VN Unity Another Kyorra Game [Development Thread]


New Member
Nov 1, 2020

You wake up in the morning and discover that you have someone else's cell phone by mistake and are now part of a secret club to meet hot girls. Does that sound familiar? Yes, this is not inspired by D*ception. Except that your phone is a DynoTec and you are in the 80-90's era, trying to survive as a unemployed programmer with the arduous mission of creating "your-first-game-which-will-make-you-a-millionaire-and-finally-get-out-of-misery"... Hmm still familiar?? No, because fortunately, this time we are talking about:
WEG Simulator - Another Kyorra Game!

AKG is a freegame about the struggles of making a WEG, with small scope and done in spare time atm.

Who the hell is Kyorra?
I don’t know. And if you also have no idea, I hope we can find out. One of the complaints that I noticed when it comes to new WEGs is the audience's desire for characters with some “appeal or charm”. I do not intend to make this a thing, but I’ll try to emphasize that aspect for the next updates with two things in mind: create some character design, give the audience an opportunity to decide direct aspects and see what happens in the end with a demo.

Feel free to check out the demo (more like a proof of concept) if you're interested.

Check out the Patreon page if you want to support it:
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Active Member
Nov 11, 2018
Wow I thought people were gonna start multiple threads here...uh maybe I should play the demo and leave a further comment