Mod QSP Jack-o-nine-tails Mods & More: Game Development Builds and Outfit System

5.00 star(s) 1 Vote


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
dont know where to find that.
Download a branch. , or . Download only the branch you are playing on


Feb 23, 2020
FrostHunt Can I please have your save file with the special technique bug?
Also, can you please have the milking bug blank screen happen, on the top left of the game window click other -> show html and copy paste me that?
heres the code when miliking :

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload=function(){var msg = document.getElementById('__message__');var bgImage = new Image();bgImage.src =\((['\"])?(.*?)\1\)/gi, '$2').split(',')[0]; bgImage.onload=function(){ = bgImage.width; = bgImage.height;}};

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and theres new problem when i try to put slave in the prison it open the cryo sleep. dosen't matter if you already rent the cryo sleep from home or not

it seems i cant attach the save file it says " The uploaded file is too large for the server to process. " so i don't know how to give you. and srry for late reply busy with school yesterday


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
heres the code when miliking :

<html><head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload=function(){var msg = document.getElementById('__message__');var bgImage = new Image();bgImage.src =\((['\"])?(.*?)\1\)/gi, '$2').split(',')[0]; bgImage.onload=function(){ = bgImage.width; = bgImage.height;}};

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it seems i cant attach the save file it says " The uploaded file is too large for the server to process. " so i don't know how to give you. and srry for late reply busy with school yesterday
Put the save file in a .zip/.rar archive first


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
Its cheat slave and want to remove the weapon to make a cow.
That reaction means "I'm on it" :D
We're going to have to come up with a new way to display these because it doesn't seem like 2 columns will work.

I will do a quick fix for this which consists in moving the unequip button to the top. It will make the weapons at the bottom unavailable but it should allow people to avoid being stuck on one weapon.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019

Retrieving not allowed? due to lack of space in residence?

Tanline on cow slave, placeholder for cow outfit?

Restrain cow option is a little hidden. Too small resolution?


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
Last edited:


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
" Whether you want to mod the game or just read the code, you'll need to download . Open up Jack-o-nine-tails.exe in QGen and go for it. If you do, you could also help edit this wiki... please? "

In QGEN I cant open the exe, only the qsp file, is that the correct one to mod? looks iike its the correct one.
Last edited:


Feb 23, 2020
and theres new problem when i try to put slave in the prison it open the cryo sleep. dosen't matter if you already rent the cryo sleep from home or not
Already download the new code it fix the miliking and combat tech. but it seems you didnt notice the prison bug. and also the screenshot that i attach is that a bug too or i just need to redownload the picture?


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
" Whether you want to mod the game or just read the code, you'll need to download . Open up Jack-o-nine-tails.exe in QGen and go for it. If you do, you could also help edit this wiki... please? "

In QGEN I cant open the exe, only the qsp file, is that the correct one to mod? looks iike its the correct one.
You don't need to download qgen. It's already available in the qgen folder. And you need to open jack.qsp. After you're done editing, open the game by pressing run. That's where you need to open jack-o-nine-tails.exe

And sorry, I can't edit the wiki because it won't let me log in :(


- I can code, I guess :D
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2018
Already download the new code it fix the miliking and combat tech. but it seems you didnt notice the prison bug. and also the screenshot that i attach is that a bug too or i just need to redownload the picture?
Oooops. My bad :D Prison is fixed.

About the barn: I can't replicate that one. Can you give me the html please?
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote