VN Ren'Py Blackgate [v0.187] [Bane]

4.00 star(s) 3 Votes


Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019
TBH, I don't even think about Blackgate and its sad story outside of here.
There are just way too many Genuine games in this vein out there nowadays, I don't even have time to play all the Good / finished ones.
I think most people also moved on, instead of duelling on the thought of "If not for Bane, Blackgate could've been awesome". Can't remember but saw DarkGem's name popping up somewhere else.
It had the advantage of being a pioneer, if it comes out in this day and age, it won't even get there - especially with people's caution of crowdfunding fraud growing.
May the dead rest in the grave.
He calls them "rewrites". So a character might see their first update in a year or more be "rewrites" to an earlier night. Sometimes that meant that some words were swapped out for synonyms, sometimes that meant entire routes broke and became completely unplayable.
So like "Boiling Frog",
Anyone bought his "Rewrites" bullshit is already be tightly manipulated, even before it turned into a full scale scam. :KEK:
Cascatass really did a lot for making people realize just how bad things had gotten with the updates. I remember one of the major things he kept pointing out was that the "rewrites" completely broke Eterni's route, and Bane was content to just leave it unplayable for more than a year. Must have really sucked to be paying Bane at least $100 per update and your character's route isn't even playable anymore...

I've said it before but Bane is clever with hiding what he does. Cascatass almost definitely was the catalyst for the comments being locked off, but he didn't just turn them off immediately. He waited until Cascatass hadn't commented on a couple posts, then turned it off. So that it didn't look like it was a deliberate action to silence criticism. It's very transparent to anyone actually paying any attention, but that's not who he's aiming to take money from.
I agree with Sarkath, it's a simple "business decision" to turn off comments.
If I'm swindling people, I would shut down people who points out what I am doing, in my place, like Bane did.
He did infrequently make vague, cryptic posts on twitter. It basically amounts to, even though the project is completely dead, he's going to keep doing what he's doing. Even if people don't like what he's doing, he's going to do it anyway. So all we know for certain is that, as long as there is someone he can take money from for Blackgate, he will not stop. How burnt out or disinterested he may feel doesn't matter, because it won't make him stop.
I think, once the last patron has left, he'll just quietly step back, and eventually come back under a new name with a new project to try and do it all again.
That's a weird way to put it. "I won't stop scamming people, I like easy money with almost no efforts".:KEK:
Tho it does raise me an eyebow (The fact he puts out statement like that):
To play devil's advocate, it can also be from someone with severe mental disorder, to keep doing what his doing, without a single care about the consequences - tho I don't know bane, and this is none other's business, people shouldn't be taken advantage of.
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New Member
Nov 2, 2019
I agree that it had the makings of being one of the best games in the genre. I'm not even really into furry or anthro stuff, and I really liked it when I first played it in 2017. Interesting setting, great characters and some amazing art. It's a damn shame how it ended up.

I'm a bit surprised nobody has stepped up to usurp the throne. There are a lot of fantastic VNs out there, obviously, but nothing quite like Blackgate.
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New Member
Jan 22, 2021
After checking and comparing with 'vscode' the new releases i can confirm the obvious: nothing was updated.

Blackgate build 0.190 change log: +Krane Night 10 - Release date 27 september
Real changes: in the archive 'options.rpy' changed the two instances of version 0.189 to version 0.190

Blackgate build 0.191 change log: +Rotis Night 9 - Release date: 30 september
Real changes: in the archive 'options.rpy' changed the two instances of version 0.190 to version 0.191
Real release date: 7 october

For the past 4 years, i enjoy more the drama about the game and his creator that the game itself. Thx for your opinions =3


Apr 3, 2020
Ah, I'd mostly checked out by the time that mess started, as by that point he would regularly write changelogs like "+ Alin Night 8", and—surprise!—there wouldn't be a night 8.
Yeah, there were a lot of people asking all over the place how exactly you were supposed to progress past nights 6 and/or 7 to get to the 100% definitely real night 8.

So yeah, you'd pretty much define the characters and images, then direct the engine using a simplified scripting language. Pretty cool stuff, honestly, and I appreciate how it manages to be fairly powerful while still staying out of the way.
That just puts it even more into perspective just how little he was and is doing...
I am impressed by how simple they managed to make the process of putting a vn together. I can see why there are so many projects built in Ren'Py.

From what I remember, Crome was one of the first people to openly speak out against the project. Apparently Bane ghosted him pretty early on.

I know there have been a couple of people that signed up to the $50/$100 tiers after the original people in those tiers understandably bowed out. That had to have been a pretty nasty wake-up call for them.
He was. People just brushed it off at first. I remember people arguing about why Crome was in the wrong. Some people thought he was just mad because Bane didn't hand him complete creative control of the game. Some people thought he was mad that Bane wasn't prioritizing his route above all the others. Eventually people began to realize that the construction routes just weren't being updated, either as frequently as other routes, or at all in the case of Crome. Crome's got an update in 2017, which I think was around the time he spoke out and cancelled his membership. And in that update people were asking why some of the dialogue was still just copypasted from one of the other routes. The next time Crome got an update was in 2021, and only because people specifically told him to focus on the construction routes in a poll.

Anyone that signed up to the $100 tier probably hoped that either they'd get a new route added for them, or that they'd be edited in over someone like Crome. I doubt Bane even acknowledged them.

Honestly, I think it was the exact opposite. I believe that Bane simply ignored the comments until he realized exactly what was being said. I went through the project page, and Bane actively responded to positive/neutral comments on future posts immediately after disabling non-patron comments, only for that to eventually taper off and stop entirely.

I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even realize that non-patron comments were enabled.
He was briefly more active and started responding to comments, yes, but that's only because people on sites like Twitter and u18chan, places we know for a fact that Bane visited often, were openly discussing whether or not all of his patrons had solid grounds for a lawsuit. Construction routes being abandoned for years were brought up, and suddenly they started getting updates. The lack of the perks people were paying for, like polls, were brought up, and suddenly there were a handful of polls, one every couple months. If you told me there was more than 5 polls posted throughout the almost decade Blackgate has been on patreon, I'll genuinely be shocked. And I am almost 100% certain that the majority of the polls are from 2019 on, when people were talking about the lawsuit.

Bane's strategy has been to do as little as possible and be as vague about how much was done as possible. When he still had people working on the game with him, he'd often let them deal with any criticism. I find it very hard to believe that, at least on some level, he was, and is, unaware of what people were saying. Unless Patreon hides the option to disable public comments, I also find it hard to believe that for the better part of a decade, he just wasn't aware that the comments were public. He didn't disable them until the discussions about what he was doing began to fizzle out as people just stopped talking about a situation that clearly was not going to change. Why did he wait until after discussions died down to turn non-patron comments off? Because if he turned them off while people were actively talking about and looking at the project, they would know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he definitely was aware of at least some of the stuff being said, and just choosing to ignore and hide it. People have believed that he's just simply ignoring absolutely everything, and won't take accountability, but the handful of times he's vaguely alluded to being aware of what people think of him and the game says otherwise.

I admit, I could be wrong, but I don't believe that you can do something like what he is doing for most of a decade without being aware, at least on some level, of what people are saying.

If I were in Bane's position I'd feel like a complete piece of shit.
I think he does. He's gone radio silent where he used to be fairly active online. The stuff he does post is either an allusion to the negative perception about him, a vague statement that can be interpreted as self-loathing, or a post of something from Evangelion, in which I believe he is equating himself to Shinji (i.e. I try so hard to do what everyone demands of me, but it's still not good enough and everyone hates me regardless of how much I suffer for them.)

No matter how he feels about what he's doing, he intends to keep doing it. As bad as he may feel about himself for what he does, he doesn't feel bad enough to stop. And if I had to guess, I'd say that ignoring the people he's scamming makes it easier for him because he doesn't feel as guilty if he doesn't think about it. Not that that's an excuse, mind you.

In a way this is almost like a wake, except we're airing out dirty laundry rather than celebrating what it was. :)

Honestly, though, there's a certain comfort in knowing that other people feel the same way about something that you do. I think it's safe to say that a lot of the people here who are actively discussing this matter only feel so strongly about this because of how good the game is.
It's sad that the bad outweighs the good. I think the people who aren't discussing it because of how good it was are discussing it because of how upset they are by how much Bane has taken from them and/or others. I kinda fall into both camps. Convert how much Bane got out of me into my local currency and I could have put someone through college. I mean, it's my money and it's how I chose to spend it, but had I known how things would turn out, I'd have spent it on something else. I did put myself in the position to be exploited, but that doesn't mean I can't be upset about it.

I'm not sure if you follow Lilith's Throne at all, but the same sentiment exists among fans of that game, too. The reason people are so irritated about that game's glacial development (though at least it's making more forward progress than Blackgate!) is because it's such a unique game with an interesting premise.
I've tried it out, and I enjoyed it quite a lot. I did give the recent discussions around the game a brief look, and I saw a similar sense of irritation. As much as I enjoyed it, I thought I'd come back in a year or two and see how it's changed before playing too much and getting very invested in it. I do remember thinking, as disappointing as everyone says the updates are, at least the patch notes are more detailed than 'character updated'. I do hope that the development speeds up again, and that other projects take some inspiration from it with it's depth of customization and the turn based sex scenes. Sometimes you want something a little more interactive than the large blocks of text you get from stuff like TiTS.
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Apr 3, 2020
TBH, I don't even think about Blackgate and its sad story outside of here.
There are just way too many Genuine games in this vein out there nowadays, I don't even have time to play all the Good / finished ones.
I think most people also moved on, instead of duelling on the thought of "If not for Bane, Blackgate could've been awesome". Can't remember but saw DarkGem's name popping up somewhere else.
It had the advantage of being a pioneer, if it comes out in this day and age, it won't even get there - especially with people's caution of crowdfunding fraud growing.
I remember it every now and then. Usually when trying to find something that isn't still in development to play.
You're right about it being a pioneer. If you look at all the newer projects that are better written, and more complex narratively and mechanically, it's obvious that it wouldn't have the same following it had. I also think it had the benefit of having an extremely large roster of characters that covered a lot of varied tastes.
Blackgate is also a big reason for a lot of the caution with crowdfunding these kinds of projects.

That's a weird way to put it. "I won't stop scamming people, I like easy money with almost no efforts".:KEK:
Tho it does raise me an eyebow (The fact he puts out statement like that):
To play devil's advocate, it can also be from someone with severe mental disorder, to keep doing what his doing, without a single care about the consequences - tho I don't know bane, and this is none other's business, people shouldn't be taken advantage of.
He never outride said he won't stop scamming people. People would accuse him of letting the game die, and he'd respond with something along the lines of, "even if it's in the grave, I'll be in the grave with it, keeping it going." The implication being that he's going to keep doing exactly what he's doing: releasing 'updates' and double charging for them.

You can argue that mental health played a big part in his actions. He has made statements in the past that support that. If I remember correctly, seasonal depression was one he directly talked about. Mental disorders should be taken seriously, and if they are the cause of the problem, be transparent. If he had just explained that to everyone 6 years ago, things would have gone very differently. Either way, it's not an excuse for his consistent pattern of behavior.
Be honest, and get help, help that he could probably afford with how much Blackgate was making.
Instead he chose to just take everyone's money and ignore them.


Apr 3, 2020
After checking and comparing with 'vscode' the new releases i can confirm the obvious: nothing was updated.

Blackgate build 0.190 change log: +Krane Night 10 - Release date 27 september
Real changes: in the archive 'options.rpy' changed the two instances of version 0.189 to version 0.190

Blackgate build 0.191 change log: +Rotis Night 9 - Release date: 30 september
Real changes: in the archive 'options.rpy' changed the two instances of version 0.190 to version 0.191
Real release date: 7 october
Wait wait wait. I don't know if I'm understanding this correctly.

Are you saying that the only update Bane made to at least the last 2 versions of the game was to literally JUST change the version number???

And what do you mean by the real release date? Was it another case of Bane just not updating the download links until the 7th?


New Member
Jan 22, 2021
Wait wait wait. I don't know if I'm understanding this correctly.

Are you saying that the only update Bane made to at least the last 2 versions of the game was to literally JUST change the version number???

And what do you mean by the real release date? Was it another case of Bane just not updating the download links until the 7th?
Yes, the only changes made to the vn was changing the version number. I checked the files with VScode, that lets you compare two archives and mark all the differences automatically.
And i think the two previous were the same type of update (just changing the number), and only uploaded one of the two 'updates'.

I am refering to the 'real release date' to the date he uploaded the second update. He made the post in patreon the 30 of september, but uploaded the game the 7 of october (you can see the exact date of upload in the mediafire link) I was waiting for it for doing the comparison.
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Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
That just puts it even more into perspective just how little he was and is doing...
I am impressed by how simple they managed to make the process of putting a vn together. I can see why there are so many projects built in Ren'Py.
Definitely! It seems like it's really great at getting out the way and letting the author do their thing.

Twine is kind of the same thing for CYOA-style text adventures. At its most basic it's incredibly visual, allowing authors to connect passages together in a spacial arrangement. If you know JavaScript, however, you can dive in deeper and create some highly interactive and complex games with it (Degrees of Lewdity and]Dawn of Corruption come to mind).

Anyone that signed up to the $100 tier probably hoped that either they'd get a new route added for them, or that they'd be edited in over someone like Crome. I doubt Bane even acknowledged them.
I remember that happening at least once when I was still paying attention to the comments. Poor guy. >_<

Unless Patreon hides the option to disable public comments, I also find it hard to believe that for the better part of a decade, he just wasn't aware that the comments were public. He didn't disable them until the discussions about what he was doing began to fizzle out as people just stopped talking about a situation that clearly was not going to change.
I think it would be pretty easy to completely ignore comments: just disable e-mail notifications.

I find it hard to believe that he'd have an ulterior motive for leaving them on. Whenever I'm scouting out a Patreon campaign, the first thing I do is go back a couple months and check a) the frequency of updates, b) the amount of content in each major update, and c) the comments on the update posts. B is generally more important than A (if a game only updates every couple months but has hours of new content, that easily trumps the number of updates, but consistency does still matter to some degree), but C is critical. If I (or, I'd like to think, anyone) saw the absolute mess in the comments of Blackgate's posts, I wouldn't give him a dime. A few naysayers is one thing, but it's another thing when they heavily outweigh your defenders.

Another reason I believe he has notifications disabled is specifically because of his pre- and post-disable behavior. At first he didn't respond to comments at all, for quite a length of time. Then the public comments were disabled and throughout the next few update posts he was semi-active, responding to peoples' questions (most of which were along the lines of "Android version when?"), and now that he realizes that the status quo has been reachieved, he can now blissfully ignore them again.

As for why he would let things go:

I think he does. He's gone radio silent where he used to be fairly active online. The stuff he does post is either an allusion to the negative perception about him, a vague statement that can be interpreted as self-loathing, or a post of something from Evangelion, in which I believe he is equating himself to Shinji (i.e. I try so hard to do what everyone demands of me, but it's still not good enough and everyone hates me regardless of how much I suffer for them.)
He feels like shit, but isn't willing to change, or is in complete denial as to how much of a scumbag he is. Or either one, depending on the day.

It's sad that the bad outweighs the good. I think the people who aren't discussing it because of how good it was are discussing it because of how upset they are by how much Bane has taken from them and/or others. I kinda fall into both camps. Convert how much Bane got out of me into my local currency and I could have put someone through college. I mean, it's my money and it's how I chose to spend it, but had I known how things would turn out, I'd have spent it on something else. I did put myself in the position to be exploited, but that doesn't mean I can't be upset about it.
Patreon is kind of odd when it comes to how you fund creators. Even on projects that I wholeheartedly believe in, I've given them more than I would pay for the final product if it were released on Steam or Itch. It's less about paying for a product and more about paying the people to make said product. On one hand, some products would not even exist without this sort of crowd-funding, but many of the people running these products are either one-person affairs and/or they lack the ability to actually manage such a project.

I've tried it out, and I enjoyed it quite a lot. I did give the recent discussions around the game a brief look, and I saw a similar sense of irritation. As much as I enjoyed it, I thought I'd come back in a year or two and see how it's changed before playing too much and getting very invested in it. I do remember thinking, as disappointing as everyone says the updates are, at least the patch notes are more detailed than 'character updated'.
They're detailed, yes, but many of the line items are incredibly small for how much time can pass between updates. Some of the most common changes include adding items and species, both of which can be done in 5-10 minutes, tops. Most of the long-standing performance issues the game has over long runs are still alive and well, and the main quest is moving along at a fairly glacial pace. Refactoring is also a fairly common thing, and that can lead to some pretty monstrous-looking Git commits (and can be done in a couple minutes).

I will admit that development of LT does appear to have legitimately sped up. About a year ago most of the changelog consisted of third-party changes, but things seem to have balanced out since then.
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New Member
Jan 22, 2021
You think halloween is spooky?
Spooky is Blackgate's updates, because you can't see them XD

Blackgate build 0.193 change log: Alin Night 8 - Release date 31 October
Real changes: in the archive 'options.rpy' changed the two instances of version 0.191 to version 0.193

Blackgate build 0.192 change log: Plox Night 8 - Release date: never
Real changes: you can not change anything that does not exist (I can not find Plox night 8)


New Member
Dec 4, 2023
It's real tragedy how the vn stopped written as much, I only knew about the game when it was most famous I think, didn't knew what was happening in Patreon.. The game was very enjoyable tho, the fantasy setting and each char's story was unique.

And as one commenter said mental health might be the issue for him here, and honestly the depressing story in his work feels more sophisticated than any other VN I've seen, maybe it had piece of him in it..
Anyhow transparency would been nice as they pointed out, but it would been hard for him to be judged by other people.. I kinda understand as I'm from Asia. But I hope one day this work will be finished even by means of fan edit.


Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019
It's real tragedy how the vn stopped written as much, I only knew about the game when it was most famous I think, didn't knew what was happening in Patreon.. The game was very enjoyable tho, the fantasy setting and each char's story was unique.

And as one commenter said mental health might be the issue for him here, and honestly the depressing story in his work feels more sophisticated than any other VN I've seen, maybe it had piece of him in it..
Anyhow transparency would been nice as they pointed out, but it would been hard for him to be judged by other people.. I kinda understand as I'm from Asia. But I hope one day this work will be finished even by means of fan edit.
Funny you Gaslight the fact The Dev is actively Manipulating and Grifting (what's left), and using "mental health" as excuse - it could be a cause, but that doesn't make it OK.

I don't know what Asia Culture you are from, but no one deserves to be exploited, not their money, nor their time / emotion.
Whether the dev acts in bad faith doesn't matter at this point, Damage is done and he's still at it.

To put into perspective, many devs suffer from hardship, but rarely any resolves to what Bane is doing - And we don't even know if Bane really is struggling, or just want easy money.

It's a shame, for sure. But dwelling in the past leads to no outcome.
Just move on, There are many Great Games come out and coming.


New Member
Dec 4, 2023
Funny you Gaslight the fact The Dev is actively Manipulating and Grifting (what's left), and using "mental health" as excuse - it could be a cause, but that doesn't make it OK.

I don't know what Asia Culture you are from, but no one deserves to be exploited, not their money, nor their time / emotion.
Whether the dev acts in bad faith doesn't matter at this point, Damage is done and he's still at it.

To put into perspective, many devs suffer from hardship, but rarely any resolves to what Bane is doing - And we don't even know if Bane really is struggling, or just want easy money.

It's a shame, for sure. But dwelling in the past leads to no outcome.
Just move on, There are many Great Games come out and coming.
Didn't said author will finish the work himself, I'm aware of what's happening in Patreon


Jul 10, 2019
Funny you Gaslight the fact The Dev is actively Manipulating and Grifting (what's left), and using "mental health" as excuse - it could be a cause, but that doesn't make it OK.

I don't know what Asia Culture you are from, but no one deserves to be exploited, not their money, nor their time / emotion.
Whether the dev acts in bad faith doesn't matter at this point, Damage is done and he's still at it.

To put into perspective, many devs suffer from hardship, but rarely any resolves to what Bane is doing - And we don't even know if Bane really is struggling, or just want easy money.

It's a shame, for sure. But dwelling in the past leads to no outcome.
Just move on, There are many Great Games come out and coming.
Wtf are you talking about and ranting about? Like nothing of what you said makes sense
Aug 2, 2019
Update 0.205 and we still never go past night 10 lol
VNs and porn games have been developed and completed and not a damn route has been completed even though each route was supposed to span 13 days in total. I won't be surprised if some decides to hijack this vn and give it a proper relaunch and rewrite. Hoping someone competent like echo team.
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Jul 10, 2019
It's amazing you guys still keeping a tab on it.

Tell me, how can you expect a dead game that nobody "actually" working on to get new contents? :KEK:
I decided to aactually go and take a look and that's a bold face lie. As far as I see there's many updates and the latest day is day 9 and 8. Are they big or substantial? Proboably, haven't played any of the newer updates in a long time, but I'd gladly play more of this game as it's literally one of 2 horror adult furry VN that doesn't have 99% humans/females and both story and artwork are amazing
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4.00 star(s) 3 Votes