VN - Others - Completed - A Drug That Makes You Dream [Final] [rúf]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly I had such high expectations when I started this visual novel, the premise seemed super interesting with its heavy themes and the moment I saw the blonde loli I was hooked. In the end though I honestly thought this was just an insult to the readers intelligence sometimes with the blatant stupidity of the characters. This is mostly in a single route though and in the other 2 routes its not as bad.

    I will go over each route and give my thoughts on them. There are 4 routes oh wait I mean 3 as the little sister has the set up for a route which how I think the way story was planned out, I think it would have been a secret true route. This was clearly cut though for some reason so that is a minus 1 star already for the pointless teasing of a route just to not have one in the end.

    Here are the routes each girl represents a problem which is also shown in the OP of the VN.

    Nekoko (Blonde Loli) (Drugs): In my opinion this is the best route with how the characters behaved and the story it told. The girl was charming and fun, the sex scenes were hot I thought the drugs concept was handled decently enough.

    Mizuki (Big Breasted Senpai) (Interpersonal Relationships): This route didn't really feel much about interpersonal relationships and more about worrying about the future as well as the worry of not having one at all along with the fear of death. Overall the story and the way the concept was handled was okay in my opinion but not as decently as Nekoko's. As for the sex scenes this route alone has enough scenes to fill your average Nukige which was actually surprising.

    Aeka (White Haired Classmate) (Bullying): This route will make or break this VN for you as for me it just pissed me off too no fucking end, the actions the characters and the mc take in this route make it seem like an insult too the players intelligence for most of the route. The bullying and the way it was handled felt far to extreme for what ended up the reason why it was happening also the bullies feel like just villains just for the sake of being villains. To go into more detail the vn makes the mc out to be a smart character but in this route he feels like the biggest idiot AND the biggest pussy ever who makes illogical decisions and only makes shit end of worse for both himself and Aeka pretty much the entire route. I can understand some part of his actions like how he behaves toward the bullying in the common route and how he is afraid of getting involved and bringing problems to himself but that can only go so far until the mc just feels like a pathetic loser who I wanted to punch in the face. This route did have a nice scene near the end though that was quite enjoyable. Overall this route makes me take 1 star off as well since I pretty much disliked how the story and bullying was handled and how it felt like an insult to the player's intelligence as I mentioned before though others might like it by seeing a different perspective from me perhaps.

    With the routes out of the way, I must also mention this VN makes me think pretty much everyone besides the 3 main girls, the mc's family, and his gay coworker are unlikable pieces of human garbage.

    In conclusion, I feel the weakest part of this vn was the writing and the way the choice system works. A harsh critical part of me wants to give it a 2 star rating though I can't justify that with the high quality of the art and the music. The girls themselves are cute and I like them as well. The lack of Aya's (the little sister) route I think really hurts this VN and if she had a route as well I think the quality of this vn would easily be at 4 stars. As it stands though I would say a solid 3 is okay though.

  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall, a very enjoyable game with strong story and interesting characters. One criticism I have is the lack of a route for the little sister- they tease it by letting you see her nude, but that aside the 3 main girls are all quite engaging, with the large-breasted class president being the weakest imho, in large point to the slightly arbitrary choices you need to make to get a perfect ending. Definitely reccomend to fans of pettanko/loli characters, good variety and cute art.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game deals with some very serious topics and doesn't do it with kid gloves so be warned. The common thread with all 3 girls and the MC is depression and social isolation, in the process it deals with bullying, suicide, drug dependency, teen pregnancy and peer pressure/social conformity.

    The artwork is mostly simplistic but still very good. There are more detailed scenes especially in key emotive scenes that blended well with music and writing.

    The writing was simply outstanding and really handled the subject matter with class yet still captured romance and humor throughout. The happy endings were really well done but the bad endings were brilliant though hit like a mack truck.

    The score supported story well even with a Benny Hill esque theme for the "fairy".

    The H scenes were plentiful but I seriously to lost in story to appreciate and rushed through most to get back to story.