
Sep 9, 2018
FYI, Slasher fans,
Finally one of his comics has "gotten out" again.
is available in JPEG version on 8 Muses. See link .

Thanks, as always to those who "cracked" (DRM) and "shared it". You're legends!
Fingers crossed others ( , , , & ) "get out" sometime soon.
I'm not an actual fan of the ultra violent BDSM in his stories (each to their own), but I do like his illustration style and the quality of his art.


Jun 9, 2017
i can't ownload it, os that only me or other to??

my browser say that i have no more connection...but i still have one


Jan 30, 2019
Read thru this thread and you and will see panicked posts like "I'm getting sued! Pull my upload!!", "They said I'm going to jail!", and "They are going to tell my boss/school about me". They do this to EVERYONE who shares. They are actually engaging in criminal behavior by threatening to do that stuff and it doesn't stop them. I've actually pointed it out in this thread and so have other people in other forums. That behavior has not stopped. Like I said DoFantasy is saying "You shared a comic? Oh great, I'm going to hurt you as bad as I can."
It just occurred to me that a lot of these "panicked" posts are fake. Dofantasy themselves made them to instill FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt)
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Sep 9, 2018
GillH, we all know that Dofantasy are almost constantly monitoring this thread!
A quick wave to the Dofantasy rats reading this, my middle finger salutes you! :LOL::ROFLMAO::p:D
It's why the posted links on this thread that can be taken down by Dofantasy putting pressure on hosts of those links, get taken down almost immediately. It’s why re-up’s / "mirrors" of links are constantly requested and are so important!
This thread / site and others like it scare the shit :poop: out of Dofantasy! Not just for the sharing of comic content, but (more importantly) the sharing of info, ideas and moral support! "ipsa scientia potestas est" - "Knowledge itself is power"!
I've learnt a lot about DRM, doxing etc from just reading through this thread. A lot of the IT tech stuff unfortunately goes over my head!
There are certainly cases where Dofantasy have been able to get hold of peoples info and have made threats to them, aside from the doxing, I really question if their threats of legal action etc are just "bark without any real bite", when you consider they are basically breaking the law via doxing etc and making other threats etc in the first place, and the fact they are the purveyors of porn containing rape, violent BDSM, torture, snuff etc. I can't see to many legit law firms wanting that case, or to many law courts (over numerous jurisdictions!) looking favourably at Dofantasy as a litigant!
I would agree totally with you that also some of the "panicked posts" are probably "FAKE NEWS" by Dofantasy to try to instil FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) as a tactic to try to scare and diminish unity.
I'm no expert, far from it, just someone giving my two cents worth. My rule of thumb is unless you're 100% sure what you're doing is secure then maintain 100% anonymity and paranoia (LOL). That said BE ALERT BUT NOT ALARMED, don't be scared off just because someone is waving a stick. Even more importantly, "United we stand, divided we fall", strength in numbers. So all the cliché’s aside, a huge thanks to those who host this thread / site and others like it, who provide a forum, and all those who "crack" or track down content to share and those who share knowledge. You’re all LEGENDS guys! :cool::):giggle::devilish:
PS - Stating the obvious, this thread and other sites exist in the first place, because Dofantasy over charge and don't provide a customer friendly process for product, so obviously people are going to look else where, so where does the blame lie! :poop:


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2017
484 / 485 / 488 / 490 / 494 Are available on usenet, just search for fansadox.

There are 25 different comics from 456 upwards available


New Member
Sep 23, 2017