[R>Artist 2D] [R>Artist 3D] [R>Programmer] [R>Writer] Looking to Start a Dev Team

Aug 16, 2020
I am looking to start a dev team. I, myself, am a writer. I have learned a few things for sugarcube but nothing beyond the most basic of basics.

Essentially, I am planning on being the creative director (don't worry I am no tyrant haha). As of right now I have a ton of ideas but nothing that I am set in stone on. Ideally, we would be creating a dev team and no just a single game collaboration. I am personally okay with keeping things anonymous for those who want to, but I am also okay with not.

- foreverlosthere but ideally we would make a dev team name.

Looking for:
The positions needed are:


*Technically we can move forward and use just real porn if there are no artists interested. But having art would be prefered.
**This is a must have to get this off the ground seeing as I am not one myself.
***This is more of an additional position due to me being a writer myself. If you are a writer interested in joining that's excellent! Seeing as my main goal is to be creative director, having a head writer would be helpful.
****Not a necessity but definitely can come in handy. A good graphic can make a big difference in aesthetic.
*****This is primarily a luxury. Bonus if you do art and animate! We likely will only need this position if we have artists first.
******This isn't essential but would be a major relief on not only the writers but the team overall. Knowing someone is there to proof everything!

Employment Type:
As of right now, this offer is a ground floor thing meaning there is no immediate pay or salary. No existing patreon, nothing of the sort. This would be a full clean start. The goal would be a patreon once we have the content to warrant it.

Work commitment:
- Ideally it would be long term but since there would be no pay at the start, the commitment is really up to you. But with the eventual goal to make money, the idea would be for it to be a part-time, long term thing.

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord works for me, bit open to suggestions!

Job Description:
- Like previously stated, I am planning on serving as the creative director and as a writer. The positions requested are what are needed to at least get this off the ground. If you have any skills that you can stack on top, a bonus, but not required. If you have an recommendations for people, concerns about joining, or questions in general, please don't hesitate and I will respond as soon as I can.

Additional comments:
Now, with this all said if you can do more than one positions and want to please let me know. I don't want to put to much expectation on anyone. The goal for this team is to join people who do this because they enjoy it, and if we make money through it that's a bonus.

Please be kind to each other when replying to this. I have no expectation of anyone joining and I want those who are at the very least curious, to be allowed to be just that if they want.

You may also PM me if you'd prefer not to reply to this post publicly. Thank you for taking the time to read.

If you want to check out something I've worked on to see if you even like my style, check out the link below. Just, please only judge me based on the story haha, like I said I'm for sure no programmer. I also have taken a major hiatus from it due to screwing myself over with how I started coding it to where I ended up... whoops, rookie mistake. Anyway, here's the link:

Aug 16, 2020
Because it was mentioned in another place where I put this reach out, I am going to state it here as well. The thing that I would be bringing to the table is creative direction, management, writing, and an open mind. I am a DM in real life as well as work in the entertainment industry (behind the scenes stuff) so I know how to connect departments ideas and make the workflow feel good. I also have some knowledge of sugarcube/html coding, the basics. I'm mainly wanting to build a dev team because I enjoy working with people. It's my prefered way or working on projects.

With that knowledge if you are still interested, here is my idea for the game I would want to build with others.

The idea that is really driving me to find a team is:

An RPG/Gatcha/Sandbox game. Sounds crazy looking at it like that, but if done right, I think would be such a fun experience.

Ideally my goal would be something that could have longevity through expansions, character adds, and so on so forth.

The story would follow the main character (customized, male/female/trans) as they are isekai'd to a world where sex is power.

Combat would be sex based instead of actual fighting. Similar to how games like Mythic Heroes, AFK Journey does it. Meaning there can be manual strategy and auto combat.

The Gatcha portion would also be similar to those games. Where the players recruit characters and make them stronger, and more experienced. Ideally start with a handful of characters and add more with expansions.

The RPG element would be the idea of gaining gear for the main character and recruits. As well as having the story be choice based. This will allow for players to have multiple routes to go with the story so it doesn't feel like they are just playing a gatcha game. Story is my main love, and I would rather tweak the gatcha part to fit more with a choice based story.

Lastly, the sandbox element would allow for locations for grinding resources, buying items, talking to characters, and so on. Similar to how many point and click games work like Sex Note or Summertime Saga.

As for my idea of expansions, this should be fairly obvious. Like most expansions it would just add more to the lore and story, add characters, increase level cap, add locations, ect.

The expansions would be similar to mmorpg's where they would be named something and themed. Similar to how Destiny 2 or FFXIV does it. Ie: The Witch Queen, Endwalkers, ect.

Portrait mode is what I'm picturing in my head, but would be open to doing landscape.

The main plot for the base story would be that the people of the world see the main character as a god, savior, or both. Appearing out of no where like they did. The first character they met would be the one to lead the charge on this idea.

There would be a "evil" force who is wanting the world to not be sex based and is trying to make everyone become more dignified and prudish. So it's up to the main character now to keep this world's corruption and keep the sex alive.

As for trying to reach the most amount of audiences and fetishes, I think we would need to talk as a team first and see what we all would want first and then discuss how to implement it best.

If I am missing anything or need to clarify on anything please let me know, I did type this our pretty fast so I easily could have missed something haha.

I do ask kindly that no one steal this idea please. I've had it happen before so I get a bit worried about sharing ideas publicly but I'm putting my trust out there *insert uwu fingers*


May 12, 2018
first of all it seem to me your ideal for this project is very big.

the first thing you need to find is a direction who know what to do, it seem to me you don't know how to make a complex game ( i can't say for sure since i don't know you).
as there is many system that you plan to put in, but as you say you don't know how to code so i take it you don't know how to design any of the system at all.

to make a game first thing is the design of all the system ( have a detail ideal) and how they connect to each other, the way you say how they connect to each other is far too simple , it will not work when making it.

Gatcha system is not as simple as one may think . and what you write it does not seem like a Gatcha system but a companion only.

i advise you to talk to a game designer or copy a game system (not many game into one),

so in short, your game plan is too big, you don't have a design system and no leader to lead.
Last edited:
Jan 19, 2022
Programmer here

Do you have an idea on what you would want for a core gameplay loop? I could help you kickstart things. Also are you talking about 3d or 2d kind of game?

Let me know
Aug 16, 2020
Programmer here

Do you have an idea on what you would want for a core gameplay loop? I could help you kickstart things. Also are you talking about 3d or 2d kind of game?

Let me know
Was definitely leaning toward something like AFK Journey, Mythic Heroes. Essentially gatcha game combat. Where you place the recruits and they for the most part auto battle. Just for this kinda game the battle animation would just be lewd, and likely very simple to look at.

Also for 2D or 3D, was thinking like a 2.5D situation, where it's mostly 2D art but has 3D elements.
Aug 16, 2020
first of all it seem to me your ideal for this project is very big.

the first thing you need to find is a direction who know what to do, it seem to me you don't know how to make a complex game ( i can't say for sure since i don't know you).
as there is many system that you plan to put in, but as you say you don't know how to code so i take it you don't know how to design any of the system at all.

to make a game first thing is the design of all the system ( have a detail ideal) and how they connect to each other, the way you say how they connect to each other is far too simple , it will not work when making it.

Gatcha system is not as simple as one may think . and what you write it does not seem like a Gatcha system but a companion only.

i advise you to talk to a game designer or copy a game system (not many game into one),

so in short, your game plan is too big, you don't have a design system and no leader to lead.
I mean, the goal is to copy a game system. Most AFK gatcha games follow a similar format. I'm just wanting to make the story element of Gatcha games more appealing by being choice based.


Jan 24, 2024
Hi, I'm a programmer proficient in game engines like Renpy and Unreal Engine.
If you are still looking for a programmer PM me.


New Member
Apr 20, 2024
I’m experienced in graphic design, like for (Ren’Py ‘scene’ bgs, graphic edits, social media content, etc) and have some webdesign / web development knowledge.
For some reason I can’t send you a PM, send me one if you’re interested.


Oct 5, 2020
Hey, I'm a programmer and writer, I don't have experience, but I'd love to get some working with you. Hit me up on discord, it's cpt_schultz