RPGM - Completed - Angel White Aqua [Final] [Kunounohosi]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    the game as a whole was okay. wasnt good, wasnt bad either. Just isnt a game id really like replaying for the sake of it.

    the gameplay itself was alright, wasnt really funtbh with you. the scenes was alright too, but isnt really good either.

    asi said, the game was alright, but isnt worth playing, as it wasnt offering a challenge for players, whilst also being very bland in gameplay.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Simple and lackluster action RPG with a boring variant of a corruption system. It just feels like you mash some buttons, get some lewd art, and then the game ends. There are far better porn games out there.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed it. It's not difficult and the story is pretty generic but for what it is it does a decent job. Art is solid and the MTL is really not bad at all; everything is perfectly understandable to the point I could believe it was a manual translation if not for the usual gender reversal errors.

    Minus a star due to censorship, the low quantity of content and lack of any difficulty. Minus another star due to the annoying filler missions that have no H-scenes.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Lord of coom

    Well, the art itself is good, but as a game it's quite bad: too short, basic "action" RPGM mechanics, corruption system duct taped there "just to exist" and affects nothing, as three or four dialogue lines and one scene of NTR content (not a fan, but it feels like it just there to get a popular tag). So: good CG gallery, not a good game. 2/5.