Unity A cyberpunk game [Development Thread]


New Member
Jan 15, 2021
Olla! I'm working on a cyberpunk game, I will post more on this forum as the game progresses. Basically there are 2 parts of the game: 1 the campaign exploration part and 2 the sex scenes.
Elevator pitch: main character was a robot sex slave, became sentient, managed to escape, get a skin (this is the character customization ), steal a starship and explore. You recruit spaceship crew members in various places.
So you basically are a robot skeleton and when you meet the first npc you'll get a new skin, that's where you'll customize your char.
There will be various characters, only humans that are either cybernetically augmented or DNA altered ( to explain aliens and other creatures, they will all be humans and some may look very alien).
You will be able to buy tools for the sex scenes, upgrades, spaceships etc.

platform big.png main gameplay.png dadada.png keyslost.png nun-smallsize.jpg blowspace.png
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