A game I'd find interesting


Feb 23, 2017
I was reading the premise of the game Undercover by Slow Burn Games and though I'm not so much into female protagonist games, it did get me thinking of a game I'd love to see. The idea of the female cop going undercover does fall into my wheelhouse because I like manipulation and blackmail types of games. And I thought the premise would be great from the other side of the story. A mob boss who is aware of the infiltration perhaps tipped off by a corrupt chief on the take, and instead of just getting rid of the mole, he decides to break her. You can write a whole backstory about her being the daughter of a cop who had been a thorn in the bosses side and him wanting to abuse the daughter as revenge or whatever. It was just a thought I had.

I prefer the blackmail/corruption stories from the perspective of the corruptor because I struggle to get into a female protagonist story since you are basically blackmailing yourself as the main character. Just my take. Any way, thought popped into my head but didn't want to hijack SBG's thread with the discussion.