept his man fighting far longer then expected.
He was proud of his men*

Capture the general alive he shouted.

Also i hate knowing stuff my character doesnt know.
Seeing the big bad in there lair and knowing his plan while my character is back home reading a book.
Kinda ruins the immersion.
Because while my character is shocked by the reveal i already knew about it.
It feels pointless.
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Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
For a trainer just don't make it too easy, slow and steady training is the way to go.

What I wouldn't like in a trainer is a time limit, let people take their own pace.