RPGM - Completed - A different world that feels too good with my loving sister [Final] [What a game]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Mori Enjoyer

    Rating: 3/5 stars
    Playtime: 2-3 Hours

    - Sexy/Attractive Heroine Art for lewd/non-lewd scenes
    - Good amount of H-scenes for 1 Heroine, quality over quantity
    - Relationship Progression makes the build-up to the scenes hotter/rewarding
    - RPG style gameplay is fun, but I wouldn't say its everyones favorite/go-to

    - No replayability? Sure its an RPG format to level up and stuff, but feel this was just the dev wanting more experience in that aspect. Don't see a reason for it, should've leaned more to the dating sim part of it.

    - H-scenes mediocre, its 2dcg you can only do so much with it, still hot however. like 2-3 scene transitions per H-scene not bad.

    - Story, cool i guess. I did have fun progressing through the RPG aspect of it but I feel like a majority would not want to work as hard for them.

    - Pregnancy, underwhelming honestly. I really don't care/mind if H-games have pregnancy scenes but this one didnt really cut the cake for me.


    - Not too grindy, the story progression/gameplay keeps up with your party levels for most zones you can overlevel eventually towards mid to endgame its kinda worth it
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    If you're enticed by the prospect of pregnancy, don't. It's not an ending but it's also incredibly underwhelming.

    Every now and then, a hentai artist decides to make the leap from artist to game dev. Quite a few incredibly popular games on here are made by such people, with anything made by butakoma (Vitamin Quest 1 & 2, Drop Factory, Vitamin Plus aka the OG Slice of Venture) being such examples. However, the sad reality is that a good artist does not necessarily a good dev make and this is one of them.

    Kishimen of the h-doujin circle Hot Mikan focuses primarily on lovey-dovey incest that ends with pregnancy and that is definitely prevalent here. A lot of emphasis--though I'm using that term lightly--is placed on building up the MC's little sister's affection towards him. Brute forcing towards sexing her will lead to a bad end. Instead, affection points (AP) can be built up by completing quests together, taking her to a cafe, and indulging in her wants and needs. That said, you could easily move to get most of the h-scenes once you get more than 5 AP.

    The plot is... there, kinda like the map. It's painfully basic and simple with the only saving grace there being the high-quality CGs though that's pretty much a given with the dev's artist background. Other things that make this game a bare 3-stars rather than 1 or 2-stars is the fact that there are blatant hints towards getting erotic scenes, instant-teleporation back to town after completion of quests, and a straight-up full CG gallery in a well next to the MC's house. Sure, it's lazy as all hell but it's almost like the dev is either fully aware how mediocre it is, or put in those features because this is his first game.

    I personally lean towards the latter because there are some questionable gameplay design choices throughout. Most notably being that there's a standard RPG combat system in a game where the focus is committing Alabama. There are a lot of ways they could've done to pad out the game such as having the gameplay revolve around either romancing the sister, mindbreaking her, or knocking her up in her sleep. Hell, maybe even have some mechanics which are tied to pregnancy itself such as fertility cycles, an optional birth scene or two, and/or actually have an ending involving said pregnancy instead of a boring endless mode where the MC's sister's just stuck as a pregnant chick.

    All in all, it's not bad and it's definitely not good either. Just painfully mediocre with not much else that can be said that anyone else hasn't already said.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This is so fucking bad.
    MTL that can't wrap lines so you can't read whatever auto-translator spew out.

    It tries so bad to be generic and it looks like was done overnight, no music, no sounds, the most basic bitch events in RPG Maker history. Not even generic games are so rushed and unpolished.
    The only time you hear music is when you win combat - and it blows your eardrums.
    It's boring. Hscenes are downright meh. I feel bad even writting this review, even reading this review is not worth your time but if you got to this point it should be your cue to hit "Ignore thread" button and move to some actually fappable game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Yeah, the MTL is not great (I played before the patch that fixes the issue above review is complaining about, I imagine it's "decent" now). Yeah, the RPG aspect is typical and unoptimized. Yeah, there are no animated sex scenes or audio. But... that's really it on the negative list from me? Like, the game isn't amazing, but I don't think it deserves 2 stars... I'd call it 3.5 (to be clear, 3 stars is "average" per F95 rating system, and yes I think this game is slightly better than the average game). That said, incest, impregnation, and big tits are probably numbers 1, 2, and 3 on my H-interest list so bear that in mind.

    What does it do "well"?
    • The H-art is great. Your sister is very well drawn and is very attractive.
    • The H scenes have multiple images in them; While they are a bit short and use poeticized language, what is there is really good and, if you have even the barest whiff of an imagination, the MTL really is acceptable.
    • There are a lot of scenes and a good progression arc (handies to blowies to protected sex to unprotected sex to anal to breeding).
    • All of the scenes are replayable during gameplay.
    • The story is actually fine! I think. Yeah it's not a novel but who the fuck wants that? You and your sister interacted with a magic mirror and were transported to a fantasy world, both wielding different abilities. You fight and fuck your way up the ranks until you are the most badass mofo on the streets and in the sheets. Then you get to pick your ending, of which there are a few. There are some "bad" endings but, for all intents and purposes, you have to want them to get them so idk if "bad" is the right word.
      • Another plus: The game has a built-in hint if you need it (in the well within the main city). It does what it can to avoid spoilers and if you opt-in it will tell you what to do or not to do to get the ending you want. Great choice dev!
    • Preggo content! Yes! If you consciously make the decision to knock your sister up, the game tells you how to do it and when you do it you are rewarded with a few preggo sex scenes (again, repeatable).
    • Built-in cheats?? Like, c'mon guys, how can you possibly shit on the dev? Lol. Yeah, if at any point you get fed up with the gameplay, you can just go to the damn well by your house (which it tells you about) and all the scenes in the game are available for easy viewing. You get to choose your experience.
    • Recommended levels for each mission - I had never seen this before but it was so nice. Going in to each mission I could see "oh, I'm level 5 but dev recommends level 8 for this mission, so I better be careful". You can easily complete each mission at the recommended level, and it's reasonably possible at ~80% of recommended level as well. Most of the time I found myself under-leveled, but the dev adds a mob farm cave mid-game that makes leveling up really easy so you will be able to catch up.
    Anyways, I'll stop here, there are a few others but I just didn't feel like this game was getting treated fairly lol. Yeah, it's not amazing, but I at least tolerated the RPG/battle system for a few hours and jerked off at the climax of the story so, yeah it's not shit either. If you're new to H games this can probably go at the bottom of your list. If you've been around for a while, and the kinks are up your alley, I do recommend a play.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Senseless. As a brief description, it's basically an hentai gallery for imouto sex. The rest of the game is terrible, an tangential to that gallery which, atleast, you have unlocked and accessible by default.

    There isn't one, they're in some kind of island because they got isekai'd while checking a old shed and they have a house/farm land in the new world... and there's a guild? That gives them random quests? And the sister is apparently a mage? And so you go around doing random senseless quests to get rewarded with... free coffee date tickets? There's also no buildup of their relationship, it seems they were already siscon before?

    Worse. It's... useless? Why add uneccesary combat and dungeons that can are just button mashing/aoe skills to get through? The fight's are not hard, and there's infinite healing crystals EVERYWHERE, that double as a save feature... when you can already save anywhere?

    Yeah it's good, nothing out of the ordinary. The map is the most bland RPGM shit you've ever seen though. They do have pregnant content though which is surprisingly scarce. And they HAVE THE DECENCY to just outright present you with a "recollection room" with everything unlocked by default.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    It is as described.
    A not very good RPG with a couple CG (at least you can access the CG from the get-go without having to endure the gameplay)

    CG are decent: 3/5
    Gameplay is boring and brainless: 1.5/5
    Story is bare bone 2/5

    Unless you have a heavy siscon or are starved for prego games, you can spare 2hrs of your life, the game isn't worth it.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Boring, boring boring and boring.

    Premise of the game is that you're trapped in a another world with your sister. Ok good start, but then you delve deeper into the game. The gameplay is standard RPGM bog standard.

    You gain affection by finishing missions, triggering events in your home and going to the coffee shop and lovers date spots, simple enough. But there really isn't much in terms of content.

    Even worse, the pregnancy ending is funnily enough pregnancy unending. By that I mean, once she's pregnant she's perpetually pregnant, with no birth or even a proper game over type ending. You get 3 actions with your pregnant sister. Forever.

    Not a good game, but at least it's functional. 2 stars.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Very standard rpgm game. Poetry? Check! Incest? Check! Boring battles? Check! Overall I would say i will forget about this game after about a week. Good thing the recollection room is unlocked at the start so if all you want is the juice you are free to go for it without any problems.

    Art 3/5
    Story 3/5
    Gameplay 2/5
    Fapability 3.5/5
    Originality 1.5/5